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Ayalisa Mae S.


Lesson 2: God’s Revelation in Salvation

How does God reveal Himself to you as His child?

God uniquely chose to reveal Himself in so many ways. As His child, I encountered Him through the
bible. The bible itself says it all how almighty is the living God am I worshipping today. Moreover, as I
offer Him a song, I can feel His presence. The feeling of security that He will protect me no matter what.
Through worship and praise, I can express my feelings and tell God about my doings. He would talk to
me through those lyrics and it really lessen my tasks. When I have to decide on something, God revealed
Himself by using my heart. Through the gospel God has planted in my heart, I choose to decide what is
wright and what is His will. My conscience would really tell me that I should decide accordingly and that
my opinion matters. He wants to create a deeper relationship with me so I am. Who am I to disobey
him? Just nothing, but He loved me and that's the most powerful feeling to believe that He is God. Also,
in church ministry, the prescence of the Holy Spirit are there and speak to us specifically myself. Through
others, God also revealed Himself. When meeting with someone who'm I know have an intimate
relationship with God, I felt so bless. We share and that someone tell me more about God to know Him
more. Most especially, when I am in a difficult situation, God is really there. He helps me to continue the
battle and I believe I can pass because I have my God. Everyday is a new day, and it's a day where God
revealed Himself to me as His child.

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