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We can wonder what makes a nation?

Is it unity in commonalities of culture and language,

tradition, race, state. For the French this was a reasonable question for which uptil the 19th
century they had no idea as the memory of Napoleon faded the French were confused In terms
of issues with identities, the French were immersed in it. Children and soldiers could not answer
any questions about their identity or their nation such as if they were French or german? Or in
which country the department of Lozere is? From children in classes to adults living their lives
people were in general confused about who they were and what their identity was.children didn't
know what existed outside their parishes and even the french army had issues with their
identity. 60%(6 out of 10) of the cavalry in 1904 had never heard about the Franco German war
of 1870 (confirmed via military journals ) and barely half knew of the annexation of Alsace-
Lorraine. Similarly in 1906 36% of them didn't even know how germany vanquished france in
the war of 1870.locals were very adamant on making the idea of france seem like a dream even
tho it wasn't as hard to accept and understand as they made it combat this a number of
measures were taken such as firstly introducing courses in schools to educate the locals about
france through this the french showed success in the form of students writing poems such as
long live france along with a cult for joan of the arc created for everything she accomplished
along with the rise in fame of domremy(home of joan of the arc) this in turn lead to tourism from
inside and outside the nation bringing along a sense of unity and creating a national hero all
Secondly the French decided to move away from the German definition of a nation(language
tradition race state) to their own which described the assumptions and serene conscience of the
french. Concluding this we can say that looking at the concept of france transitioning in a nation
is very basic when u dont go into the details but the more u dive deeper the more questions you
start to ask.eventually realizing that french people had no idea they belong together as one
nation until the 19th century when the above incidents the end we realize it was just
a test of time to have the french unsure about their past and who they were but as time passed
these methods of instilling unity as people of one nation came in handy as they initially pushed
france to become the unified state (by its own definition a nation after the 19th century)

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