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- When a species becomes extinct due to environmental or evolutionary concerns, or when there are no
more live individuals of that species anywhere in the world, it is called extinction. Species extinction on
Earth is ongoing, and the rate of extinction has varied over time.
- Approximately 99 percent of all species that have ever existed on the planet are now considered extinct.

True extinction is more frequently referred to as just extinction. It occurs when a plant or animal species
have become extinct. The dodo bird, the thylacine, and other extinct animals are examples.

Functional Extinction
-When some members of a species survive but are unable to reproduce due to poor health, age, or a loss
of one or both sexes, it is called functional extinction.
Extinct in the Wild
- Extinct in the wild species have surviving individuals exclusively found in captivity, such as zoos or
labs. The Père David's deer is an example of a species that has gone extinct in the wild.

- Although the species has gone out in one region, it can still be found in other areas. Extirpation is
another name for local extinction.
Factors that Cause Extinction
Changes in Climate- Rapid changes in air temperature and climate have harmed Earth's biodiversity.
Many animals have yet to adjust to climate change. Extreme weather patterns, lengthy dry or wet seasons,
and changes in the environment's chemical makeup. When a species goes extinct, it affects the entire food
Diseases and Epidemics- Each species has its unique disease-fighting immune system. However, when
the environment and climate change, some of these species' capacity to resist illness decreases. Some
species grow increasingly disease-prone, which can lead to extinction.
Invasive species- Invasive species consume resources that other species rely on as they spread. When
competition becomes more intense, only the most adaptable creatures will survive, and other species,
mainly native species, will perish.
Catastrophes- Massive volcanic eruptions or big bolide impacts are examples of cataclysmic

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