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1. What is the opinion of the writer about technology?

-Since we live in a technologically advanced society, technology is a necessity in every aspect

of our lives. For instance, it has created the strongest communication link possible between all
people on the planet, allowing them to stay in touch wherever they are and speak with anyone.

2. Do you agree with the writer? Why? Why not?

-Yes, I agree with the author's argument that technology is robbing children of very important
talents they'll need in the future, like cultivating social skills.

3. State the first argument of the writer? The first argument of the writer is
-We can refer to creativity in using clever technology. We also need to refer to ethical and moral
judgment in contemplating its usage. The writer's first point is concerning technology because,
sometimes, it does something unpleasant to us.

4. What is the conclusion of the writer?

-That there is no doubt that the development of technology is a blessing, but despite the fact
that it has more drawbacks than advantages, it has nonetheless accelerated global progress.

5. If you were to write a position paper what will be your stance about technology?
-Technology is an interesting topic because it has a wide range of benefits and drawbacks that
can be discussed in a position paper. If given the choice, I would support technology's positive
effects because it has always benefited humankind. however, the way people abuse technology
dims the technology's positive effects. In my opinion, everything can be used for good or bad.
Therefore, when discussing technology, there may be consequences for the future of our world,
as the author suggested. Due to progressive inventions in our time, it may contribute to a
society that loses sight of morals and social skills. Technology is necessary for progress, but its
effects must be managed.

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