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Are we leaving safe planet for our successor?

“Our future generations will judge us not by what we say, but what we do.”
Today’s world in which we are living is advancing towards Technology which just seemed like a
fantasy few centuries ago. We came a long way from an uncivilised to a civilised society, which
is very great but questions arise that, “is this technological advancement worth so for our
future successors.” Actually, no all we are doing is exploiting our mother planet Earth in the
name of development. We’re recklessly wasting our primary and important resources without
any second thought about our upcoming generations. Many non-renewable resources are on
verge of exhaustion. On other hand, Pollution, which is a major problem that will eventually
become our reason of destruction. Glaciers are melting, ocean level is rising and many studies
suggest that many Port Cities will be drown by the end of century. Moreover, Invention of
Hydrogen bomb for warfare, Terrorism, Civil wars is life threating for human survival. This all
emphasise on the fact that we’re not leaving a safe planet for our successors. This is a high
time that we should start taking measures for making a good and healthy environment for us
and our successors. One of good strategy which was introduced in Rio summit 1992 is
Sustainable Development, which is an organizing principle for meeting human development
goals while simultaneously sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural
resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend. It is our
responsibility to make this world a better place in every aspect for us and our successors.

This is Yuvraj Kushwaha from section A of 11th Standard. My hobbies are Sketching, Cooking
and Watching Documentaries and Web series and writing articles. My Passion is to pursue my
higher studies in Astronomy as my major subject. The Aim of my life is to become
Astrophysicist in ISRO

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