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Project 1
Implement three task scheduling algorithms: Min-Min, Max-Min, and Sufferage, and compare their
performance with First come first serve and shortest first.

Make a table to list (1) Throughput (2) Average Turnaround time for each of the 5 task scheduling

You can find the information of Min-Min, Max-Min and Sufferage online such

as or at the end of this page

In the example code on the page of "An example of designing task scheduling in CloudSim", vmload is
calculated as:

vmLoad[idx]+=cloudletList.get(j).getCloudletLength()/vmList.get(idx).getMips(); (a)

Thus the load is affected by the length of task, and the mips of virtual machine.

Let the number of virtual machines be 3, and the number of CloudLets be 10. Please make sure the
cloudlets have difference task sizes (getCloudletLength() of Cloudlet class), and the virtual machines
have different mips (getMips() of Vm class).

for CloudLets:

long[] lengths=new long[]{18000,42000,21000, 32000, 20000, 15000,


for Virtual Machines:

int[] mipss=new int[]{300,600,400};

Deliverables: A complete project report should include (do not submit compressed files. Please
submit required documents individually):
submit required documents individually):

(1) A PDF file that contains the entire code from your simulation java file (10 points)

(2) A PDF file that contains the entire code from your DatacenterBroker java file (40 points)

(3) A PDF file that contains the running result (10 points)

(4) A PDF file that contains the comparison of your result with existing algorithms such as first come
first serve (a table to list (1) Throughput (2) Average Turnaround time for each of the 5 task
scheduling algorithms) (10 points)

(5) A PDF file that contains the discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the 5 task
scheduling algorithms (30 points).

Once again, you need to submit 5 individual PDF files.

An paper for task scheduling


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