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Luthfan Abel Alghifary – 20410800

Islamic Banking Law Assignment

In order muslims can be attracted more is by giving them more information about Islamic banking
law financial products. Maybe Islamic banking could make a more benefit products so that many will
attracted more. Because some people preferences are more focused on the benefits of the financial

Barriers and Challenge of Islamic Banking In Indonesia:

1. Sharia Bank's capabilities are still limited compared to traditional banks.There are still some
markets that do not recognize payments with Sharia Bank.
2. Society considers Shariah Bank to be a 'new' branded bank compared to traditional banks, so
Shariah Bank does not have enough reputation or people are too afraid to I can't keep my
money in a bank that I've recently built integrity with.
3. There are still some Shariah banks with traditional banks under Shariah legal entities, but
there are regulations on the obligation to separate these banks, but it will take time to do so.

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