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Wednesday 8th December

→ He came from nothing :

- Name : Abraham Lincoln
- Birth Place : Kentucky (Fried Chicken)
- Parents : His mother and his father
- His mother died when he was 9
- He grew up in a log cabin
→ He achieved success :
- He became the 16th President of U.S.A when he was 51
- He passed the 13th Amendment when he was 54
- He abolished slavery (so he ended the Civil War) when he was 56
→ How did he do it ? :
Difficulties :
- He lost his mother when he was 9
- He lost his job when he was 23
- He was defeated for the legislature when he was 23
- He failed in buisness when he was 24
- Sweetheart died when he was 26
- He had nervous breakdown when he was 27
- He was defeated of Speakers of the House of Illinois when he was 29
- He was defeated for nomination for Congress when he was 34
- He lost re-nomination when he was 39
- He was rejected for Land Officer when he was 40
- He was defeated for the Senate when he was 45
- He was defeated for nomination for Vice-President when he was 47
- He was again defeated for the Senate when he was 49
- And he was assassinated when he was 56
→ 3 adjectives describing him :
- Murdered
(- Determined (There's 12 difficulties in the list against 2 achievement in the
other list))
- Great
→ Dead :
- He was murdered on April 15th 1865 when he was 56

Abraham Lincoln was born in 1809 in Kentucky and grew up in a log cabin.
Unfortunately, his mother died when he was 9, in 1818.
In 1832, he lost his job and was defeated for the legislature. When he was 24, he
failed in buisness. Two years later, his fiancée died. He sufferedfrom a nervous
breakdown when he was 27. Even more, he was defeated for Speakers of the
House of Illinois in 1838 and five years later he was defeated for nomination for
When he was 39, he lost re-nomination and next year he was rejected for Land
Officer. In 1854 he was defeated for the Senate; he will again in 1858. When he
was 47, he was defeated for nomination for Vice-President before finaly be
elected President of the United States of America in 1860, he was 51. He passed
the 13th Amendment when he was 54 and he abolished slavery (what ended Civil
War) two years later for being murdered on April 15th 1865.

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