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A Survey of the State of Explainable AI for Natural Language Processing

Marina Danilevsky, Kun Qian, Ranit Aharonov, Yannis Katsis, Ban Kawas, Prithviraj Sen
IBM Research – Almadem, {qian.kun,Ranit.Aharonov2}, {bkawas,senp}

Abstract must also be considered within the context of each

discipline. We therefore focus this survey on XAI
Recent years have seen important advances in works in the domain of NLP, as represented in the
the quality of state-of-the-art models, but this main NLP conferences in the last seven years. This
has come at the expense of models becom-
is, to the best of our knowledge, the first XAI sur-
ing less interpretable. This survey presents an
arXiv:2010.00711v1 [cs.CL] 1 Oct 2020

overview of the current state of Explainable vey focusing on the NLP domain.
AI (XAI), considered within the domain of As will become clear in this survey, explainabil-
Natural Language Processing (NLP). We dis- ity is in itself a term that requires an explanation.
cuss the main categorization of explanations, While explainability may generally serve many
as well as the various ways explanations can be
purposes (see, e.g., Lertvittayakumjorn and Toni,
arrived at and visualized. We detail the oper-
ations and explainability techniques currently
2019), our focus is on explainability from the per-
available for generating explanations for NLP spective of an end user whose goal is to understand
model predictions, to serve as a resource for how a model arrives at its result, also referred to as
model developers in the community. Finally, the outcome explanation problem (Guidotti et al.,
we point out the current gaps and encourage 2018). In this regard, explanations can help users
directions for future work in this important re- of NLP-based AI systems build trust in these sys-
search area. tems’ predictions. Additionally, understanding the
model’s operation may also allow users to provide
1 Introduction useful feedback, which in turn can help developers
Traditionally, Natural Language Processing (NLP) improve model quality (Adadi and Berrada, 2018).
systems have been mostly based on techniques that Explanations of model predictions have previ-
are inherently explainable. Examples of such ap- ously been categorized in a fairly simple way that
proaches, often referred to as white box techniques, differentiates between (1) whether the explanation
include rules, decision trees, hidden Markov mod- is for each prediction individually or the model’s
els, logistic regressions, and others. Recent years, prediction process as a whole, and (2) determin-
though, have brought the advent and popularity of ing whether generating the explanation requires
black box techniques, such as deep learning mod- post-processing or not (see Section 3). However,
els and the use of language embeddings as features. although rarely studied, there are many additional
While these methods in many cases substantially characterizations of explanations, the most impor-
advance model quality, they come at the expense tant being the techniques used to either generate
of models becoming less interpretable. This ob- or visualize explanations. In this survey, we ana-
fuscation of the process by which a model arrives lyze the NLP literature with respect to both these
at its results can be problematic, as it may erode dimensions and identify the most commonly used
trust in the many AI systems humans interact with explainability and visualization techniques, in ad-
daily (e.g., chatbots, recommendation systems, in- dition to operations used to generate explanations
formation retrieval algorithms, and many others). (Sections 4.1-Section 4.3). We briefly describe
In the broader AI community, this growing under- each technique and point to representative papers
standing of the importance of explainability has cre- adopting it. Finally, we discuss the common evalu-
ated an emerging field called Explainable AI (XAI). ation techniques used to measure the quality of ex-
However, just as tasks in different fields are more planations (Section 5), and conclude with a discus-
amenable to particular approaches, explainability sion of gaps and challenges in developing success-
ful explainability approaches in the NLP domain paper covered in this survey can be found at the
(Section 6). aforementioned website; to enable readers of this
Related Surveys: Earlier surveys on XAI in- survey to discover interesting explainability tech-
clude Adadi and Berrada (2018) and Guidotti et al. niques and ideas, even if they have not been fully
(2018). While Adadi and Berrada provide a com- developed in the respective publications.
prehensive review of basic terminology and fun-
damental concepts relevant to XAI in general, our 3 Categorization of Explanations
goal is to survey more recent works in NLP in an
Explanations are often categorized along two main
effort to understand how these achieve XAI and
aspects (Guidotti et al., 2018; Adadi and Berrada,
how well they achieve it. Guidotti et al. adopt a
2018). The first distinguishes whether the expla-
four dimensional classification scheme to rate var-
nation is for an individual prediction (local) or the
ious approaches. Crucially, they differentiate be-
model’s prediction process as a whole (global).
tween the “explanator” and the black-box model it
The second differentiates between the explanation
explains. This makes most sense when a surrogate
emerging directly from the prediction process (self-
model is used to explain a black-box model. As we
explaining) versus requiring post-processing (post-
shall subsequently see, such a distinction applies
hoc). We next describe both of these aspects in de-
less well to the majority of NLP works published in
tail, and provide a summary of the four categories
the past few years where the same neural network
they induce in Table 1.
(NN) can be used not only to make predictions but
also to derive explanations. In a series of tutorials, 3.1 Local vs Global
Lecue et al. (2020) discuss fairness and trust in ma-
A local explanation provides information or justifi-
chine learning (ML) that are clearly related to XAI
cation for the model’s prediction on a specific in-
but not the focus of this survey. Finally, we adapt
put; 46 of the 50 papers fall into this category.
some nomenclature from Arya et al. (2019) which
presents a software toolkit that can help users lend A global explanation provides similar justifica-
explainability to their models and ML pipelines. tion by revealing how the model’s predictive pro-
cess works, independently of any particular input.
Our goal for this survey is to: (1) provide the
This category holds the remaining 4 papers cov-
reader with a better understanding of the state of
ered by this survey. This low number is not surpris-
XAI in NLP, (2) point developers interested in
ing given the focus of this survey being on explana-
building explainable NLP models to currently avail-
tions that justify predictions, as opposed to expla-
able techniques, and (3) bring to the attention of
nations that help understand a model’s behavior in
the research community the gaps that exist; mainly
general (which lie outside the scope of this survey).
a lack of formal definitions and evaluation for ex-
plainability. We have also built an interactive web- 3.2 Self-Explaining vs Post-Hoc
site providing interested readers with all relevant
aspects for every paper covered in this survey. 1 Regardless of whether the explanation is local or
global, explanations differ on whether they arise
2 Methodology as part of the prediction process, or whether their
generation requires post-processing following the
We identified relevant papers (see Appendix A) and model making a prediction. A self-explaining ap-
classified them based on the aspects defined in Sec- proach, which may also be referred to as directly
tions 3 and 4. To ensure a consistent classification, interpretable (Arya et al., 2019), generates the ex-
each paper was individually analyzed by at least planation at the same time as the prediction, us-
two reviewers, consulting additional reviewers in ing information emitted by the model as a result
the case of disagreement. For simplicity of presen- of the process of making that prediction. Decision
tation, we label each paper with its main applicable trees and rule-based models are examples of global
category for each aspect, though some papers may self-explaining models, while feature saliency ap-
span multiple categories (usually with varying de- proaches such as attention are examples of local
grees of emphasis.) All relevant aspects for every self-explaining models.
In contrast, a post-hoc approach requires that
(we plan to maintain this website as a contribution to the an additional operation is performed after the pre-
community.) dictions are made. LIME (Ribeiro et al., 2016) is
an example of producing a local explanation us- 4.1 Explainability Techniques
ing a surrogate model applied following the predic-
In the papers surveyed, we identified five major
tor’s operation. A paper might also be considered
explainability techniques that differ in the mecha-
to span both categories – for example, (Sydorova
nisms they adopt to generate the raw mathematical
et al., 2019) actually presents both self-explaining
justifications that lead to the final explanation pre-
and post-hoc explanation techniques.
sented to the end users.
Local Explain a single prediction by per- Feature importance. The main idea is to derive
Post-Hoc forming additional operations (after the explanation by investigating the importance scores
model has emitted a prediction) of different features used to output the final pre-
Local Self- Explain a single prediction using the diction. Such approaches can be built on differ-
Explaining model itself (calculated from informa-
tion made available from the model as ent types of features, such as manual features ob-
part of making the prediction) tained from feature engineering (e.g., Voskarides
Global Perform additional operations to explain et al., 2015), lexical features including word/tokens
Post-Hoc the entire model’s predictive reasoning and n-gram (e.g., Godin et al., 2018; Mullenbach
Global Self- Use the predictive model itself to explain et al., 2018), or latent features learned by NNs (e.g.,
Explaining the entire model’s predictive reasoning Xie et al., 2017). Attention mechanism (Bahdanau
(a.k.a. directly interpretable model)
et al., 2015) and first-derivative saliency (Li et al.,
Table 1: Overview of the high-level categories of expla- 2015) are two widely used operations to enable
nations (Section 3). feature importance-based explanations. Text-based
features are inherently more interpretable by hu-
mans than general features, which may explain the
4 Aspects of Explanations widespread use of attention-based approaches in
While the previous categorization serves as a con- the NLP domain.
venient high-level classification of explanations, it Surrogate model. Model predictions are ex-
does not cover other important characteristics. We plained by learning a second, usually more explain-
now introduce two additional aspects of explana- able model, as a proxy. One well-known example
tions: (1) techniques for deriving the explanation is LIME (Ribeiro et al., 2016), which learns sur-
and (2) presentation to the end user. We discuss rogate models using an operation called input per-
the most commonly used explainability techniques, turbation. Surrogate model-based approaches are
along with basic operations that enable explainabil- model-agnostic and can be used to achieve either
ity, as well as the visualization techniques com- local (e.g., Alvarez-Melis and Jaakkola, 2017) or
monly used to present the output of associated ex- global (e.g., Liu et al., 2018) explanations. How-
plainability techniques. We identify the most com- ever, the learned surrogate models and the original
mon combinations of explainability techniques, op- models may have completely different mechanisms
erations, and visualization techniques for each of to make predictions, leading to concerns about the
the four high-level categories of explanations pre- fidelity of surrogate model-based approaches.
sented above, and summarize them, together with Example-driven. Such approaches explain the
representative papers, in Table 2. prediction of an input instance by identifying and
Although explainability techniques and visual- presenting other instances, usually from available
izations are often intermixed, there are fundamental labeled data, that are semantically similar to the
differences between them that motivated us to treat input instance. They are similar in spirit to nearest
them separately. Concretely, explanation derivation neighbor-based approaches (Dudani, 1976), and
- typically done by AI scientists and engineers - fo- have been applied to different NLP tasks such as
cuses on mathematically motivated justifications text classification (Croce et al., 2019) and question
of models’ output, leveraging various explainabil- answering (Abujabal et al., 2017).
ity techniques to produce “raw explanations” (such Provenance-based. Explanations are provided
as attention scores). On the other hand, explana- by illustrating some or all of the prediction deriva-
tion presentation - ideally done by UX engineers - tion process, which is an intuitive and effective ex-
focuses on how these “raw explanations” are best plainability technique when the final prediction is
presented to the end users using suitable visualiza- the result of a series of reasoning steps. We observe
tion techniques (such as saliency heatmaps). several question answering papers adopt such ap-
Category Explainability Operations to Visualization Representative
(#) Technique Enable Explainability Technique # Paper(s)
Local feature first derivative saliency, example saliency 5 (Wallace et al., 2018;
Post-Hoc importance driven Ross et al., 2017)
surrogate model first derivative saliency, layer-wise saliency 4 (Alvarez-Melis and
relevance propagation, input pertur- Jaakkola, 2017; Poerner
bation et al., 2018; Ribeiro et al.,
example driven layer-wise relevance propagation, raw examples 2 (Croce et al., 2018; Jiang
explainability-aware architecture et al., 2019)
Local feature attention, first derivative saliency, saliency 22 (Mullenbach et al., 2018;
Self-Exp importance LSTM gating signals, explainability- Ghaeini et al., 2018; Xie
(35) aware architecture et al., 2017; Aubakirova
and Bansal, 2016)
induction explainability-aware architecture, raw declarative 6 (Ling et al., 2017; Dong
rule induction representation et al., 2019; Pezeshkpour
et al., 2019a)
provenance template-based natural 3 (Abujabal et al., 2017)
language, other
surrogate model attention, input perturbation, natural 3 (Rajani et al., 2019a;
explainability-aware architecture language Sydorova et al., 2019)
example driven layer-wise relevance propagation raw examples 1 (Croce et al., 2019)
Global feature class activation mapping, attention, saliency 2 (Pryzant et al., 2018a,b)
Post-Hoc importance gradient reversal
surrogate model taxonomy induction raw declarative 1 (Liu et al., 2018)
Global induction reinforcement learning raw declarative 1 (Pröllochs et al., 2019)
Self-Exp representation

Table 2: Overview of common combinations of explanation aspects: columns 2, 3, and 4 capture explainability
techniques, operations, and visualization techniques, respectively (see Sections 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3 for details). These
are grouped by the high-level categories detailed in Section 3, as shown in the first column. The last two columns
show the number of papers in this survey that fall within each subgroup, and a list of representative references.

proaches (Abujabal et al., 2017; Zhou et al., 2018; may employ more than one of these explainabil-
Amini et al., 2019). ity techniques. A representative example is the QA
Declarative induction. Human-readable repre- system QUINT (Abujabal et al., 2017), which dis-
sentations, such as rules (Pröllochs et al., 2019), plays the query template that best matches the user
trees (Voskarides et al., 2015), and programs (Ling input query (example-driven) as well as the instan-
et al., 2017) are induced as explanations. tiated knowledge-base entities (provenance).
As shown in Table 2, feature importance-based
4.2 Operations to Enable Explainability
and surrogate model-based approaches have been
in frequent use (accounting for 29 and 8, respec- We now present the most common set of operations
tively, of the 50 papers reviewed). This should not encountered in our literature review that are used to
come as a surprise, as features serve as building enable explainability, in conjunction with relevant
blocks for machine learning models (explaining work employing each one.
the proliferation of feature importance-based ap- First-derivative saliency. Gradient-based ex-
proaches) and most recent NLP papers employ NN- planations estimate the contribution of input i to-
based models, which are generally black-box mod- wards output o by computing the partial derivative
els (explaining the popularity of surrogate model- of o with respect to i. This is closely related to
based approaches). Finally note that a complex older concepts such as sensitivity (Saltelli et al.,
NLP approach consisting of different components 2008). First-derivative saliency is particularly con-
venient for NN-based models because these can humans employ to arrive at a solution. This makes
be computed for any layer using a single call to the learned model (partially) interpretable since the
auto-differentiation, which most deep learning en- architecture contains human-recognizable compo-
gines provide out-of-the-box. Recent work has also nents. Implementing such a model architecture can
proposed improvements to first-derivative saliency be used to enable the induction of human-readable
(Sundararajan et al., 2017). As suggested by its programs for solving math problems (Amini et al.,
name and definition, first-derivative saliency can be 2019; Ling et al., 2017) or sentence simplification
used to enable feature importance explainability, es- problems (Dong et al., 2019). This design may also
pecially on word/token-level features (Aubakirova be applied to surrogate models that generate expla-
and Bansal, 2016; Karlekar et al., 2018). nations for predictions (Rajani et al., 2019a; Liu
Layer-wise relevance propagation. This is an- et al., 2019).
other way to attribute relevance to features com- Previous works have also attempted to compare
puted in any intermediate layer of an NN. Defini- these operations in terms of efficacy with respect
tions are available for most common NN layers in- to specific NLP tasks (Poerner et al., 2018). Oper-
cluding fully connected layers, convolution layers ations outside of this list exist and are popular for
and recurrent layers. Layer-wise relevance propa- particular categories of explanations. Table 2 men-
gation has been used to, for example, enable feature tions some of these. For instance, Pröllochs et al.
importance explainability (Poerner et al., 2018) and (2019) use reinforcement learning to learn simple
example-driven explainability (Croce et al., 2018). negation rules, Liu et al. (2018) learns a taxonomy
Input perturbations. Pioneered by LIME post-hoc to better interpret network embeddings,
(Ribeiro et al., 2016), input perturbations can ex- and Pryzant et al. (2018b) uses gradient reversal
plain the output for input x by generating ran- (Ganin et al., 2016) to deconfound lexicons.
dom perturbations of x and training an explainable
model (usually a linear model). They are mainly 4.3 Visualization Techniques
used to enable surrogate models (e.g., Ribeiro et al., An explanation may be presented in different ways
2016; Alvarez-Melis and Jaakkola, 2017). to the end user, and making the appropriate choice
Attention (Bahdanau et al., 2015; Vaswani et al., is crucial for the overall success of an XAI ap-
2017). Less an operation and more of a strategy to proach. For example, the widely used attention
enable the NN to explain predictions, attention lay- mechanism, which learns the importance scores
ers can be added to most NN architectures and, be- of a set of features, can be visualized as raw at-
cause they appeal to human intuition, can help indi- tention scores or as a saliency heatmap (see Fig-
cate where the NN model is “focusing”. While pre- ure 1a). Although the former is acceptable, the lat-
vious work has widely used attention layers (Luo ter is more user-friendly and has become the stan-
et al., 2018; Xie et al., 2017; Mullenbach et al., dard way to visualize attention-based approaches.
2018) to enable feature importance explainability, We now present the major visualization techniques
the jury is still out as to how much explainability at- identified in our literature review.
tention provides (Jain and Wallace, 2019; Serrano Saliency. This has been primarily used to visu-
and Smith, 2019; Wiegreffe and Pinter, 2019). alize the importance scores of different types of
LSTM gating signals. Given the sequential na- elements in XAI learning systems, such as show-
ture of language, recurrent layers, in particular ing input-output word alignment (Bahdanau et al.,
LSTMs (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), are 2015) (Figure 1a), highlighting words in input text
commonplace. While it is common to mine the out- (Mullenbach et al., 2018) (Figure 1b) or displaying
puts of LSTM cells to explain outputs, there may extracted relations (Xie et al., 2017). We observe a
also be information present in the outputs of the strong correspondence between feature importance-
gates produced within the cells. It is possible to uti- based explainability and saliency-based visualiza-
lize (and even combine) other operations presented tions; namely, all papers using feature importance
here to interpret gating signals to aid feature impor- to generate explanations also chose saliency-based
tance explainability (Ghaeini et al., 2018). visualization techniques. Saliency-based visualiza-
Explainability-aware architecture design. One tions are popular because they present visually per-
way to exploit the flexibility of deep learning is to ceptive explanations and can be easily understood
devise an NN architecture that mimics the process by different types of end users. They are there-
(a) Saliency heatmap (Bahdanau et al., (b) Saliency highlighting (Mullenbach (c) Raw declarative rules
2015) et al., 2018) (Pezeshkpour et al., 2019b)

(d) Raw declarative program (Amini et al., 2019) (e) Raw examples (Croce et al., 2019)

Figure 1: Examples of different visualization techniques

fore frequently seen across different AI domains

(e.g., computer vision (Simonyan et al., 2013) and
speech (Aldeneh and Provost, 2017)). As shown in
Table 2, saliency is the most dominant visualization
technique among the papers covered by this survey.
Figure 2: Template-based natural language explanation
Raw declarative representations. As suggested
for a QA system (Abujabal et al., 2017).
by its name, this visualization technique directly
presents the learned declarative representations, tion techniques, such as using raw examples to
such as logic rules, trees, and programs (Figure 1c present example-driven approaches (Jiang et al.,
and 1d). Such techniques assume that end users can 2019; Croce et al., 2019) (e.g., Figure 1e), and de-
understand specific representations, such as first- pendency parse trees to represent input questions
order logic rules (Pezeshkpour et al., 2019a) and (Abujabal et al., 2017).
reasoning trees (Liang et al., 2016), and therefore
may implicitly target more advanced users. 5 Explanation Quality
Natural language explanation. The explanation Following the goals of XAI, a model’s quality
is verbalized in human-comprehensible natural lan- should be evaluated not only by its accuracy and
guage (Figure 2). The natural language can be performance, but also by how well it provides ex-
generated using sophisticated deep learning mod- planations for its predictions. In this section we dis-
els, e.g., by training a language model with human cuss the state of the field in terms of defining and
natural language explanations and coupling with measuring explanation quality.
a deep generative model (Rajani et al., 2019a). It
can also be generated by using simple template- 5.1 Evaluation
based approaches (Abujabal et al., 2017). In fact, Given the young age of the field, unsurprisingly
many declarative induction-based techniques can there is little agreement on how explanations
use template-based natural language generation should be evaluated. The majority of the works
(Reiter and Dale, 1997) to turn rules and programs reviewed (32 out of 50) either lack a standardized
into human-comprehensible language, and this mi- evaluation or include only an informal evaluation,
nor extension can potentially make the explanation while a smaller number of papers looked at more
more accessible to lay users. formal evaluation approaches, including leverag-
Table 2 references some additional visualiza- ing ground truth data and human evaluation. We
next present the major categories of evaluation tech- 25 (Sydorova et al., 2019) humans), as well as the
niques we encountered (summarized in Table 3). high-level task that they were asked to perform (in-
cluding rating the explanations of a single approach
None or Informal Comparison to Human (Dong et al., 2019) and comparing explanations of
Examination only Ground Truth Evaluation multiple techniques (Sydorova et al., 2019)).
32 12 9 Other operation-specific techniques. Given the
prevalence of attention layers (Bahdanau et al.,
Table 3: Common evaluation techniques and number
2015; Vaswani et al., 2017) in NLP, recent work
of papers adopting them, out of the 50 papers surveyed
(note that some papers adopt more than one technique)
(Jain and Wallace, 2019; Serrano and Smith, 2019;
Wiegreffe and Pinter, 2019) has developed specific
techniques to evaluate such explanations based on
Informal examination of explanations. This typ-
counterfactuals or erasure-based tests (Feng et al.,
ically takes the form of high-level discussions of
2018). Serrano and Smith repeatedly set to zero the
how examples of generated explanations align with
maximal entry produced by the attention layer. If at-
human intuition. This includes cases where the
tention weights indeed “explain” the output predic-
output of a single explainability approach is exam-
tion, then turning off the dominant weights should
ined in isolation (Xie et al., 2017) as well as when
result in an altered prediction. Similar experiments
explanations are compared to those of other refer-
have been devised by others (Jain and Wallace,
ence approaches (Ross et al., 2017) (such as LIME,
2019). In particular, Wiegreffe and Pinter caution
which is a frequently used baseline).
against assuming that there exists only one true ex-
Comparison to ground truth. Several works com- planation to suggest accounting for the natural vari-
pare generated explanations to ground truth data in ance of attention layers. On a broader note, causal-
order to quantify the performance of explainabil- ity has thoroughly explored such counterfactual-
ity techniques. Employed metrics vary based on based notions of explanation (Halpern, 2016).
task and explainability technique, but commonly
While the above overview summarizes how ex-
encountered metrics include P/R/F1 (Carton et al.,
plainability approaches are commonly evaluated,
2018), perplexity, and BLEU (Ling et al., 2017;
another important aspect is what is being evaluated.
Rajani et al., 2019b). While having a quantitative
Explanations are multi-faceted objects that can be
way to measure explainability is a promising di-
evaluated on multiple aspects, such as fidelity (how
rection, care should be taken during ground truth
much they reflect the actual workings of the under-
acquisition to ensure its quality and account for
lying model), comprehensibility (how easy they are
cases where there may be alternative valid explana-
to understand by humans), and others. Therefore,
tions. Approaches employed to address this issue
understanding the target of the evaluation is impor-
involve having multiple annotators and reporting
tant for interpreting the evaluation results. We refer
inter-annotator agreement or mean human perfor-
interested readers to (Carvalho et al., 2019) for a
mance, as well as evaluating the explanations at
comprehensive presentation of aspects of evaluat-
different granularities (e.g., token-wise vs phrase-
ing approaches.
wise) to account for disagreements on the precise
Many works do not explicitly state what is be-
value of the ground truth (Carton et al., 2018).
ing evaluated. As a notable exception, (Lertvit-
Human evaluation. A more direct way to assess
tayakumjorn and Toni, 2019) outlines three goals of
the explanation quality is to ask humans to evalu-
explanations (reveal model behavior, justify model
ate the effectiveness of the generated explanations.
predictions, and assist humans in investigating un-
This has the advantage of avoiding the assumption
certain predictions) and proposes human evaluation
that there is only one good explanation that could
experiments targeting each of them.
serve as ground truth, as well as sidestepping the
need to measure similarity of explanations. Here as
5.2 Predictive Process Coverage
well, it is important to have multiple annotators, re-
port inter-annotator agreement, and correctly deal An important and often overlooked aspect of expla-
with subjectivity and variance in the responses. The nation quality is the part of the prediction process
approaches found in this survey vary in several (starting with the input and ending with the model
dimensions, including the number of humans in- output) covered by an explanation. We have ob-
volved (ranging from 1 (Mullenbach et al., 2018) to served that many explainability approaches explain
only part of this process, leaving it up to the end We hope this survey encourages the research
user to fill in the gaps. community to work in bridging the current gaps in
As an example, consider the MathQA task of the field of XAI in NLP. The first research direction
solving math word problems. As readers may be fa- is a need for clearer terminology and understand-
miliar from past education experience, in math ex- ing of what constitutes explainability and how it
ams, one is often asked to provide a step-by-step ex- connects to the target audience. For example, is a
planation of how the answer was derived. Usually, model that displays an induced program that, when
full credit is not given if any of the critical steps executed, yields a prediction, and yet conceals the
used in the derivation are missing. Recent works process of inducing the program, explainable in
have studied the explainability of MathQA models, general? Or is it explainable for some target users
which seek to reproduce this process (Amini et al., but not for others? The second is an expansion of
2019; Ling et al., 2017), and have employed dif- the evaluation processes and metrics, especially for
ferent approaches in the type of explanations pro- human evaluation. The field of XAI is aimed at
duced. While (Amini et al., 2019) explains the pre- adding explainability as a desired feature of models,
dicted answer by showing the sequence of mathe- in addition to the model’s predictive quality, and
matical operations leading to it, this provides only other features such as runtime performance, com-
partial coverage, as it does not explain how these plexity or memory usage. In general, trade-offs ex-
operations were derived from the input text. On ist between desired characteristics of models, such
the other hand, the explanations produced by (Ling as more complex models achieving better predic-
et al., 2017) augment the mathematical formulas tive power at the expense of slower runtime. In
with text describing the thought process behind the XAI, some works have claimed that explainability
derived solution, thus covering a bigger part of the may come at the price of losing predictive quality
prediction process. (Bertsimas et al., 2019), while other have claimed
The level of coverage may be an artifact of ex- the opposite (Garneau et al., 2018; Liang et al.,
plainability techniques used: provenance-based ap- 2016). Studying such possible trade-offs is an im-
proaches tend to provide more coverage, while portant research area for XAI, but one that cannot
example-driven approaches, may provide little to advance until standardized metrics are developed
no coverage. Moreover, while our math teacher for evaluating the quality of explanations. The third
would argue that providing higher coverage is al- research direction is a call to more critically ad-
ways beneficial to the student, in reality this may dress the issue of fidelity (or causality), and to ask
depend on the end use of the explanation. For hard questions about whether a claimed explana-
instance, the coverage of explanations of (Amini tion is faithfully explaining the model’s prediction.
et al., 2019) may be potentially sufficient for ad-
vanced technical users. Thus, higher coverage,
while in general a positive aspect, should always
be considered in combination with the target use Finally, it is interesting to note that we found
and audience of the produced explanations. only four papers that fall into the global explana-
tions category. This might seem surprising given
6 Insights and Future Directions that white box models, which have been fundamen-
tal in NLP, are explainable in the global sense. We
This survey showcases recent advances of XAI believe this stems from the fact that because white
research in NLP, as evidenced by publications in box models are clearly explainable, the focus of
major NLP conferences in the last 7 years. We have the explicit XAI field is in explaining black box
discussed the main categorization of explanations models, which comprise mostly local explanations.
(Local vs Global, Self-Explaining vs Post-Hoc) White box models, like rule based models and de-
as well as the various ways explanations can be cision trees, while still in use, are less frequently
arrived at and visualized, together with the common framed as explainable or interpretable, and are
techniques used. We have also detailed operations hence not the main thrust of where the field is going.
and explainability techniques currently available We think that this may be an oversight of the field
for generating explanations of model predictions, since white box models can be a great test bed for
in the hopes of serving as a resource for developers studying techniques for evaluating explanations.
interested in building explainable NLP models.
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Nazneen Fatema Rajani, Bryan McCann, Caiming
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Guestrin. 2016. Why should i trust you?”: Explain-
ing the predictions of any classifier. In Proceed- Martin Tutek and Jan Šnajder. 2018. Iterative recur-
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ference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining sification. In Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Work-
(New York, NY, USA, 2016), page 1135–1144. shop BlackboxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neu-
ral Networks for NLP, pages 249–257, Brussels, Bel-
Andrew Slavin Ross, Michael C. Hughes, and Finale gium. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Doshi-Velez. 2017. Right for the right reasons:
Training differentiable models by constraining their Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob
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gence, IJCAI-17, pages 2662–2670. you need. In NeurIPS.
Nikos Voskarides, Edgar Meij, Manos Tsagkias, that if authors consider explainability to be a major
Maarten de Rijke, and Wouter Weerkamp. 2015. component of their work, they are more likely to
Learning to explain entity relationships in knowl-
use related keywords in the title of their work. Our
edge graphs. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual
Meeting of the Association for Computational Lin- search criteria yielded a set of 107 papers.
guistics and the 7th International Joint Conference
on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Top 3 NLP Topics
Papers), pages 564–574, Beijing, China. Associa- 1 2 3
tion for Computational Linguistics.
Computational Syntax:
Question Social Science & Tagging, Chunking
Eric Wallace, Shi Feng, and Jordan Boyd-Graber. 2018. Answering Social Media & Parsing
Interpreting neural networks with nearest neighbors. (9) (6) (6)
In Proceedings of the 2018 EMNLP Workshop Black-
boxNLP: Analyzing and Interpreting Neural Net- Top 3 Conferences
works for NLP, pages 136–144, Brussels, Belgium.
Association for Computational Linguistics. 1 2 3


Sarah Wiegreffe and Yuval Pinter. 2019. Attention is (21) (12) (9)
not not explanation. In Proceedings of the 2019 Con-
ference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language
Table 4: Top NLP topics and conferences (2013-2019)
Processing and the 9th International Joint Confer-
ence on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP- of papers included in this survey
IJCNLP), pages 11–20, Hong Kong, China. Associ-
ation for Computational Linguistics. During the paper review process we first verified
whether each paper truly fell within the scope of
Qizhe Xie, Xuezhe Ma, Zihang Dai, and Eduard Hovy.
2017. An interpretable knowledge transfer model the survey; namely, papers with a focus on explain-
for knowledge base completion. In Proceedings ability as a vehicle for understanding how a model
of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for arrives at its result. This process excluded 57 pa-
Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pers, leaving us with a total of 50 papers. Table 4
pages 950–962, Vancouver, Canada. Association for
Computational Linguistics. lists the top three broad NLP topics (taken verba-
tim from the ACL call for papers) covered by these
Yang Yang, Deyu Zhou, Yulan He, and Meng Zhang. 50 papers, and the top three conferences of the set.
2019. Interpretable relevant emotion ranking with
event-driven attention. In Proceedings of the
To ensure a consistent classification, each paper
2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natu- was individually reviewed by at least two review-
ral Language Processing and the 9th International ers, consulting additional reviewers in the case of
Joint Conference on Natural Language Process- disagreement.
ing (EMNLP-IJCNLP), pages 177–187, Hong Kong,
China. Association for Computational Linguistics.

Mantong Zhou, Minlie Huang, and Xiaoyan Zhu.

2018. An interpretable reasoning network for multi-
relation question answering. In Proceedings of
the 27th International Conference on Computational
Linguistics, pages 2010–2022.

A Appendix A - Methodology
This survey aims to demonstrate the recent ad-
vances of XAI research in NLP, rather than to pro-
vide an exhaustive list of XAI papers in the NLP
community. To this end, we identified relevant pa-
pers published in major NLP conferences (ACL,
NAACL, EMNLP, and COLING) between 2013
and 2019. We filtered for titles containing (lemma-
tized) terms related to XAI, such as “explainabil-
ity”, “interpretability”, “transparent”, etc. While
this may ignore some related papers, we argue that
representative papers are more likely to include
such terms in their titles. In particular, we assume

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