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Ethics is considered one of the basic pillars that refine the lives of individuals and

organize societies, and it can also be considered a major reason for the establishment and
prosperity of nations and protecting them from dissolution. Ethics has a great impact on
societies and individuals, as it is an indicator of the continuation of the nation and its non-
collapse, and it is mainly divided into good morals, which are good values that push a
person to do good, and bad morals that can be defined as values that encourage
corruption and spread evil, hence the importance of morals and their impact on
communities and individuals.

First, there is a close relationship between ethics and material and economic life at the
individual level, and it is represented in the following: Ethics affects the standard of
living of individuals in society and the ability to acquire relationships at the level of
work, which would lead them to the ranks they aspire to in society.
Ethics educates in the hearts of individuals the values of honesty, virtue, sincerity and
perfection in work, which develops the skills of individuals and increases their desire to
always provide the best.

Besides , there is a relationship between morals and material and economic life at the
community level, and it is represented in the following;
Possession of morals increases the degree of trust between individuals of the same work
and between companies of all kinds, and it is what pushes the nation's economy to the top
and increases the desire for initiative and creativity away from stagnation and routine.
Ethics is the basis of a successful economy, as it is the basis for the goodness of the
nation and maintaining its competitiveness in the economic market. Without it, there is
no trust and relations between individuals, and corruption is widespread.

Furthermore, there are many psychological and moral effects of morals at the level of
society,as follows:
Ethics is an approach responsible for establishing a society that possesses ideal

characteristics, as it becomes a strong, cohesive and stable society.
Ethics helps build a sophisticated society that is able to face challenges and keep pace
with changes. It also contributes to preparing individuals who are able to face
circumstances with courage. This is because it maintains the entity of society within a
specific and unified framework. and then Ethics helps to build a cohesive society based
on love and brotherhood, as it preserves the basic values and principles that regulate the
lives of individuals, which reinforces the values of social solidarity and bonds of love.
Ethics is the most important feature that distinguishes societies, as it is the basis of
goodness and good deeds, and it is what keeps society cohesive and spreads positivity
among its members, by spreading the culture of giving and giving among people.

 On the other hand, there are many psychological and moral effects of ethics on the
individual level which is one of the most important elements of an individual's
as it protects oneself from deviation, and gives a sense of reassurance and safety.
Human instinct is based mainly on the concepts of good manners. Ethics works to purify
the human soul from everything that is bad, and thus the meanings of sophistication
transcend and spread happiness among the members of society.
Ethics is one of the most important pillars on which the laws and provisions that regulate
matters of life and ways of living are based, and it is the main reason that drives
to abide by laws.
Ethics works to educate virtues among individuals, so that they become conscious and
aware generations capable of giving and making sacrifices for the renaissance and
of society. Ethics also helps to develop positive thoughts in the minds of individuals,
is reflected in their behavior and lifestyle.
The effects of social ethics
3 at the community level

Among the most important of these effects are the following:
Ethics contributes to inculcating the principles of humanity and tolerance in the hearts of
others, pardoning and forgiving, and reciprocating offense with kindness, as this is
reflected in the interaction of individuals with each other, so that love and brotherhood
spread and happiness prevails.
Ethics contribute to the dissemination of sound values and behaviors in society, such as;
Honesty, good dialogue, dissemination of useful knowledge, and justice. Ethics also help
to create a spirit of love and cooperation between individuals, and hatred and resentment
disappear in them.
Ethics contributes to creating friendships between individuals, where enemies turn into
friends as a result of good manners, generosity, and self-tolerance, and thus feelings of
hatred and love of harm to others disappear.
Ethics is one of the most important reasons for progress and civilization, as it refines the
behavior of individuals and regulates relationships on solid foundations based on love
good treatment.

at the individual level
Among the most important of these effects are the following:
Ethics contributes to building and shaping the personality of the individual, and gives him
the ability to choose the behavior emanating from him. It raises the status of its owner
and earns him the respect and love of others.
Ethics helps the individual to define his goals in life, which facilitates his practical and
scientific life and helps him to overcome obstacles and achieve the desired goals and
desired dreams.
Ethics gives the individual security, as it enables him to face challenges and obstacles,
and also helps in strengthening his self-confidence, which makes him perfect his work
and sincere in his duties towards others.

Having good morals directs the behavior of individuals, as it works to control desires and
whims and restrains the human soul from preoccupation with bad deeds over good deeds,
and thus the human soul transcends every mistake and slip.
Ethics makes the individual a role model for others in society, which earns him the love
and respect of others, thus increasing the number of his friends and fewer enemies, and
his face becomes confused and smiling.
Ethics is one of the most important reasons for the righteousness of individuals, as it
develops the principles of goodness and peace, and contributes to the rejection of division
and intolerance and everything that can harm society, cause discord among its members,
and spread enmity among them.

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