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1 Warm up

Watch this short film and answer the questions.

1. Who is the young woman at the centre of the activities and what do you think is happening to

2. Where and when do you think these events took place?

3. What do you know about her life?

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2 Vocabulary

Read the sentences and match each word in bold to the correct meaning below.

1. Today’s our anniversary! We gotengaged ten years ago in the spring and we married in the autumn.

a. made a formal agreement to get married:

b. the date that an important event happened in the past:

2. One reason a king or queen would give up the throne after they were crowned is that they weren’t
allowed to marry the person they loved.
a. decide to leave their position as king or queen:

b. were officially made king or queen:

3. In Thailand, only the rulers of the country were allowed to have the breed of animal that we call
Siamese cats. These cats were considered to be part of the royal family.
a. a special type of animal:

b. the group of people who are related to a king or queen:

c. the leaders of a country:

4. I think we should reduce our spending on magazines and newspapers - they just don’t seem
relevant anymore when we can get all the news on the Internet.
a. make something smaller in amount or size:

b. useful or correct for the situation:

5. Fans of the TV series Game of Thrones have sometimes based their wedding ceremony on the
programme, with recognisable costumes and food.
a. easy to understand where something came or from who someone is:

b. a set of actions that people take as part of a religion or other important social event:

6. A number of countries in the Commonwealth family of nations have the same system of
government as the UK, for example, India has a Parliament.
a. a group of countries which were once part of the British empire and now work together
politically and economically:
b. the group in the government that voters elect to make laws and run the country in some
political systems:

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Read these vocabulary notes and write one word from the exercise above in each gap.

1. Siamese cats are one (noun) of animal, but we say that animals are bred (verb) to
look or act a certain way.

2. is a noun, and the adjective is ceremonial. Note that the stressed syllable is different.

3. A coronation is an event when a king or queen is .

How do you think these words will be used in the story of Queen Elizabeth the Second’s life?

3 Listening 1
You are going to listen to information about Queen Elizabeth II. Choose the best option to complete
each sentence. Then listen to check your ideas.

1. As children, Elizabeth and her sister never left England / played with friends / went to school.

2. When she heard that the King was dead, she was visiting Canada / Kenya / Scotland.

3. As Queen, she was not allowed to say what she thought about the government / speak to ordinary
people / carry her own handbag.

4. Elizabeth loved one particular breed of animal: Siamese cats / Corgi dogs / tropical fish.

5. In 2012, she agreed to let her son become king / star in a TV programme / spend less money.

6. Philip died a year / two years / ten years before the Queen.

4 Listening 2
Read the questions. Can you remember the answers? Listen again to check.

1. How was she related to Kings Edward the Seventh and George the Sixth?

2. What was special about her coronation?

3. How did the Queen usually dress?

4. What went wrong in 1992?

5. How do people feel about watching TV programmes about the royal family?

6. How did many people in the UK feel when the Queen died?

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5 Language point
You heard several passive verb forms in the recording. Read this sentence and answer the questions.

She grew up in London with her younger sister and they were educated at home.

1. How do we make a passive form?

2. Do we know who educated the two princesses?
3. What do passive sentences focus on - the action or the person doing the action?

Complete these sentences from the recording with the correct verb in a past passive form.

not allow / announce / crown / not expect / show / watch

1. She to become queen when she was born.

2. In 1952, while she was visiting Kenya, the death of King George ...
3. She at Westminster Abbey on the second of June, 1953.
4. ... the ceremony on TV and by millions of people around the
5. However, she to express her own political opinions.

Change these active sentences about Elizabeth II to passives.

1. People always called her Lillibet as a child.

2. Elizabeth fell in love with Philip when someone first introduced him to her in 1934.

3. She and Philip sent their four children to private schools.

4. Someone filmed the Queen jumping out of a helicopter with James Bond at the London Olympics
in 2012.

5. In 2022, someone invited Paddington Bear to have tea with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

Why are these sentences better with passive verb forms?

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Complete these sentences so they are true for you. Compare ideas in pairs.

When I was a child, I was sometimes called ...

When I was a teenager, I was not allowed to ...

I remember when ... was shown on TV.

I’ll never forget the time I was invited to ...

6 Talking point

Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.

1. What do you admire most about Queen Elizabeth?

2. What question would you ask her if you could speak to her?
3. What do you think are some of the most difficult things about being a member of a royal family?
What are some positive things?
4. What are some advantages of having a royal family? Why do some people think that it’s not a
good idea to have kings and queens?

Now, read these three quotes from Queen Elizabeth. Which one is your favourite and why?

"I declare before you all that my whole life whether it be long or short shall be devoted to
your service."

"It’s all to do with the training: you can do a lot if you’re properly trained."

"I have to be seen to be believed."

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7 Optional extension
Many different places and things are named after kings and queens. Which of these items is named
after Queen Elizabeth II? Match the correct answers with a description below - some items are extra.

bird / airport terminal / biscuit / handbag / holiday resort / horse race / rose

ship / horse race / rose / ship / underground line / wildlife park

1. : More commonly known as T2, this is part of Heathrow, one of the busiest
transport hubs in the world.
2. : Opened in 2022, this crosses London from east to west and cost £25 billion
to build!
3. : Several of these have had the name Queen Elizabeth, but the most
recent one dates from 2010. It has 1,046 cabins and can carry over 2,000
4. : This is held every year in Kentucky, US. Winners receive $500,000.

5. : This large area in Uganda, East Africa is home to a wide variety of animals
and is very popular with tourists.
6. : This was actually created in the US to mark the coronation of the Queen.
The pale pink colour has been very popular.

1. Which of these do you think is the best way to honour or remember the Queen?
2. Are there any places or things that are not suitable to name after a famous person?
3. What places or things are named after famous people in your country?
4. Why do people sometimes change the name of places or things?

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