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National Economics University

School of Advanced Educational Programs

International Business Administration Intake 62B 
Group 3
Authors:  Nguyễn Thảo Linh
Nguyễn Thùy Dung
Trần Lê Thu Hà
Nguyễn Thị Tâm Giang
Hồ Minh Huyền
Đỗ Thị Ngọc Ánh
Report title: Application of probability in evaluating
the potential of candidates for the
Management Trainee program: Research
the case of PwC.
Date of completion: October 13th, 2022

Table of Content
Part 1: Article summarizing...............................................................................3
I. Introduction.................................................................................................3
1. What is PwC?...........................................................................................3
2. What is Management Trainee Program?..................................................3
II. Summarizing the ariticle.............................................................................3
1. What is the issue of interest?.....................................................................3
2. Why do you care about the technique as the organization manager?.........3
3. Additional Source.....................................................................................4
4. Application of Probability in this article....................................................4
5. Hypotheses:..............................................................................................5
Part 2: Data Analyzing.......................................................................................5
1. Gender........................................................................................................5
2) Age..............................................................................................................6
3. Academic level.............................................................................................7
4. The awareness of candidates about the management trainee program since
their high school..............................................................................................8
5. Experiment..................................................................................................9
6. Skills.........................................................................................................11
III. Extra part: Applied probability to predict the chance of employees who pass
the MT program to officially become the brand manager.................................12
1. The sample space.......................................................................................12
2. Probability distribution.............................................................................13
3. Describing the probability distribution......................................................13
4. Bivariate Distribution................................................................................14
5. Bivariate Probability of Distribution..........................................................15
IV. Discussion...................................................................................................16
V. Conclusion...................................................................................................18
1. Summary...................................................................................................18
2. Limitation..................................................................................................19
VI. Reference....................................................................................................20

Part 1: Article summarizing

I. Introduction

1. What is PwC?

Formed in 1998 when Price Waterhouse merged with Coopers and Lybrand,
PwC, also known as PricewaterhouseCoopers, offers clients various
professional business services, including accounting, auditing, human resources
consulting, and strategy management. It is among the “Big Four” professional
services firms, alongside Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and KPMG.

2. What is Management Trainee Program?

Management trainees, sometimes referred to as "MTs," are often hired to work

and train alongside managers and executives with the intention that one day
they will become a manager within the organization. Current managers and
other experienced, senior personnel in various departments supervise the
instruction and development of these trainees, teaching them the techniques and
systems necessary to keep the company running efficiently and effectively. This
type of position is most often found in particular industries, such as operations,
finance, sales or marketing.

II. Summarizing the ariticle

1. What is the issue of interest?

Purpose: Predicting the probability of passing or failing through the

characteristics of candidates participating in the PwC management program
entrance exam.

2. Why do you care about the technique as the organization manager?

- For the company: get an overview of common characteristics commonly found

in candidates with a high probability of passing the MT program.

=> Therefore, it helps the company to evaluate and make decisions to choose
suitable candidates.

- For candidates who are or will be taking the MT exam: Understanding the
probability of passing MT through common characteristics in a potential
candidate will help them make adjustments and change themselves to increase
their chances of being recruited.

3. Additional Source

+ Predicting customer consumption trends

Source: (Mahajan, 2015):

+ Predicting risks in finance, business, insurance

Source: (G Shafer, V Vovk , 2005)

Source: (B Lipstein - Journal of Marketing Research, 1965)

4. Application of Probability in this article

+ Sex (Male/Female)

+ Age (18-21/22-25/26-29/30-33/34+)

+ Academic Level (High-school graduation/ Undergraduate/ Undergraduate)

+ Aawareness of candidates about the management trainee program since their

high school (Don’t know/ Know but not research about it/ Know and research
about it)

+ Candidates experiment (No experiment/ Related course experiment/ Part-time

job experiment/ Full-time job experiment/ Extra-curricular activities)

+ Candidates skills (Communication, Leadership/ Problem solving/ Teamwork/

Self awareness/ Critical thinking)

5. Hypotheses:

Theory of Planned Behavior: The theory of planned behavior is a theory used

to understand and predict behaviors, which posits that behaviors are
immediately determined by behavioral intentions and under certain
circumstances, perceived behavioral control. Behavioral intentions are
determined by a combination of three factors: attitudes toward the behavior,
subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control.

Part 2: Data Analyzing

1. Gender

Pass Fail Total

Female 0,25 0,25 0,5
Male 0,25 0,25 0,5
Total 0,5 0,5 1

This table illustrates the common Gender of the candidates who participate in
the management trainee program (analyzing the actual case of PwC Company).
Therefore predicting the probability of each category of age helps the company,
as well as the wannabe candidates, have the overall view of the probability of
each age to fail/pass the management trainee program.

For more details, we can easily see the Joint probability (P(x and y) - x is the
gender category, y is the probability to pass/fail) through the table. More
specifically, the joint probability of Female and Pass (abbreviate as P(Female
and Pass) is 0.25, and P(Female and Fail) is 0,25. Do the same for others, we
have P(Male and Pass) is 0.25, P(Male and Fail) is 0.25

When it comes to the Marginal probability, we can also calculate the marginal
probability of event Female (abbreviated as P(female)) = P(Female and Pass) +
P(female and Fail) = 0.5. In addition, we can calculate P(male) = P(male and

Pass) + P(female and Fail) = 0.5. Besides that, we can calculate the marginal
probability of Pass (abbreviated as P(pass)) = P(Pass and Female) + P(Pass and
Male) = 0.5,  P(fail) = P(Fail and Male) + P(Fail and Female) = 0.5

In this gender category table, use the formula P(A/B) = P(A and B)/P(B) to take
the conditional probability, then compare it with P(A). We can see that
P(Pass/Female) = 0.25 / 0.5 = 0.5 and it is equal to P(Pass), P(Pass/Male) = 0.25
/ 0.5 =0.5 and it also equal to P(Pass) too. Therefore these are independent
events. Doing the same with the other events, we can conclude that event
Female and event Male are independent with event Pass

2) Age

Pass Fail Total

18-21 0,05 0,15 0,2
22-25 0,06 0,10 0,16
26-29 0,03 0,16 0,19
30-33 0,01 0,19 0,2
34+ 0,05 0,20 0,25
Total 0,2 0,8 1

This table illustrates the common age of the candidates who participate in the
management trainee program (analysing the actual case of PwC Company).
Therefore, predicting the probability of each category of age helps the company
and the wannabe candidates have the overall view of the probability of each age
to fail/pass the management trainee program.

For more details, we can easily see the Joint probability (P(x and y) - x is the
age category, y is the probability to pass/fail) through the table. More
specifically, the joint probability of age 18-21 and Pass (abbreviate as P(18-21
and Pass)) is 0.05. Do the same for others, we have P(22-25 and Pass) is 0.06.
Besides, we have P(26-29 and Pass) is 0.03. In addition, P(30-33 and Pass) is
0.01 and lastly we have P(34+ and Pass) is 0.05.

When it comes to the Marginal probability, we can also calculate the marginal
probability of age cat 18-21 (abbreviated as P(18-21)) = P(18-21 and Pass) +
P(18-21 and Fail) = 0.2. Doing the same for the others, we can calculate P(22-
25) = 0,16; P(26-29) = 0,19; P(Pass) = 0,2; P(Fail) = 0,8

In this age category table, use the formula P(A/B) = P(A and B)/P(B) to take the
conditional probability, then compare it with P(A) . We can see that P(Pass/34+)
= 0.05/0.25=0.2 and it equal to P(Pass). Therefore these are independent events.
Doing the same with the other events, we can conclude that except 34+, others
are dependent with event Pass

3. Academic level

Pass Fail Total

High-school 0,03 0,12 0,15
Undergraduate 0,04 0,33 0,37
Postgraduate 0,13 0,35 0,48
Total 0,2 0,8 1

This table illustrates the academic level of the candidates who participate in the
management trainee program (analyzing the actual case of PwC Company).
Therefore, predicting the probability of each category of academic level helps
the company and the wannabe candidates have the overall view of the
probability of each academic level to fail/pass the management trainee program.

For more details, we can easily see the Joint probability (P(x and y) - x is the
academic level category, y is the probability to pass/fail) through the table.
More specifically, the joint probability of High-school graduation and Pass
(abbreviate as P(High graduation and Pass) is 0.03, P(Undergraduate and Pass)
is 0,04. Do the same for others, we have P(Postgraduation and Pass) is 0.13. In
addition, the joint probability of High-school graduation and Fail (abbreviate as
P(High graduation and Fail) is 0.12, P(Undergraduate and Fail) is 0,33 and
lastly P(Postgraduation and Fail) is 0.35.

When it comes to the Marginal probability, we can also calculate the marginal
probability of event High-school graduation (abbreviated as P(High-school

graduation)) = P(High-school graduation and Pass) + P(High-school graduation
and Fail) = 0.15. In addition, we can calculate P(Undergraduate) =
P(Undergraduate and Pass) + P(Undergraduate and Fail) = 0.37. Also, we can
calculate P(Postgraduation) = P(Postgraduation and Pass) + P(Postgraduation
and Fail) = 0.48; P(pass) = P(Pass and High-school graduation) + P(Pass and
Undergraduate)+P(Pass and Postgraduation) = 0.2. In addition, we can calculate
P(Fail) = P(Fail and High-school graduation) + P(Fail and Undergraduate) +
P(Fail and Postgraduation) = 0.8

In this academic level table, use the formula P(A/B) = P(A and B)/P(B) to take
the conditional probability, then compare it with P(A). We can see that
P(Pass/High-school graduation) = 0.03/0.15=0.2 and it equal to P(Pass).
Therefore these are independent events. Doing the same with the other events,
we can conclude that except event High-school graduation, others are dependent
with event Pass.

4. The awareness of candidates about the management trainee program

since their high school

Pass Fail Total

Don’t know 0,03 0,31 0,34
Know but not 0,1 0,25 0,35
research about it
Know and 0,19 0,21 0,40
research about it
Total 0,23 0,77 1

This table illustrates the awareness of candidates about the management trainee
program since their high school (analyzing the actual case of PwC Company).
Therefore predicting the probability of each category of information helps the
company, as well as the wannabe candidates, have the overall view of the
probability of each information to fail/pass the management trainee program.

For more details, we can easily see the Joint probability (P(x and y) - x is the
information category, y is the probability to pass/fail) through the table. More

specifically, the joint probability of event Don’t know and event Pass
(abbreviated as P(Don’t know and Pass) is 0.03. Do the same for others, we
have P(Know but not research about it and Pass) is 0.1; P(Know and research
about it and Pass) is 0.19.

When it comes to the Marginal probability, we can also calculate P(Don’t

know) = P(Don’t know and Pass) + P(Don’t know and Fail) = 0.34. In addition,
we can calculate P(Know but not research about it)) = P(Know but not research
about it and Pass) + P(Know but not research about it and Fail) = 0.35. Also, we
can calculate P(Know and research about it) = P(Know and research about it
and Pass) + P(Know and research about it and Fail) = 0.40. Besides, calculate
the marginal probability of Pass (abbreviated as P(pass)) = P(Pass and Don’t
know) + P(Pass and Know but not research about it)+P(Pass and Know and
research about it) = 0.23. In addition, we can calculate P(fail) = 0.77.

In this experiment at the table, use the formula P(A/B) = P(A and B)/P(B) to
take the conditional probability, then compare it with P(A). We can see that
P(Pass/Don’t know) = 0.03/0.34=0.08 and it is not equal to P(Pass). Therefore,
these are dependent events. Doing the same with the other events, we can
conclude that all are dependent events.

5. Experiment

Pass Fail Total

No experiment 0,01 0,18 0,19

Related course 0,24 0,03 0,27


Part-time job 0,09 0,06 0,15


Full-time job 0,19 0,04 0,23


Extra-curricular 0,07 0,07 0.14


Total 0,62 0,38 1

This table illustrates the common experiment of the candidates who participate
in the management trainee program (analyzing the actual case of PwC
Company). Therefore predicting the probability of each category of experiment
helps the company, as well as the wannabe candidates, have the overall view of
the probability of each experiment to fail/pass the management trainee program.

For more details, we can easily see the Joint probability (P(x and y) - x is the
experiment category, y is the probability to pass/fail) through the table. More
specifically, the joint probability of no experiment and Pass (abbreviated as
P(no experiment and Pass) is 0.01. Do the same for others, we have P(related
course experiment and Pass) is 0.24. Besides, we have P(part-time job
experiment and Pass) is 0.09 and P(full-time job experiment and Pass) is 0.19.
Lastly, we have P(extra-curricular activities and Pass) is 0.07.

When it comes to the Marginal probability, we can also calculate P(no

experiment) = P(no experiment and Pass) + P(no experiment and Fail) = 0.19.
In addition, we can calculate P(related course experiment)) = P(related course
experiment and Pass) + P(related course experiment and Fail) = 0.27. Also, we
can calculate P(part-time job experiment) = P(part-time job experiment and
Pass) + P(part-time job experiment and Fail) = 0.15. Moreover, we can calculate
P(full-time job experiment) = P(full-time job experiment and Pass) + P(full-time
job experiment and Fail) = 0.23. Besides, calculate the marginal probability of
Pass (abbreviated as P(pass)) = P(Pass and no experiment) + P(Pass and related
course experiment)+P(Pass and part-time job experiment) + P(Pass and full-
time job experiment) + P(Pass and extra-curricular activities) = 0.62. In
addition, we can calculate P(fail) = 0.38.

In this experiment at the table, use the formula P(A/B) = P(A and B)/P(B) to
take the conditional probability, then compare it with P(A). We can see that
P(Pass/no experiment) = 0.01/019=0.05 and it is not equal to P(Pass). Therefore
these are dependent events. Doing the same with the other events, we can
conclude that all are dependent events.

6. Skills

Pass Fail Total

Communication 0,02 0.19 0,21

Leadership 0.18 0.02 0,20

Problem-solving 0.05 0.05 0,1

Teamwork 0.07 0.04 0,11

Self-awareness 0.03 0.16 0,19

Critical thinking 0.03 0.16 0,19

Total 0.38 0.62 1

This table illustrates the common skills of the candidates who participate in the
management trainee program (analysing the actual case of PwC Company). For
more details, we can easily see the Joint probability (P(x and y) - x is the skill
category, y is the probability to pass/fail) through the table. More specifically,
the joint probability of Communication and Pass (abbreviated as
P(Communication and Pass) is 0.02. Do the same for others, we have
P(Leadership and Pass) is 0.18. Besides, we have P(Problem-solving and Pass)
is 0.05, P(Teamwork and Pass) is 0.07, and P(Self-awareness and Pass) is 0.03.
Lastly, we have P(Critical thinking and Pass) is 0.03.

When it comes to the Marginal probability, we can also calculate
P(Communication) = P(Communication and Pass) + P(Communication and
Fail) = 0.21. In addition, we can calculate P(Leadership) = P(Leadership and
Pass) + P(Leadership and Fail) = 0.20. Also, we can calculate P(Problem-
solving)) = P(Problem-solving and Pass) + P(Problem-solving and Fail) = 0.1.
Moreover, we can calculate P(Teamwork)) = P(Teamwork and Pass) +
P(Teamwork and Fail) = 0.11. Next, we can calculate P(Self-awareness)) =
P(Self-awareness and Pass) + P(Self-awareness and Fail) = 0.19. Lastly, we can
calculate P(Critical thinking)) = P(Critical thinking and Pass) + P(Critical
thinking and Fail) = 0.19. Besides, calculate the marginal probability of Pass
(abbreviated as P(pass)) = P(Pass and Communication) + P(Pass and
Leadership)+P(Pass and Problem solving) + P(Pass and Teamwork) + P(Pass
and Self awareness) + P(Pass and Critical thinking) = 0.38. In addition, we can
calculate P(fail) = 0.62.

In this experiment at the table, use the formula P(A/B) = P(A and B)/P(B) to
take the conditional probability, then compare it with P(A). We can see that
P(Pass/Communication) = 0.02/0.21=0.09 and it is not equal to P(Pass).
Therefore these are dependent events. Doing the same with the other events, we
can conclude that all are dependent events.

III. Extra part: Applied probability to predict the chance of employees who
pass the MT program to officially become the brand manager.

(Given information: In PwC, for each MT recruitment period, there are only 4
people who are officially employed as the brand management trainee. After a
period of working, they will have the opportunity to be selected as a brand
manager. So, “What is the probability of the number of people selected?”,
“How it is distributed?” are what the MTs want to know. Through this, our team
has done a few calculations related to probability to give the clearest view)

1. The sample space

1) 4 MTs named respectively as A, B, C, D.
2) P = Pass the brand manager
3) F = Fail the brand manager

The sample space is listed based on the order of employees from A to D

Therefore, we have the sample space of the probability of these 4 MTs to pass
the brand manager:
FPPP, PFPP, PPFP, PPPP, FFFF} (16 equally likely outcomes)

2. Probability distribution
Let X be the number of MTs who can pass the brand manager. X can take the
values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4. (X can be considered as a discrete random variable)

We have the discrete probability distribution for the probability of MTs who are
chosen to become a brand manager:

x 0 1 2 3 4
P(X=x) 1/16 1/4 3/8 1/4 1/16
Frequency (%) 6,25 25 37,5 25 6,25

According to this table, we can see that the overall statistic of the number of
MTs that have the highest probability to pass the brand manager position as
well as the statistic of the number of MTs that have the lowest probability to
pass. For more details, 2 is the number of employees that have the most
probability to pass, followed by 0 and 4 are the number of people that have the
lowest probability to pass the brand manager position. Lastly, 1 and 3 are

3. Describing the probability distribution

Expected value Variance Standardize

Symbol or

Value 2 1 1
Meaning Measure the mean Measure the Measure the
of the data set distance between dispersion of the
the variable and data set
the expected

In this case, we have expected value equal to 2, and also the value of the
variance equals to the standardize deviation, which equals to 1. It means that:
+ 2 is the mean of the data set
+ 1 is the distance between the variable and the expected value as well as
the dispersion of the data set. In this situation, 1 means that the spread out of the
data set is not quite large and it further confirms that the normalized residuals
follow a symmetric distribution.

4. Bivariate Distribution
+ x be the number of employees who are chosen to be the brand manager
+ y be the number of changes of sequence, i.e. the number of times we
change from P → F or F → P.
We have the table of outcomes below:

Outcomes x y
PFFF 1 1
FPFF 1 2
FFPF 1 2
FFFP 1 1
PPFF 2 1
FPPF 2 2
FFPP 2 1
PFPF 2 3
PFFP 2 2

FPFP 2 3
PPPF 3 1
FPPP 3 1
PFPP 3 2
PPFP 3 2
PPPP 4 0
FFFF 0 0
This table simply lists all the outcomes that can be happened. It includes 2
variables x and y (x is listed as the number of employees who are chosen to be
the brand manager (x can be from 0 to 4), y is the number of changes of
sequence (y can be from 0 to 3)).

5. Bivariate Probability of Distribution

0 1 2 3 px(x)
x 0 1/16 0 0 0 1/16
1 0 2/16 2/16 0 4/16
2 0 2/16 2/16 2/16 6/16
3 0 2/16 2/16 0 4/16
4 1/16 0 0 0 1/16
py(y) 2/16 6/16 6/16 2/16 1

Mean/Expected value Variance

Symbol µx µy x y

Value 2 1.5 1 0,75

We can calculate the Bivariate Probability of Distribution of x and y ( x is the
number of employees who are chosen to be the brand manager, y be the number
of changes of sequence, i.e. the number of times we change from P → F or F →
P.) Looking at these table, these 4 MTs can have an insight view about the
overall probability of them to fail/pass the brand manager position. And also,
we can calculate the Expected value of x and y as well as the Varience of x and
y to be more specific.

IV. Discussion
Regarding the potential of candidates in the office environment, up to now,
there have been many studies published and we have also learned about a few
articles related to this issue.

In 2019, Julia Astegiano in the research article "Unraveling the gender

productivity gap in science: a meta-analytical review" showed that the gender
event, in which the event "Female" and "Male" is independent of the event
"Employee performance". Men's success rate is higher only in productivity
proxies involving peer recognition (e.g. evaluation committees, academic
positions). Men's articles showed a tendency to have higher global impact but
only if studies include self-citations. In this article, Julia detected gender bias
against women in research fields where women are underrepresented. Globally,
Julia's meta-analyses suggest that the historical underrepresentation of women
in science itself and socio-psychological and cultural factors underpinning
gender bias against women may modulate gender inequality in the workplace.
However, women and men show similar success rates when the researchers'
work is directly evaluated. Our study also gave similar results, showing that
gender is not a factor that gets too much attention when considering the results.

According to the findings of Alex Jones (Professor of Leadership, AUE), it is

pointed out that leadership, teamwork and critical thinking are the 3 most
important inputs when considering a candidate's skills. In the 2019 research
article "The role of team leadership and critical thinking", the researcher
developed ten criteria for the purpose of observing group dynamics. The aim of
which was to record each group interaction and collaboration among group
members of each team. The terms group and teams were used interchangeably
during this section. The ten criteria included: 1-Collaborative climate; 2-

Knowledge and skills; 3-Trust; 4-Effectiveness of the team; 5-Leadership; 6-
Critical thinking; 7-Problem solving; 8-Goal; 9-Communication, and 10-
Resources. The rating of each was based on three level measurement criteria
highest to lowest as follows: a) Excellent, b) Adequate, and c) Inadequate. The
analysis of the ten above criteria had shown that collaboration among teams was
significantly excellent. This study brings to the forefront a unique discovery
showing the impact of team leadership and critical thinking while
conducting negotiation role-play activities. The findings highlight the
importance of teamwork, leadership, critical thinking and how it helps
candidates to be appreciated in the workplace.

In terms of age of applicants, also in 2019, research from Anglia Ruskin and
Cyprus universities showed that today the age of applicants is getting younger
and younger. Specifically, academics from this university applied for 811 sales
and service jobs in England, sending in applications from fictional British job
seekers. Researchers found that fifty-year-old job seekers are up to three times
less likely to be selected for an interview than younger applicants with less
relevant experience. Compared with our study, as we have analyzed above, the
calculated data show that people aged 34 and older have a marked decrease in
their ability to be employed and even in the level of salary offered. Dr
Paraskevopoulou told the British Sociological Association’s annual conference
in Glasgow that the study showed that “Despite the growing participation of
older workers in the labor market, many employers are prejudiced against older
workers. These results originate from stereotypical beliefs that the physical
strengths and job performance decline with age."

Besides, the study belongs to OECD showing that over the past 14 years,
employment rates for men and women with tertiary education has been
consistently higher than for those without. The OECD average falls to about
74% for people with upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education
and to just below 56% for those without an upper secondary education. During
the recent economic crisis, the increase in the average unemployment rate for
individuals without an upper secondary education was 1.1 points higher than for
those with at least an upper secondary degree. Overall, the study pointed out
that the difference is particularly marked between those who have included
upper secondary education and those who have not.

In the case of PwC, our data indicate that there is a noticeable gap between
those with highschool graduates and postgraduates. While the pass rate of
highschool graduated candidates is 3%, after postgraduate, that rate has
increased to 13%. That said, education level plays an important role in how
employers evaluate and select candidates for their organization. It directly
affects whether a worker can accept the job or not.

V. Conclusion

1. Summary
The case of PwC in this survey is researched as an example of the Application
of Probability. The results are aggregated and calculated according to the
Probability formula on the candidates of the Management Trainee program
including 6 factors: Sex, age, academic level, time to know the program MT,
candidates experiences, candidates skills. The research shows that the gap
between people is highest in these factors: Sex, academic level and candidates
experiences. Therefore, people can know about what is important in a program.

Overall, gender, age and education level are characteristics that contain at least
one variable that is independent with event "Pass". Specifically:
+ In gender characteristics: Both the "Male" event and the "Female" event are
independent with the "Pass" event. Thereby, it can be seen that gender is not an
important variable when considering candidates in the recruitment process
+ In the "Age" feature: Event "34+" is independent of the "Pass" event. Thereby
when considering candidates, potential candidates will focus on the age group
18-33. Employers can also pay more attention to this age when selecting
+ In the feature "Education level": event "highschool graduation" is independent
of event "Pass". Thereby, employers should focus on candidates with college
degrees or higher because they are more likely to be potential candidates.
+ In the remaining characteristics, the factors examined in them are not
independent of the "Pass" event, so the employers should consider all aspects of
the candidate in these characteristics.

2. Limitation
Our survey on the Application of Probability in evaluating the potential of
candidates for the Management Trainee program, the case of PwC is used for
the research so that the volunteers still be limited. Therefore, the findings will
not be thorough enough to improve the accuracy of the result. Further research
will be conducted to get a more precise and comprehensive outcome.

VI. Reference

1. (JE Sheridan, JW Slocum, R Buda - Journal of Business and

Psychology, 1997)

2. (Mahajan, 2015):

3. (G Shafer, V Vovk , 2005)


4. (B Lipstein - Journal of Marketing Research, 1965)

5. (Julia Astegiano, 2019) "Unraveling the gender productivity gap in

science: a meta-analytical review"

6. (Alex Jones , 2019) "The role of team leadership and critical thinking"


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