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A new investment company wanted to combine technology and mental health treatment which

can be a $26,000,000,000 industry in 2027. Saw an increase in mental health among young
people, Telosity by Vinaj Ventures is a fund that invests in companies that provide tech-based
solutions to mental health for young people using their phones or computers. Telosity uses
mental health resources in cyberspace for educational capabilities, self-learning mental health,
and tele-therapy solutions. Telosity also sees the virtual reality (AR/VR) market growth that can
help young people access mental health resources. Telosity calls it an opportunity to do good
while making a profit and calls many businesses to provide help to millions of the most
vulnerable Americans.

The idea of Telosity is wonderful but there may be some points that need clarification. The first
thing to notice is that Telosity only focuses to provide mental health treatment for young people
because they think young people are most vulnerable. But in fact, there are a lot of mature people
who suffer from mental health too. Telosity said this is an opportunity to do public goods while
making good businesses, how can they make a good profit if they just focus only on young
people? They need a variety in their types of customers to make a profit and help more people at
the same time. Next, the founder, Srivastava, says tech helps young people “democratize access
to care”, which is a deep idea. We can agree the internet and tech can make people become more
equal, but at the same time the internet and tech can create an inequality in accessibility too. For
example, in some countries like North Korea or China, the governments control the internet. As
a result, even when young people access mental health resources, they may not achieve treatment
for their gender problems, and the fact that poor people who can’t get a phone may be excluded
from the treatment. In the end, though the Telosity has some limitations, it is still a good idea of
how tech can help to improve people's life even in mental health.

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