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Sacred Heart of Our Lady

Corinthians 5:14-21
Matthew 5:33-37

Let your ‘Yes’ mean ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ mean ‘No.’ Anything more is from the Evil One. In
my contemplation, that sentence mean if you had a task to do you have to say yes if you want
to do it, and say no when you don’t want to do it. If you say “but…” it is from evil. Because I
have an experience with this contemplation. When I was at junior high school, I don’t know
that the council of altar boy in my parish choose me to be a leader of altar boy without any
voting. I don’t know what is the reason they’re choose me. I say okay at that time but my
childish mind say that when I become a leader, I can receive any easiness, many good
relation, and one on my mind at that time, become a leader is become a king.
With that mind you all can guess what is the result of my leadership. At that time, many of
my friends live me, any duty also cannot be done well, and one thing that maybe give an
effect to me until now is at that time I getting scolded by my council of altarboy. At that time
I feel that that is the worst two years of my life and I didn’t enjoy that time. From that time I
don’t want to be a leader or look different by each other. And I learn that being a leader is not
a good position. I know that all this time that experience become like trauma for me and now
it has become a story of my life.
I realize that maybe I can make a different story when I receive the duty I just say “yes”, and
didn’t sat “but” or the otherthinking of being a leader. When I read this gospel and
contemplate it, when a duty come to us or even just our friends come for us to ask for a help,
just say yes and do it your best. Because when you say but… it came from evil because when
you say but.. it reduce your sincerity to do a duty or to help other. And the result when you
say but or wish that your kindness comeback, your heart will not become a joyfull heart.
Now we have an inspiration from Our Mother. This day we celebrate Sacret Heart of Mary.
She is worthy to receive that, because she want to receive the important task from God. She
raise and accompany her son, Jesus Christ with her pure heart. Inspired by Mother Mary, God
invite us to have a pure heart when there is a duty come for us, when people arround us ask
for a help. All the duty that we do in this vocation we do not to make our friens our rector, or
our bishop happy. All we do for Jesus who have love us by His sacrifice in the cross.
In IKIGAI one of the secret of japanese people to reach long age, in our life, when we do our
task, or even our daily activity, we have to do it until we feel flow. Flow not means do a task
not seriously and the task just done.

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