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Dear Ben Huang,

Ever since I was a little kid I’ve always wanted an older brother. I don’t mean any
disrespect to my sisters but that's the truth. I feel like you’re the closest thing I got to that. You’ve
always been there when I needed to be picked up and you always give the best advice. On top
of that, seeing you change and grow over these last couple of years has really been inspiring.
That’s truly what I admire about you. You push me to be the best version of myself. You taught
me that I didn’t have to let other people's expectations control my life and to own decisions.
This year has been a handful for me and you know this. I’m still getting over that breakup
with my ex and I’ve really been struggling with my finances. But other than that I’ve been happy.
I can’t believe that you're graduating this semester. And next semester I’ll be walking that stage.
I still remember that time freshman year when you took me to the airport overlook and gave me
the biggest motivational speech. All because I thought it would be the end of the world if I got a
C in a class.
To be honest, I had to write this for one of my classes but I’m glad I did because it made
me realize that I’ve never told you to thank you for all that you’ve done. Before I met you, I didn’t
think I was anything special but you showed me otherwise. I don’t say this enough but I’m really
thankful to have you in my life and I’m proud of what you have accomplished so far. I can’t wait
to see what you do in the future.

Best Wishes,
Christopher Fong

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