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What is Market Integration and what are the Three Advantages of it. Market integration occurs when
prices among different locations or related goods follow similar patterns over a protracted period of your
time. Groups of products often move proportionally to every other and when this relation is
incredibly clear among different markets it's said that the markets are integrated.

The first advantages of market integration is greater Base of consumers.

Because the 2 companies is also operating within the same industry, they will not necessarily have the
identical consumer base. By merging the 2 companies into one, the new organization now has access to a
bigger base of consumers.

The second advantages of market integration is Increased Revenue.

By increasing its customer base, the new company can now boost its revenue. It's typical for companies
that undergo a horizontal combination to determine more revenue than once they were individual entities.

The third is that the Bottom Line. integration is a wise strategic choice for companies. If analysed and
executed properly, it can result in increased market share, increased efficiency, reduction in costs, and
economies of scale. When undergoing a horizontal combination, however, it's important to seem out for
the disadvantages, like increased regulatory scrutiny, failure to mix synergies, and destroying
value, which might make the whole process worthless and expensive.

The important of Market Integration is Group of products often move proportionally to every other and
when this relation is incredibly clear among different markets it's said that the markets are integrated.
Thus, market integration is an indicator that explains  what quantity different markets are associated
with one another.

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