Discours Inégalités en Politique

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Gender inequality is probably the most prevalent form of discrimination due to

the fact that it concern 50% of the population, but politics, which has the most
potential to influence culture and civilization, is the most notable area of all. For
example in the whole story of British prime minister, out of 56, only 3 were women:
Margaret Thatcher, Teresa may, and Liz Truss. Despite the emphasis given to creating
equality for women, there are still very few females in high-level decision making
positions. At the British Parliament only 35% of the members are female.

We are facing some of the biggest challenges that humanity has had to deal
with such as climate change, and half of humanity isn’t involved in planning the
future. The most paradoxical thing is that women in politics would greatly benefit
society because most female politician have to juggle professional, private, and
sometimes family lives, so their resulting ability to multi-task should allow them
better management skills and more sensible political priorities. Additionally, studies
show that women are more likely to spend money on improving health, education,
infrastructure and poverty and less likely to waste it on tanks and bombs. Moreover
how can we pretend to be an effective democracy if only half of the humanity takes
the decisions.

Sometimes, there is also least female politicians than male politicians because
women don’t have as much as confidence as men. This is due to ages of patriarchal
society and that’s why we need successful female politician who would be positive
role models for our younger girls. 

Now, I ask you: why are still so very few females in politics and decisions
making? It is now urgent to take action, in favour of a more equal society, especially
in politics because I believe that this domain is like a role model for the rest of the
society. Please wake-up, and let a society that you would be proud of to your sisters
and daughters!

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