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- Written on GO

- Stencil support multiple formats including Protobuf, Avro and JSON.

- Version history Stencil stores versioned history of proto descriptor file on
specified namespace and name
- Backward compatibility enforce backward compatibility check on upload by default
- Flexbility ability to skip some of the backward compatibility checks while upload
- Descriptor fetch ability to download proto descriptor files
- Metadata provides metadata API to retrieve latest version number given a name and
- Clients in multiple languages Stencil provides clients in GO, Java, JS languages
to interact with Stencil server and deserialize messages using dynamic schema
- Binary (Cross-platform)
- Provide ready to use Docker container images
- Local-use full doc

Состоит из 3-ёх компонентов: Server/CLI/Clients
Stencil server and CLI are bundled in a single binary
Server also provides a fully-featured GRPC and HTTP API to interact with
Stencil server
Stencil CLI allows users to iteract with server to create, view, and search

- Git
- Go 1.16 or above
- PostgreSQL 13 or above

Apache 2.0


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