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Math. Z.

147, 35-51 (1976) Mathematische

9 by Springer-Vertag 1976

On the Difference of the Weil Height

and the N ron-Tate Height

Horst Giinter Zimmer

Fachbereich 9 Mathematik, Universit~itdes Saarlandes
D-6600 Saarbriicken, BundesrepublikDeutschland


The logarithmic height (the so-called Weil height) on the group ~K of rational
points on an abelian variety d over a global field K was shown by N~ron [t53
and Tate [10, 12] to be equivalent to a sum (the so-called N6ron-Tate height)
of a quadratic form and a linear form. More precisely, the difference of the Well
height and the N6ron-Tate height turned out to be bounded. Explicit bounds
for the difference were given by Dem'janenko [33 and this author [183 in the
special case of an elliptic curve d = ." cg (the linear form being identically zero
in this case) over an algebraic number field K and a field K of algebraic functions
respectively, and by Zarhin and Manin [17] in the general case of an abelian
variety d over an algebraic number field K.
The present paper is aimed at giving a new and very simple proof of the result
of N6ron and Tate in the case of an elliptic curve cg over an arbitrary global
field K by establishing rather sharp explicit bounds for the difference of the
Well height and the N6ron-Tate height. These bounds appear to be about the
same as those exhibited by Dem'janenko [31 if the ground field K is a number
field, and they coincide (up to a normalizing factor 3) with those found by this
author [18] if K is a function field.
We mention in this connection that the height functions have been extensively
investigated in the literature [9, 10, 12, 13, 15-17]. They are an important tool
in dealing with arithmetical topics of algebraic geometry such as the Riemann
hypothesis for an elliptic curve over a finite field Ell, 19], the study of torsion
points or of integral points on an elliptic curve over a global field [-2, 4-7, 9, 201,
the Mordell-Weil theorem [9], and the development of a conditional algorithm
for determining a set of generators of the group of rational points on an elliptic
curve over a number field [143.
36 H.G. Zimmer

w 1. Global Fields

In this section we fix some notation. By a global field we mean a field K with a
proper set J/t K of absolute values in the sense of Lang [9] satisfying the product
formula with certain multiplicities. As opposed to Lang, however, we shall
write the absolute values v e ~ K additively. The product formula then becomes
a sum formula. Our notation differs from that of N6ron [15] inasmuch as we are
taking the negative instead of the positive logarithms (to a fixed base, for example,
the natural one) of the multiplicative absolute values on K.
Thus an absolute value v on K is a function
v: K u { o o } - , ~LJ{-oo, oo}
(IR denoting the additive group of real numbers) satisfying the properties
(AV 1) v(a)elR for a 4 0 , oe; v(a)=oo iff a = 0 ; v ( a ) = - ~ iff a = o e ,
(AV 2) v (a b) = v (a) + v (b),
(AV 3) v (a + b) > min (v (a), v (b)) + ev
with a non-positive constant av~lR or, more generally,
(AV 3,) v(a 1 +... +a,)>min(v(al) .... , v(a,))+rc%
with the same constant % ~IR, where r is the unique integer such that 2 r- 1 < n < 2 ~.
The absolute value v on K is said to be a valuation or a non-archimedean
absolute value if and only if the constant ev can be chosen 0. Otherwise the
constant e~ can be chosen - l o g 2, and the absolute value v on K is called
archimedean. In the sequel we shall always suppose the % for v e J g K to be chosen
in the manner described. If v is a valuation the triangle inequality (AV 3) and its
generalization (AV 3,), being true with ev=0, can be supplemented by the
statement that the equality sign holds in it whenever one of the values v(a),
v(b) or v(at) , ..., v(a,) in (AV 3) or (AV 3,) respectively is strictly less than all
the others. Then, (AV 3) together with this supplementary statement will be
called the sharpened triangle inequality. By abuse of language, we shall use this
term also for (AV 3,).
Let us recall that an absolute value v on K is said to be proper if it is non-trivial,
well-behaved, and, in case K has characteristic 0, its restriction to the rationals
Q is either trivial or - l o g ] . . . I p , where [...Ip denotes a multiplicative p-adic
valuation on I1) if p is a prime of II~ and the ordinary absolute value on Q if p = oe
(see [9]). Then a set d//K of absolute values on K is called proper if each ve Jr K
is proper, if any two distinct v, v'~ ~K are non-equivalent, and if
(F) for any given a e K, a=t=0, there are only finitely many vEJr Ksuch that v(a)+O.
The finiteness condition (F) implies in particular that ~ K contains at most
finitely many archimedean absolute values. Finally, if ~z'K is a proper set of
absolute values on K and if, for each v ~ K, we are given a real number 2~s IR,
)~ > 0, we say that ~ K satisfies the sum formula with multiplicities 2~ if we have

(S) Y' 2~ v (a) = 0 for each a ~ K, a + 0.

ve.~' K

Let us briefly consider the two most important classes of global fields K.
On the Difference of the Well Height and the N6ron-Tate Height 37

If K is an algebraic number field of finite degree n over Q we take as J~K the

set of all pairwise non-equivalent absolute values v on K in the usual manner
(see [8, 9, 15]). The sum formula (S) then holds with the local degrees 2v.'=n v
=[Kv: (~p] as multiplicities, where Kv and Qp denote the completions of K
and Q with respect to v and its restriction - l o g I... [p on ~ respectively, p being
a prime of Q or ~ .
If K/k is an algebraic function field of finite transcendence degree over some
field k of constants we take as J#K the set of all pairwise non-equivalent discrete
valuations v on K extending those discrete valuations on any fixed maximal rational
subfield of K/k which arise from the prime polynomiais and the negative degree
valuation on this subfield (see [18]). The sum formula (S) then holds with the
degrees 2~: =f~ of the prime divisors p~ of K/k corresponding to the valuations
ve~/~K (compare also [8, 9, 15]).
Following Lang [9] we now introduce, for any global field K with a proper
set J/{K of absolute values, the notion of an d/lK-divisor b =(6~)v~K as a function

b: d/tK ---~ ]R , /; F----~(~v,

satisfying the following two conditions:

(D 1) 6~ = 0 for all but a finite number of absolute values v E JgK;
(D 2) for each non-archimedean absolute value v e ~ K, there exists aEK, a + 0 ,
such that 6~ = v (a).
We remark that (D 1) differs slightly from the corresponding condition (i) of
Lang [9] since we are using additive notation for the absolute values in J K " If
the sum formula is valid with multiplicities 2~, for the set ~/~K we also define the
J/tK-degree of an J/IK-divisor b=(6~)o~t K as the real number
6.'= ~ 2~6~.
veJH K

For example, the function a = ( ~ ) ~ K with the constants ~ taken from (AV 3)
is an J~K-divisor of ~K-degree (say)

rE J,/K

By the above choice of the ~, it is clear that we have ~ = 0 in the case of a field
K/k of algebraic functions and
~=- ~ n~v= ~ n~log2=nlog2

in the case of an algebraic number field K of degree n over Q, where the sum is
to be taken over all archimedean absolute values v ~ K (note that the v s J ~ K are
Let L be a finite extension of degree m over the global field K. Then the set
~/HL of pairwise non-equivalent absolute values w on L extending the absolute
values v ~ ' K (we shall then write w Iv) is proper. We assume each w ~ ' L nor-
malized in such a way that its restriction on K equals some w J//K. Then, if wlv,
we have w (a)= v (a) for each a~ K. Moreover, if JAcKsatisfies the sum formula (S)
with multiplicities 2~, the set J l L satisfies the sum formula with multiplicities
38 H.G. Zimmer

2~mw for w I v, where mw:=Ekw: K~] denote the corresponding local degrees
(cf. [9, 15]). Observe that, in the function field case, the normalization just
chosen for the absolute values w ~ d t , deviates from the usual one (see [8, 9]).
If bK=(6~),~K is an J~K-divisor, we put in accordance with Lang [9]

6~,:=6~ for w~Jr and v~.~ K such that wlv

in order to obtain an J/L-divisor b L= (6w)~xdL. In this way the set of M/K-divi-
sors is mapped injectively into the set of M@divisors.

w 2. Bounds for the Difference of the Weil Height and the N6ron-Tate Height

The present section is devoted to stating, and outlining a proof of, the announced
explicit version of the theorem of N6ron and Tate [10, 12, 15] for an elliptic
curve (g over a global field K of characteristic +2, 3 with a proper set JgK of
absolute values satisfying the sum formula (S) with multiplicities 2~. In this
version of the theorem explicit bounds will be given for the difference of the Weil
height and the N6ron-Tate height on the group cgK of rational points of (g over K.
The restriction concerning the characteristic of the field K is made for formal
reasons. As for the excluded cases of ground fields K of characteristic 2 or 3, we
refer to the more intricate proof of the theorem carried out in [18].
Let us consider a plane affine elliptic Curve ~g over K given in Weierstrass
normal form
Yz=X3+aX+b (a,b~K)
with discriminant
A = 4 a 3 + 2 7 b 2 4=0.
We assume the additive abelian group cgK of rational points on qf over K to
contain as neutral element the point (9=(o0, o0) arising from the projective
closure of the affine curve cg.
For a rational point P=(x, Y)~gK, the Weil height h is defined by
h ( P ) , = Z h(P)~,
~-2~min(O,v(x),v(y)) if P . ~ }
h(P)v"=[-2vO if P

The sum formula (S) shows that this is precisely the usual logarithmic height
for the point corresponding to P on the projective closure of cg 1
Now we are in a position to introduce the N6ron-Tate height on cgK. To this
end and for technical reasons, we first define some auxiliary real-valued functions
d, d,, and h, on ~K as follows. We set, for each Veo/~K,
#~: = min (89v (a), ~ v (b)) and then vv: = min (0,/~).

Of course, h is the height with respect to the two-dimensional projective space over K in which
the closure of (g is given, but we drop the reference to the underlying space because this space is kept
fixed throughout.
On the Differenceof the WeftHeight and the N6ron-Tate Height 39

Notice that we have

#~_>v~, 0>v~, and v(a)>2#v, v(b)>3#~
for each w ~ K. Then, we put
m.'=(#~)~K and n.'=(V~)~UK,
and further
-#:= ~ 2~#~ and -v:= ~ 2~v~.
v~' K ve~/K

Observe that the sum formula (S) entails the inequalities


These definitions are justified by the fact that m 6 = (6 # v ) ~ K and n 6 = (6 V~)V~K

are JClK-divisors of non-positive ~K-degrees --6# and - 6 v respectively. By
abuse of language we call m the coefficient J/lK-divisorof the Weierstrass equation
of cg (cf. [18]).
For a point P = (x, y)~CgK, the real-valued function d(= din)js now defined by
d(P):= Z d(P)~,
v~J4 K
32~min(#~,v(x)) if P#(9~
-212~p~ if P = (gj
Note that we have
d(-P)=d(P) for each P ~ K
d(P)=~#_>_0 for P=(9.
Similarly, we define the real-valued functions d. and h. on cdK by setting for
d.(P).'= ~ d.(P)~ and h.(P):= ~ h.(P)~
.,: E . ~ ' K v ~ .//~ K

with d.(P)~ and h~(P)~ obtained from d(P)~(=dm(P)~) and h(P)~ by replacing in
d(P)~ and h(P)~ respectively #~ by v, and 0 by 3 v~. Then we have in particular
d.(P)=h.(P)=~v>=O for P=(9.
Up to the factor 3 and the agreement regarding P = (9, these functions coincide
with the corresponding ones introduced in [18].
The Ndron-Tate height ~ on c#K can now be defined by means of the function
d via
~(P)"=limd(22P),~oo for P~CffK'
where the limit is to be taken over all positive integers t.
40 H.G. Zimmer

Before stating our explicit version of the theorem of N6ron and Tate we recall
the following two notions. Two real-valued functions ~0 and ~ on a set S are said
to be equivalent (we then write ~o~ff) if the difference function q ~ - ~ on S is
bounded. A real-valued function q on an additive abelian group G is called a
quadratic form if it fulfills the relation
q(u+z)+q(u-z)=2q(u)+2q(z) for any u,z~G.
Theorem. The Weil height h and the N&on-Tate height ~ on the group cgK of
rational points on the elliptic curve cg over the global field K of characteristic ~ 2, 3
are equivalent,
and ~ is a quadratic form uniquely determined by that property. More precisely,
the difference function h - h on csK is bounded by
- 89 for PsCgK.
Specifically, if K is an algebraic number field of finite degree n = [K: Q], we have
- 89 for PeCgK,
and if K is afield of algebraic functions of finite transcendence degree over afield k
of constants, we have
- 3 v<h(P)-~(P)<3v for P~C~K.
Let us indicate the main steps of proof.
First it will be shown that the function h on cgK exists and that it represents
a quadratic form. For this purpose we define a real-valued function d on cgKx ~K
by putting for any two P, Q ~cgK
d(P, Q)==d(P+Q)+d(P-Q)-Zd(P)-Zd(Q) if P + _ Q
d(P, P)== d ( Z P ) - 4d(P) if P = Q.
Note that
d(+P, +Q)=d(P, Q) for any two P, QeCgK.
Then we shall derive for this "remainder t e r m " function d on cgK x cgK the estimate
(i) - ( 9 # + 1 9 c ~ ) < d ( P , Q ) <=~- - c~ for P, Q~gK
which can be sharpened to
(i') -(9#+15e)<=d(P,P)<__6c~ for P=Q~Cg K.

Hence, the function h on cgK, if it exists, is a quadratic form as follows immediately

from the above definition of ft. But the estimate (i') also implies the existence of
on cgK. For, by definition of d(P, Q), we have for any positive integer t
d(2tp) d(2'-lP) d(2'-ip, 2t-lp)
22 ' 22(' -t) 22 '
On the Difference of the Well Height and the N6ron-Tate Height 41

and hence, by induction on t,

d(2tp) .... ~ d ( 2 i-1 p, 2i-1 p)
~ f = drY) + 2. 22i

d(2'P) ~d(2i-l p, 2i-i P)
~(P)= lim - ~ 5 - - = d ( P ) + 22 ~ ,
t~o3 i=1

and the existence of ~ on cgK is simply a consequence of the inequalities

-(3/~+5~)_< ~d(2i-lP'2i-lP)<_2c~ for P~C~K

--i=1 " 22i --

which in turn can be inferred from the estimate (i'). For later applications, we write
these last inequalities in the form
(ii) -2e<d(P)-~(P)<=31~+5~ for Pe~gK"
Now it remains to estimate the difference function h - f z on cgK. To this end
we use the auxiliary functions d. and h. on cgK. First we derive bounds for the
difference functions d . - d and h - h . on ~K" Then an estimate of the difference
function h . - d . on ~ yields the asserted inequalities for the difference function
h - ~ on C6~K.
Specifically, we shall establish the inequalities
(iii) O<=d.(P)-d(P)<=~(v-,u) for P~CdK
thus showing in view of (ii) that, for P~CdK,
(iv) -2a<=d,~(P)-h(P) <=3(v + lO + 5a<-_3v+ 5:~.
Furthermore, we shall see that
(v) -3v<h(P)-h.(P)<O for P~cg K.
F r o m the inequalities
(vi) -3a<=h.(P)-d.(P)<e for P6CgK
and from (iv) and (v) we then derive the asserted estimate

-- 89 for PeCgK.
These inequalities show in particular that we could as well have used the
functions d., h., or h in place of d for defining the N6ron-Tate height ~ on cgK.
But the function d proves to be the easiest to handle and is therefore chosen to
play the crucial role in the proof of the theorem.

w 3. Proof of the Asserted Inequalities

To complete the proof of the theorem we have to establish the inequalities

(i)-(vi). Of these, the inequalities (iii) and (v) are obvious from the definitions of
42 H.G. Zimmer

the functions in question. Furthermore, as was pointed out above, (ii) can be
easily inferred from (i'), and (iv) is just the combination of (ii) and (iii). Thus we
are left with the task of proving (i) and (vi).
Proof of (vi). Let us fix an arbitrary rational point P=(x, Y)~K. Since (vi) is
trivially true for P = (9 we may assume that P # (9. To begin with we make the
following observations.
From the Weierstrass equation y2=x3+ax+b for the point P we see by
virtue of (AV 3,) that, for each v ~ J t K,
(1) v(y)>=3min (vv, v(x))+av.
If, moreover, v e J# K is a valuation we conclude by means of the sharpened
triangle inequality that we have the stronger relation
(1') v(y)=3v(x ) whenever v(x)<v,.
On the other hand, writing the Weierstrass equation for P in the form
x3= ya_ ax-b, one obtainsby virtue of (AV 3,) that
(2) 3v(x)>min(v(y),v~+89 whenever v(x)<v~
and hence that then
(21) 3v(x)>v(y)+c~v if v(y)<v~+89
(22) 3v(x)>v~+89 if v(y)>v~+89
We remark that all these relations are true even with #v instead of v~.
Now, in order to prove (vi), we shall show that, for each v~dlK,
(vi~) 3 2~c%<h.(P)~-d,~(P)v<-2.%.
By definition of h. and d., this amounts to computing and estimating the difference
0~, = - min (23v~, v (x), v (y)) + 3 min (vv, v (x)).
If v e d l K is a valuation, it follows easily from (1) and (1') that we have Ov=O
and hence
so that (viv) is trivially fulfilled.
Let therefore v ~ JgK be an archimedean absolute value. We discuss separately
two cases.
(I) Suppose that v(x)>v~.
Then, taking into account that v(x)> v~>53 v~, we compute
~ = - rain (3 v~, v (y)) + 23v~.
By virtue of (1), we obtain the estimate
3 ~<__0__< - m i n (3 vv, v(y))+3 v~<__-%
so that (vi~) is valid.
On the Difference of the Weil Height and the N6ron-Tate Height 43

(II) Suppose that v(x)<v~.

Then we have
(v~,v(x))=-} v(x).
If min(~vv, v(x),v(y))=}v~ so that in particular v(y)>~v~>v~+89 we
obtain by virtue of (22) for ~= -~ vv+~ v(x) the estimate

}~o< - } ~ + } ~(~) <o < -~v

and hence, (vi~) is true.
If min(~v~,v(x),v(y))=v(x) we note that in particular v(y)>=v(x) and
v~__>v(x). We compute

a~= - v ( x ) + ~ v(x)=89v(x).
From (2 0 or (22) we obtain
v(x) > v(y) + ~o>=v(x) + ~

~(~)> vo+3 ~(x)+ ~ > ~ ~(x)+~ ~(x)+~o=~ ~(~) + ~

and hence

In any case we have the estimate

so that (vi~) is valid.

If, finally, min (~ v~, v(x), v(y))=v(y) we note that in particular } v~>v(y). We
a . = - v ( y ) + ~ v(x).
On the one hand, we obtain from (21) or (22)
-~(y)+} ~(x)>~

- ~(y) +}ax)_> - ~(y) + vv+89 + ~. ==_-}vv + vv+k~(x)+ ~o

= -k,,o+}~tx/+~o__>~.
(the very last inequality being once more implied by (22)). On the other hand,
we have from (1)
-~(y)+}~(~)< -~.
We conclude again that in any case

}~o_-< - ~(y) +~(~)__< - ~

so that (%) is true.
44 H.G. Zimmer

Proof of (i). Let us first write down a couple of auxiliary relations which will
be needed in the proof. For the time being it is convenient to use the notation
R=(xR,YR), S=(xs,Ys), and R+_S=(xa+s,ya+s) for the affine coordinates of
the points in ~gK.
The addition theorem on (KK yields the formulas ([1, 20])
X2 Xs + XR X2 + a(XR + Xs) T 2 YR Ys + 2 b
(3) XR• = (xR_Xs)2
for R, SeCgK such that R + __S, R=#(9, $4=(9, and
X4--2aX2R--8bxR+a2 ~b2(XR)
(4) XeR = 4y 2 =: 4 y 2

for R, S ~ % such that R=Sq=(9. In particular, (3) yields (cf. [1, 6, 11, 18])
(XR Xs -- a) 2 -- 4 b (x~ + x s)
x~+s~_~= (xR-Xs) ~
(6) XR+s--XR_s-- , ,2"
tx R - Xs)
Finally, the discriminant A of the curve c~ admits additive representations of the
form (cf. [1-3, 18])

(7) A = (3x~ + 4 a) q~2(xa) - (3 x 3 - S ax R - 27 b) y~

(8) AXVR= { A x ~ - a 2 b x ~ +(3a4 + 22abZ)xa +(3a3b + 2463)} ~2 (XR)
+ {a 2 b x 3 + (5 a 4 + 32 a b 2) x~ + (26 a 3 b + 192 b 3) x a - (3 a 5 + 24 a z b2)} y~

for any point R ~cgK, R 4=(9.

Now, in order to prove (i) and (i'), we shall first estimate the local functions
defined on cgK• cgK by putting for any two P = (Xe, Yv), Q = (xQ, ye)~cgK and for
each v ~ J { K
d(P, Q ) v : = d ( P + Q ) v + d ( P - Q ) v - 2 d ( P ) v - 2 d ( Q ) ~ if P4= + Q
d(P,P)v:=d(ZP)v-4d(P)~ if P = Q .
The asserted estimates (i) and (i') will then follow by forming the sum
d(P, Q)= ~ d(P, Q)~ for any two P, Q~cgK-
v~ Jr

If one of the points P or Q equals (9=(o% oo), then d(P, Q) trivially satisfies
the estimates (i) and (i'). We may therefore assume that p~a (9 and Q 4=(9. The
proof of (i) will then be carried out in detail under the additional assumption that
P 4= + Q and hence that P-T-Q 4=(9. In the remaining case in which P = 4-Q, one
shows by similar arguments that (i') and hence a fortiori the weaker estimate (i)
is valid.
On the Differenceof the Weil Heightand the N6ron-Tate Height 45

Now, under the above assumptions on P, Q, we have by definition

d(P, Q)v = -~2v min(#v, V(Xp+Q))-~2~ min(#v, v(xe_Q) )
+ 32 v rain (#v, v (xp)) + 32~ min (#~, v (xe)).
To get an estimate from above we distinguish four cases in all of which we
tacitly apply (AV 3,).
(I) Suppose that v(xp+o)<#~ and v(xe_Q)<#~.
Then we derive from (5) with R : = P , S : = Q that
min (#~, v (x~ + o)) + min (#~, v (x e_ Q))
> 2 min (#~, v (Xv)) + 2 rain (#~, v (xo)) - 2 v (x e - xo.) + 4 %.
Multiplying by ~ and rearranging yields
d(P, Q),< 3 )~V(Xp- X e ) - 6 2~%.
(II) Suppose that v(xp+e)<#~ and V(Xe_e)>#,.
Then we infer from (1) and (3) with R:=P, S:=Q that
min (#~, v (xp + e)) + rain (#,, v (xe_ e))
=v(xe +Q)+ #~
_>_2 min (#~, v (Xe)) + 2 min (#~, v (Xo.))- 2 v (x e - xe) + 5 %.
Multiplying by -~ and rearranging yields
d (n, Q)~ __<3 ,~ v (x~ - x~) - ~ , ~ ~ .
(III) Suppose that v(xp+Q)>#~ and v(xp_Q)<#~.
Then the same result as in (II) follows suit.
(IV) Suppose that V(Xp+Q)>#~ and v(Xl._Q)>#~.
In this case we clearly have
v (Xe - xQ) > rain (#v, v (x p)) + rain (#v, v (xQ)) - #v + ~
= min (#~, v(xe)) + rain (#~, V(Xo))
- 89 (#~, v(xp+Q))- 89 (#~, V(Xe_Q))+ %.
Multiplying by 3 and rearranging yields
d(P, Q)~< 3 2~ V(Xp- XQ)- 3 2~%.
On taking the worst bound of all four cases, summing over the ve Jr/K, and
utilizing the sum formula (S), we end up with the estimate from above

V 6 J~'~ K ~)E , ~ ' K VE~t K

as asserted in (i).
46 H.G. Zimmer

In the remaining case in which we may assume that P = Q (say), we have by


d(P, P)~= -32~ min (#v, V(Xze))+6)~ min (#,, v(xe)).

By similar arguments as before, using (1) and (4) with R:=P, we then get the
stronger estimate from above

d(P,P)= ~ d(P,P)~<=3 ~ 2~v(yp)+3 ~ 2vv(2)-6 ~ 2~c%=6~

V~JgK V~J4K W~K V~,~/K

as asserted in (i').
Now we wish to establish an estimate from below. Throughout we shall
again tacitly apply (AV 3,). Let us begin with drawing some conclusion from the
relations (7) and (8).
Suppose that v(xe)<#~ for some R ~ g K and v~Jr Then we have from (8)

v (A) + 7 v (xR) > min {6 #v + 3 v (xR) + v (4~z (xR)) + 7 ~v,

7 #v + 3V(XR)+2v(yR)+9C%}+C%.
Hence, applying the relation

(9) v(~b2(xR))=v(x2~)+2v(y,)+ 2v(2)

which follows from (4), we obtain

(10) v(A)+ 7V(XR)>6#v+3V(XR)+min(y~,V(XzR))+2v(y~)+ IOc%.

Suppose on the other hand that v(xR)>#~. Then we have from (7)
v(A) > min {2#~+v(q)z(XR))+3o~v, 3#~+2v(yR) +6%} + ~ .
Hence, again applying the relation (9), we obtain

(11) v(A)>2#~+min(#v, v(xzR))+2v(ya)+7%.

On combining both inequalities (10) and (11), we arrive at the estimate

(12) (v(A)-6#~)+4min(#~, v(xR))-2v(ya)- 10e~>min(#~,v(x2R))

which will be applied after the subsequent discussion of four cases.

Let us again assume that P+(9, Q+(9 and P # _+Q.2 In the proposed discus-
sion we shall make use of the relation

(13) v(xe +Q--xe_Q)= 2v(2)+v(yv)+v(YO)--2v(xe-- xo)

which follows from (6) with R : = P and S.'= Q.

(I) Suppose that v(x2e)~# ~ and v(x2Q)<#~.

2 The case in which 2 P = ( 9 or 2 Q = ( 9 is formally c o m p r i s e d in o u r treatment. This is in o r d e r as

can be s h o w n by a separate discussion.
On the Differenceof the Weil Height and the N6ron-Tate Height 47

By virtue of (13), we then infer from (5) with R : = P + Q , S:=P-Q and hence
with R + S = 2 P , R - S = 2 Q that
v (x 2e) + v (x 2o) > 2 min (#v, v (Xp + e)) + 2 rain (#v, v (xp_ Q))
-- 2V(Xp +Q-- Xp_Q) + 4CZv
= 2 min (#v, v (Xp + 0)) + 2 rain (#~, v (x e_ 0.))
--4v(2)--2v(ye)--2v(ye)+4v(xe-- xo)+4 %.
(II) Suppose that v(X2p)<#v and v(x2o)>=#v.
By virtue of (13), we then infer from (1) and (3) with R : = P + Q , S : = P - Q and
hence with R + S : = 2 P that
/) (X2 P) -[- #v ~ 2 min (#~, v (Xp +Q)) + 2 min (#v, v (Xp_ q))
- 2V(Xp + e - xF_e)+ 5o~v
= 2 min (#v, v (Xp § Q)) + 2 rain (#v, v (x1,_ e))
- 4 v ( 2 ) - 2 v(yp)- 2 v(ye) + 4 v ( x p - xe) + 5 %.
(Ill) Suppose that v(x2e)__>#~ and v(x2e)<#v.
By a reasoning similar to (II) we get
#v "-~/)(X2 Q) ~-~2 min (#v, v (Xp +Q)) + 2 min (#v, v (Xp_ Q))
- 4 v ( 2 ) - 2 v ( y e ) - 2 v(Yo) + 4 v ( x e - xQ) + 5 o~~.
(IV) Suppose that v(x2e)>pv and v(x2Q)>#v.
Here we clearly have
#v + v (Xp +o-- Xp _ Q) > min (#v, v (x e + Q)) + min (#v, v (Xp_ Q)) + %.
On multiplying this inequality by 2, rearranging, and taking (13) into account,
we get
#v + #~ > 2 rain (#v, v (x e + Q)) + 2 rain (#v, v (Xp_ q))
- 4 v ( 2 ) - 2 v ( y e ) - 2 v(ye) + 4 v ( x e - xQ) + 2c~~.
The four inequalities derived in the above cases (I)-(IV)can now be sum-
marized into
(14) min(#v,V(Xze))+min(#v,v(x2e))
> 2 rain (#v, v (Xp + e)) + 2 min (#v, v (x e_ (2))
- 4 v( 2 ) - 2 v(yp)- 2 v(Y o) + 4 v ( x e - xQ) + 5 c~v.
On combining (12), applied with both R : = P and R:=Q, and (14), on multi-
plying by 3, and rearranging, we arrive at
2 min (#v, v (x e +e)) - 3 min (#v, v (xp_ 0_))
- 3-
+ 3 min (#~, V(Xe) ) + 3 rain (#v, v(xe))
> 3 (6,uv-- v( A)) + 3 v(xe-- xQ)-- 3 v(2) +19 c%.
48 H.G. Zimmer

Thus, summing over the v ~.//gK and utilizing the sum formula (S) we end up with
the estimate from below
d(P,Q)= ~ d(P,Q)~>=~ ~ ~(6#~-v(A))

+3 ~ k,v(xp--xQ)--3 2 2,v(2)+t9 Z 2,%

veJ-~K v~JgK vE~'~

= - ( 9 # + 19c~)

as asserted in (i).
In the remaining case in which P = Q, we apply similar arguments as before.
Using (4), (7), and (8) with R.'= P, we get the stronger estimate from below
d(P,P)= Z d(P,P)~ >3 Z 2~(6#~-v(A))+3 Z 2~v(ye)+15 ~ 2~%

= - ( 9 # + 15c0
as asserted in (i').
This completes the proof of (i) and (i').

w4. Some Properties of the N6ron-Tate Height

In this section we shall show how the function d on the group cgK of rational
points on the elliptic curve cg over the global field K of characteristic # 2, 3 can be
used to easily derive some well-known properties of the N6ron-Tate height ~ on
csK (cf. [9, 12, 18]).
Let there be given another elliptic curve cg, defined over K by a Weierstrass
Y'z=x'3+a'X'+b' (a', b'6K).

Denote by cg~ the group of rational points of c~, over K and by d' and ~' the cor-
responding functions on c~ defined in w2. Suppose that c~, is birationally equiv-
alent to c~ over K such that we have

(Y) X'=p-ZX, y , = p - 3 y , a,=p-4a, and b'=p-6b

for some peK, poe0.

Property 1. The function d and hence the height fz is invariant under birational
transformations (T) of the elliptic curve cg over K. More precisely, we have
d (P) = d' (P') and hence ~ (P) = t' (P')
for any two points PEcgK and p, ~cg~ corresponding to each other under (T).
This is true because, for each Ve.///K, there holds

#,f = m i n t2~• 1
~,xv(b t
)) = # , - 2v(p).
On the Difference of the Weil Height and the N4ron-Tate Height 49

Hence, by the sum formula (S), we obtain

d' (P') = - ~ ~ 2 v min (#;, v (x'))

=-3 ~ 2 , m i n ( # , , v ( x ) ) + 3 ~ 2vv(p)=d(P )

for any two points P=(x, Y)~K and P'=(x', y ' ) ~ such that x ' = p - 2 x , y , = p - 3 y .
To indicate a second property we consider a finite extension L of K with a
proper set o/~Lof absolute values w extending the v e,/#K as described in w1. Then
the elliptic curve ~ is afortiori defined over L. For we,////L and w J# K such that
w Iv, we have in accordance with w1
#w = min (89w(a), 89w(b)) = min (89v(a), 89v(b)) = #~.
Therefore, the extension m L6 =( 6 #w)w~L of the J/K-divisor m 6 = ( 6 # ~ ) ~ K is an
Jg,-divisor. In particular, m L is the coefficient J/L-divisor of the curve cg over k.
It is expedient momentarily to switch over to the notation dK, h Kand d L, h, for the
functions respectively defined on c~K and cgL in w1, where cgL stands for the group
of rational points on cg over k. Using the fact that each v~.///K is well-behaved,
we obtain for a point P = (x, y)eCgK__csL in accordance with the conventions made
in w
dL(P)= - ~ ~ 2w min(# w, w(x))
w edr

= -3 ~ 2 2~mw min (#,, v(x))

VS~/K W e d'/L

= '311_: K] ~, 2~min(#v, v(x))--[k: K]dK(P).


Property 2. Under finite extensions L over K, the function d and hence the
height ~ is multiplied by the field degree [-I_: K]. More precisely, we have
dL(P)=[1-: K] dK(P) and hence ~L(P)=[-1-: K]~K(P )
for any point P~cgK ~ ,.
Properties 1 and 2 can be combined into a single assertion. Let c~, be defined
over a finite extension L over K such that the Weierstrass equation of c~, has
coefficients a', b' ~ 1-. Denote by d[ and ~[ the functions on the group cg'Lof rational
points on cg, over k introduced in w1. Suppose that the curve cg over K is biration-
ally equivalent to cg, over k by a transformation (T) over 1_ such that p e 1_, p :t: 0.
Property 3. I f a birational transformation (T) defined over a finite extension
k over K is applied to the elliptic curve cg over K, the function d and hence the height
is multiplied by the field degree [1_ : K]. More precisely, we have
d[ (P')= [k" K]d K(P) and hence ~'L(P')= [k : K] ~K(P)
for any two points P6cg K and P' ecg'L corresponding to each other under (T)
We call a real-valued function ~0 on a group G positive-(semi)definite if
(p(u)(>)O for each ueG, uOeO, and q~(O)=0.
50 H.G. Zimmer

Property 4. The function d and hence the height h on cgK is positive-semidefinite.

This is evident from the following form in which the function d on ~K can be
written by virtue of the sum formula (S).
d(P)=-~ Z 2vmin(16,v(x)) = - 3 ~ 2,v(x) - 3 Z 2v#~
V~,A4K Ve,//4K V~J//K
v(x) < tzv v(x) >=uv
-~ ~ 2v(v(x)-#.)>=O for P = ( x , y ) 6 % .
v(x) >=~

The fact that ~ is positive-semidefinite on cgKhas some important consequences

which we list as Properties 5 and 6. They can be verified, for example, as in [-18].
Property 5. The points P~cgK such that ~ ( P ) = 0 form a subgroup ego of cgK,
and the factor group ~K.'= cgK/cg~is torsion-free. By means of the definition
(/5): = ~ (p) for P E c~K and P: = P rood c~o,
the function ~ extends uniquely to a positive-definite quadratic form on the group

Finally, let ~cgK.'= IR | Z~gK denote the extension of the Z-module c~K to an
R-vector space (where ;E stands for the rational integers).
Property 6. The Ndron-Tate height ~ can be uniquely extended to a positive-
semidefinite quadratic form 3 on the R-vector space acgK by defining

f~(~)= 89 i rirj(~(Pi+PJ)-~(Pi)-~(PJ))

for any

-~= ~ r~| Pi%CgK.



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Received August 8, 1975

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