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1)a)i)water and antibodies

ii)it has more protein and more lipids. Proteins is required to make tissue and lipids are source of
energy. Seals have a greater imbalance of seals they have more energy, excess energy results in more fat
thus more blubber and insulation. The seals has 9.86* and 9.61* lipids.

b)i)it contains no double bonds

ii)657 466

iii) animals have a greater proportion of saturated fats than plants material. 191 mg per g milk more
unsaturated from vegans





b)same level of activity and same volume of breakfast and have same volume of other supplements
during the day duration and health factors and same starting mass .

c)the subjects that no breakfast had a higher mean bmi than those who ate fruit and vegitable1.5 above
cooked cereal, 0.5 above fruit and veg, 0.5 above breads, 0.85 above ready-to-eat cereal metabolic rate
will be lower who skip breakfast

d)people who cereal have he lowest BMI of all groups.The BMI helps reduce blood pressure and the
dietary fibers which are in the food cant be digested but it helps lower absorption of cholesterol and this
reduces the risk of atherosclerosis

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