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Ch:3 Nile Civilizations - section2 - The

Egyptian culture Lesson 2

1- Matching in the space provided, write the letter

of the term, person, or place that matches each
description. Some answers will not be used.

1. Process that prevented the breakdown of a dead

body. (A)

2. Granite slab used by historians to decode

Egyptian writing. (E)

3. Egyptian writing system. (D)

4. Famous stone statue of a creature with the body

of a lion and the head of a person. (B)

5. Reedy plant growing along the Nile. (C)

6. A life force or an individual’s personality

separated from the body. (F)

A. Mummification
B. Great Sphinx
C. Papyrus
D. Hieroglyphics
E. Rosetta Stone
F. Ka
2-Egyptians Gods

1. Osiris became the king and judge of the dead

after he had been killed by Seth.

2. Isis was the sister and wife of Osiris. She was

worshipped as goddess of nature and the
protector of women.

3. Horus was the god of the sky. A pharaoh was

thought to be human form of him, and was
usually depicted with a falcon’s head.

4. Anubis was a judge of the dead and the

protector of cemeteries and of mummy makers.

3-Answer the following questions:

1-Why did the Egyptians mummify dead bodies?

The Egyptians mummified the dead bodies of

their pharaohs in order to prevent the breakdown
of the body.

2-How did the Egyptians bury their pharaohs?

Egyptians were buried with all the possessions

people thought they would need in the afterlife.
Royal tombs were filled with treasures and the
statues of servants and the walls were often
painted with colorful scenes from the person’s life
or from stories about gods.
3-How was the old Egyptian society structured?

Egyptian society, about 90% of the population,

was made-up of peasant farmers.

4-Did women in old Egypt got rights?

Yes they had rights: they could be priestesses,

own and inherit property, create wills and divorce
their husbands.

5-What was the main Egyptian writing system and

how it was structured?

The main Egyptian writing system was

hieroglyphics. This system which uses picture
symbols to represent objects, sounds, and ideas,
was one of the world’s first writing system.

2- True/False:

1-In math, the Egyptians had a thorough

understanding of basic arithmetic. (T)

2-The Egyptians were not masters of human

anatomy. (F)

3-Doctors prescribed regimens of basic hygiene,

including regular bathing, in order to prevent
people from getting sick. (T)

4-Women could not be priestesses, own and

inherit property, create wills and divorce their
husbands. (F)

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