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Insights about Introduction to Management

The success of an organization can be traced back to the way it is managed.

Whether you are talking of a small to medium-sized or a large establishment,
management is so crucial to be overlooked. Without it, there’s a risk that the entity
will not stay in the industry for a foreseeable future. Lack of proper management
could lead to issues that will eventually endanger the entity as a going concern.

Management is the force that unifies various resources and is the process of
bringing them together and coordinating them to help accomplish organization goals.
Management is both a science as well as art.It is an inexact science.

However, its principles are distinguished from practice and are of universal
application. Management does not yet completely fulfill all the criteria of a profession.
There are three levels of management - top, middle and lower.

Managers at different levels of the organization require and use different types
of skills. Lower level managers require and use a greater degree of technical skill
than high level managers, while higher level managers require and use a greater
degree of conceptual skill. Human skills are important at all managerial levels.

As you can tell, it is impossible to overlook the importance of management in

an organization. The direct opposite of sound management is mismanagement. With
it comes confusion, lack of direction and ultimately, failure. Even if you are your own
boss, do what it takes to plan, organize, direct, and control what you do. That’s what
a good manager does.

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