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Prepare and Run rViz

The '--define nosac=true' argument is a temporary workaround to fix access issues for external employees.

Terminal 1: start ros


Terminal 2: start rViz

cd ~/ddad
bazel run --config=adp_dbg --define nosac=true
//application/adp/bmw/tools/visualization/bmw_vis:bmw_vis --define
source ~/rviz_workspace/

Terminal 3: run your test

bazel run --config=adp
r_model_rostest --cache_test_results=no --test_arg="--reuse-master"
--define nosac=true --test_env=DISPLAY

Configure rViz for to Visualize your Test

If you want your custom configuration you can configure rViz by adding OSI ground truth or osi sensor data displays from the bmw_vis package.


Global options
Fixed Frame: utm32
Detection List Topic: /TestTopic

The easier and in most cases faster way is to use an already existing configuration. Simply download the linked file to ~/.rviz and load it from rViz
(File > Open Config or Ctrl+O).

You can vszualize both of the following configurations in parallel.

ADP Sensor Model Test Configuration

This configuration was created to visualize the sensor data of the adp sensor model test and contains the sensor data channels of:

adcam stub
frr stub
lidar stub
srr stub
Official Highway Pilot Configuration
This configuration is used to visualize the data running on the car.

# Install the latest highway pilot release

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ros_hp_release

# Source and run rViz

cd /opt/ros_hp_release/

In rViz, load the configuration '/opt/ros_hp_release/ddad/application/adp/bmw/vehicle/configuration/had/bmw_veh_g12_control/rviz/ad.rviz'.

You should now see a fancy rViz view like below once you play your test. You can play around by activating and deactivating the different outputs
on the left side. Have fun!

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