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This first edition was written for Lua 5.0.

While still largely relevant for later versions, there are

some differences.
The fourth edition
targets Lua 5.3 and is available at Amazon and other bookstores.
By buying the book, you also help to support the Lua project.

Programming in Lua
Part I. The Language
Chapter 7. Iterators and the Generic for

7.4 – Iterators with Complex State

Frequently, an iterator needs to keep more state than fits into
a single
invariant state and a control variable.
The simplest solution is to use closures.
An alternative solution is to pack all it needs into a table
and use this table as
the invariant state for the iteration.
Using a table, an iterator can keep as
much data as it needs
along the loop.
Moreover, it can change that data as it
Although the state is always the same table
(and therefore invariant),
table contents change along the loop.
Because such iterators have all their
data in the state,
they typically discard the second argument
provided by the
generic for
(the iterator variable).

As an example of this technique,

we will rewrite the iterator allwords,
traverses all the words from the current input file.
This time, we will keep its
state using a table with two fields,
line and pos.

The function that starts the iteration is simple.

It must return the iterator
function and the initial state:

local iterator -- to be defined later

function allwords ()

local state = {line =, pos = 1}

return iterator, state


The iterator function does the real work:

function iterator (state)

while state.line do -- repeat while there are lines

-- search for next word

local s, e = string.find(state.line, "%w+", state.pos)

if s then -- found a word?

-- update next position (after this word)

state.pos = e + 1

return string.sub(state.line, s, e)

else -- word not found

state.line = -- try next line...

state.pos = 1 -- ... from first position



return nil -- no more lines: end loop


Whenever it is possible,
you should try to write stateless iterators,
those that
keep all their state in the for variables.
With them, you do not create new
objects when you start a loop.
If you cannot fit your iteration into that model,
then you should try closures.
Besides being more elegant,
typically a closure is
more efficient
than an iterator using tables:
First, it is cheaper to create a
closure than a table;
second, access to upvalues is faster than
access to table
Later we will see yet another way to write iterators,
with coroutines.
This is the most powerful solution,
but a little more expensive.

Copyright © 2003–2004 Roberto Ierusalimschy. All rights reserved.

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