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First and foremost, I would like to thank God for giving me the strength and wisdom
to earn this master’s degree. My graduation is indeed the most valuable gift I have
My deepest gratitude to the following person who helped me for what I am today.
To our president of __________for providing us excellent and quality higher
To our consultant of ______________________, for his/her understanding,
guidance, and wholehearted support during our masteral.
To our beloved __________________ for sharing us their expertise in their
respective field.
To our panelist in oral defense _______________________________, to our
statistician ____________, to our proofreader and rapporteur __________ and to
our facilitator in oral defense _________ for their constant supervision and
To my adviser _________ for her immeasurable kindness of giving me the guidance,
support, knowledge, and wisdom that I need.
To our principal in ________________ and to the Division of _______ for giving me
the permit to study.
To my colleague in _______ for being my friend.
Last but not the least to my family for their love and support and for providing
everything I need and serves as my inspiration.


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