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228122, 950 PM In [6]: In [8]: out[8]: In [3]: In [4]: 4141 Stings -Jupyter Notebook Paramaters of print function Use of raw string file_path = 'C:\Users\Pratik\19 Feb 2022' file_path File "cipython-input-6-4e97375a084e>", line 1 file_path = ‘C:\Users\Pratik\19 Feb 2022" syntaxError: (unicode error) ‘unicodeescape’ codec can't decode bytes in positi fon 2-3: truncated \UXKKXXXXX escape file_path = r'C:\Users\Pratik\19 Feb 2022" print(file_path) file_path C:\Users\Pratik\19 Feb 2022 “Cs\\Users\\Pratik\\19 Feb 202° print(‘this is not 2 new Line \n rather it is just \ & n‘) ‘this is not a new line rather it is just \ &n print(r'this is not a new line \n rather it is just \ & n') ‘this is not a new line \n rather it is just \ &n Comments in Python define: used to explain the code sometimes it is also used to stop the execution of the code lines while testing/running. not use a line as code using # we can comment a line shortcut - ctrl + / locahost 8888inotebooks/Downloads/1.4.1 Stings Joynb 228122, 950 PM In [13]: out [13]: In [ ]: In [14]: In [15]: In [22]: In ]: 41.44 Stings - Jupyter Notebook # We are writing a code of variables below: variable = ‘Hello’ print (variable) variable+’ World’ "Hello World’ Indentation Error Unexpected spaces causes Indentation error a=10 b= 20 a=10 b= 20 File "", line 2 b= 20 IndentationError: unexpected indent if a == 10: print(a) File "", line 2 print(a) IndentationError: expected an indented block locahost 8888inotebooks/Downleads/1.4.1 Stings ioynb

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