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Nama: Reynaldi Ega Hassyim

Grup: k4
NPM: 21420065


My favorite singer is fiersa besari, it’s not about making good songs but he is
good for making a good book. I love fiersa’s book entitled “ Tapak Jejak” it tells
about the experience when he broke up with his girlfriend, and he travels around
Indonesia with friends. And when I read a book, in my heart said “ I wanna like
that” it’s my wheezes in 2018.
But what's interesting is, when I went to 3rd grade in 2019, and two months
ago I broke up with my ex, I passed to take part in a national activity to visit Nias,
the name of the activity is '’Pelayaran Lingkar Nusantara'', and I’m very happy
because it’s my target was in the scouting.
So I went to Jakarta on September 1st, and our destination was Sibolga-Nias-
Lampung-Jakarta, every ship docked we always had activities such as social
services, coral culture, and military training by the Indonesian national army.
Our main activity is in nias, On the first day in nias, we have lots of activities
such as helping to clean the church, giving social assistance, and cleaning up trash
on the beach. On the second day, we visited the traditional village, namely
Bawomataluo, the village where the image of the IDR 10,000 currency was shown,
and on the last day was the inauguration of Nias tourism which was attended by the
president and his ministers.
After doing activities in Nias, we continued to the Lampung area, and carried
out activities there until the end and returned to Jakarta, it was a new memory and
experience because of the activities for one month, and the interesting thing was
when I was there I enjoyed it because the books I read were almost the same as
which I did, but the difference was that I didn't spend my money.

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