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German, Gabriela E.

HM - 1B

President Corazon Aquino Speech during the Joint Session of the U.S.
Congress, September 18, 1986


Cory Aquino gave a brief biography of Ninoy Aquino Sr. in the opening of his
address as a devoted spouse, a patient parent, and a man who values his
community and other people. Additionally, Cory Aquino discussed about the
sad incidents that took place in the Philippines after martial law was declared.
First to recommend that the populace be made aware of Marcos' misdeeds
was Aquino. Although Aquino did not cite Marcos' misdeeds, other experts
and academics have provided evidence of the political unrest that existed
throughout the martial law period.

Cory Aquino proudly displayed to the US Congress how the Philippines

independently developed into a democracy. However, in order to maintain
democracy and recover authority, Aquino aimed to demonstrate that he
required American assistance. Not all Filipinos desire to live in a dictatorship.
They will boldly struggle for the Philippines' hidden light.

In conclusion, despite its extreme poverty and political unrest, the Philippines
will thrive since all sacrifices are made for the good of the community rather
than for individual gain. The Talmud made a strong statement when Marcos
was overthrown from his oppressive power in a bloodless revolution.Cory
Aquino must restore what has been lost the Filipino people's dignity by
strengthening the Bill of Rights, which still exists today. The Filipino people
saved many lives by deposing Marcos from power.

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