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Utilitarianism Research Sheet


Why does utilitarianism have a problem with partiality?

What is Mill’s “principle of harm”?

Distinction between harm and mere offence - not every unwelcome consequence for others
counts as harm. The only instance in which a government or authority can exercise power over
an individual, against his will, is to prevent harm to others.
In other words - free to do whatever you want to do, until those actions that you undertake
impact significantly on others

What is the “rule worship” objection to rule utilitarianism?

Act utilitarians criticize rule utilitarians for irrationally supporting rule-based actions in
cases where more good could be done by violating the rule than obeying it.
E.g. breaking the speed limit in order to get someone to hospital faster

What is the “undermining trust” objection to utilitarianism?

In an act utilitarian society, people’s behaviour would lack the kind of predictability and
consistency that are required to sustain trust and social stability. We wouldn’t be able to trust
friends and family to keep promises as they are just going act in a way that maximises utility.
Can’t trust that judges will act according to the law.

Response to this – rule utilitarianism

Ethicism purely because I can’t think of a piece of art or music that promotes something and it

Moderate moralism
Moderate autonomism

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