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Holiday Home Work

Session 2022-23
Learning is Fun

Grade 5 to 8
Support your learning through LMS
1.Refer to already completed lessons and attempt Interactive activities, quiz and worksheets from LMS
to practice concepts at your own pace.

2. Refer to course on Skill education (Classes 6-8) at LMS compete first 2 units along with support

3. Refer to course on Research Methodology (Class 5) at LMS Complete first unit and think about the
community project you would like to take up, do background research to support your project idea.

4.Teachers will assign identified research-based activities from IPBL-1 to be marked for PA3.

5. From Worksheets/ Refence Math textbook ensure you do 2-4 questions everyday in a practice

21st Century Skill Development Activities -

Imagination & Creativity (individual)

 "Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you
imagine and at last you create what you will."

- George Bernard Shaw

Create an imaginary character using shapes, built a story around your character highlighting any social
or environmental concern appeal to you. Identify and list SDGs considered.

You can either draw your character on paper/ digitally draw & create a photo story using digital tools


You can also make a model using paper cuttings, clips, and waste material available, write a story around
your character in a A4 size sheet.


Create a flip book to narrate a story around your imaginary character with animation effects.

Use any other mode of expression as per your choice

Problem Solving & Innovation (Group)

“There’s a way to do it better. Find it. “

Thomas Edison 
Innovation is not always about discovering new things but also finding new ways of doing things.

Look around yourself at your home / school find out things where you feel improvement is required,

list down these areas.

Discuss and choose one problem and look at it from different perspectives of all types of users.

After understanding the problem deeply, brainstorm for solutions.

Suggest one of the promising solutions.

You may present your ideas using few slides / 3d model or any other way that interests you.

3. Reading and Comprehension skills (individual)

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
– Margaret Fuller
To nurture reading and comprehension skills, students will read any two-story books of their choice in
English and Hindi respectively and prepare a “Book Talk” for one Hindi & one English book they read.

Book talk is an interesting way of presenting your learnings from a book you read keeping some things
undisclosed such that you motivate your class mates to read the book.

Book talks can be recorded as a video / written in an A4 Sheet.

Teacher can share Padlet link to collate these videos, & scan of text prepared class and language wise.

Grade 1 to 4
Support your learning through MS Teams -
Following can be completed during the vacation period to support learning.

1. Teacher will identify and assign few research-based activities from IPBL1.
2. Heritage education- Resources like relevant presentation, handout along WS 1 & 2 can be
provided through teams for reinforcement and completion of WSs.
3. Teacher can provide few activities in self pace learning mode- Use video input/ Presentation
prepared followed by quiz, live worksheets, word-wall, and other interactive resources created
based on the topics already covered. These can be provided as learning support material on MS
Teams platform.
4. Few practice sheets from workbooks to practice concepts already done. Ensure that you do at
least two Math problems everyday in your workbook / practice notebook

21st Century Skill Development Activities –

Discovery & Exploration (individual)

“The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.”

-Thomas Alva Edison.

1.Discovering form transitions in the Environment-

Nature keeps changing its forms, pick any one example as per your experience and understanding, draw
and demonstrate form transition.

(For eg- a seed turning into a full bloom tree undergoes many forms transformation stages)

You can present your ideas using appropriate visuals and text, 3 D models, Presentation, or any other
way as per your choice.

2. Power of Questioning (individual)


Bernard Baruch

Every leaf has a Story –

Morning walks not only makes you fit but also gives you opportunity to feel oneness with nature. Take a
walk to nearby park and collect few leaves you find interesting.

Take a chart paper and divide it to four equal parts.

Use center 2 parts and paste leaves collected. Fold 2 outer parts so that it looks like a card.

Carefully observe leaves you collected and write down your observations on the top left part of the
chart card.

Your observations will lead to number of questions you would like to ask. Write down all the questions
you have in your mind on top right part of chart card. Discuss these questions with your parents,
grandparents and try and find out answers.

You can present your new knowledge in the inner folds of chart creatively.

Share it with your class mates once you join back after vacation.

3. Reading and Comprehension skills (individual)

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”
– Margaret Fuller

To develop reading and comprehension skills,

Students will read any two-story books of their choice one in English and another in Hindi.

Identify an interesting character from each of these books.

Draw and prepare character sketch and write very briefly book name, language, name of character and
why you liked them. (Use A4 Sheets)

Teacher can share Padlet link to collate scan of document prepared by class and language wise.

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