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HW2: 2105681 Catalyst Deactivation

Answer the following two questions

Figure 1. Arrhenius plot of an anonymous equation

Question 1: From the plot above, complete the following table

rate constant (k) ln(rate constant) temperature (K) 1/T (K-1)

2.72 1.00 400.00 2.50E-03

4.06 1.40 425.53 2.35E-03

6.05 1.80 450.45 2.22E-03

9.03 2.20 473.93 2.11E-03

13.46 2.60 500.00 2.00E-03

20.09 3.00 526.32 1.90E-03

29.96 3.40 549.45 1.82E-03

 Note that ln is the natural logarithm

HW2: 2105681 Catalyst Deactivation

Question 2: From the plot above, the linear regression between the X and Y of
the plot is found to be Y = -3510X + 9.6729. Determine the activation energy
(Ea) of this reaction in the unit of kJ/mol (Given that the gas constant,
R = 8.314 J/mol-K)

-Ea/R = -3510


Ea=29182.14 J/mol

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