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1. We decorate our house for Christmas.

2. Everyone is getting ready for Jesus’ birth.

3. Do you finish your shopping before Christmas Eve?

4. It takes 15 minutes to bake these Christmas cookies.

5. We don’t do a Secret Santa at my school.

6. The Three Kings visit Jesus on January 6th.

7. Do you have a Christmas stocking?

8. Jesus is born in Bethlehem.

9. We don’t celebrate Chrstmas at our house.

10. Do you put up your Christmas tree?

11. Christmas trees come from Germany.

12. I buy Christmas presents for my friends and family.

13. My friends and I go caroling and drink hot chocolate afterwards.

14. They sell Christmas ornaments in that shop.

15. Is there a Christmas pageant at your school?

16. Do you go to midnight mass?

17. Kids write letters to Santa and send them to the North Pole.

18. We leave cookies for Santa, and he eats them.

19. My cat sometimes breaks Christmas ornaments.

20. Do you watch Christmas movies on TV?

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