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Children's stories told of a time when the rain fell from the sky on its own.

According to the stories, the planet somehow knew it needed water and
sent rain to make the trees and plants grow. Adults laugh at the stories
now and pay rainmakers like you to water their crops. However, more
frequently of late, headlines tell of wildfires plaguing the west, just like
they had before the rainmakers stepped forward to save the people they
once thought of as invaders. As the largest fire in history advances on
your ancestral native lands, you step forward. Yet you immediately
realize that this is no ordinary fire. It breathes with the heart of the
blackest souls, the ancient enemy of your people, and is looking for the
strongest warrior. The rain dancers have not done battle since before the
gold rush, but this land belongs to you, and you won't let the fires
consFor generations wizards kept their knowledge to themselves,
practicing their magical arts far from those who should never wield such
power. They are convinced that forbidden esoteric knowledge should
remain forbidden at all cost. However, in 1450, a wizard peering into the
future foresees a world where knowledge is not forbidden, and it spreads
like wildfire throughout the land. It all starts with an inventor named
Johannes Gutenberg, who builds a machine called the printing press,
allowing books to be published and distributed on a massive scale. A
renaissance then overtakes the world, with knowledge of every form
being distributed amongst the people. However, with the power to
enlighten the masses, the wizard-seer fears it is only a matter of time
before everyone knows the magical secrets that he and his brethren
possess. So, with a snap of his finger, the wizard kills Gutenberg and all
those who would dare use machines to distribute knowledge. Soon
thereafter, Europe falls into a second dark age, and wizards become the
puppet masters of kings and emperors throughout the world, ensuring
that their knowledge remains theirs alone.ume what's left of your
heritage. You just might need a little help.

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