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My dear friends in my opinion every coin has two phase so there some good or some bad effects over

on human being. As my friends describe about the uses of social networking sites and its positive effects and some negetive effects. Now we are talking about the egypt revolution so only single person in egypt bring very massive and tremendous revolution against the dictatorship of MR. MUBARAK govt. Now question is raise that how only single person could brought revolution overwhelmng only with help to the social networking site helps him and consequenses are in front of all over the world. Eventully we can say that s. N. S are better option for communicate with eachother and make the world known your thoughts and stay connected to our friends easily as well your country's supireors.
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Neha said: (Mon, Mar 21, 2011 09:42:07 PM)

In today's fast life the Social networking sites has became the means of communication. An individual are connected with friends and relatives with this sites as they don't have enough time to spend with their friends in their busy schedule they can stay connected with them share their feelings, thoughts, pictures etc. Its the easiest and cheapest means of communication as now computers are easily accessible to everyone. AS if anything exceeded its limit its becomes addiction therefore this can affect if anyone get addicted to it. The information uploaded can be misused by the peoples so it it increases the question of privacy. So adaptation of things in limited way is very important.
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Shael Gayanes said: (Wed, Mar 16, 2011 02:03:41 PM)

Social networking is one of the means of the youth to express their ideals and feelings.
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Anubhav Sharma said: (Sun, Feb 13, 2011 05:05:03 PM)

Online social networks has both the effects on us bad one or good one. If it can be used in a restricted way then it has only good effects, because with the help of these nsocial networking sites we can find our old school friends, we cant chat with them share our ideas, pictures, experiances what we had in our past so it is the best way to connecting with your near and dear ones. On the counterpart suppose if there is a young boy of 16 -17 of age and he is using these sites for their study then its good but if they are using it for some other purpose, trying to solve his sexual quesries by tese sites then its could be harmless because this could mislead him. One good point is that now-a days our man social campains are being conducted on internet, its only because majority of youth are activate on it so it would create more awareness.
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Yogesh Sagotra said: (Wed, Feb 2, 2011 12:50:50 PM)

There is an element of addictiveness in social networking sites and the youth are indeed getting endeared more and more into this addiction. The most appealing thing among these sites is that they provide a platform for the individuals to express their views, gives them the freedom of choice and expression... from anti-war campaigns to global warming issues, from Harry potter fan clubs to Osama bin Laden hate clubs... there is everything for everyone to share and speak about.
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Karna said: (Wed, Feb 2, 2011 03:05:52 AM)

I think now a days social networks have a lot of impact on youth.the social n/w's such as face book,twitter,orkut etc.,there are millions of this kind available in internet.the basic intention of the social networking has taken complete U -turn from what they have been proposed for.they became time killing spots.As most of our teens, are spending most of their time in this kind of sites.there are a lot of other issues araising every day.As they addicted to those sites they loose their concentration and continuously wasting their time in those online games.
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Sanjay Gajja said: (Mon, Jan 31, 2011 11:28:33 PM)

Use of social networking is just like alcohol. Small quantity of alcohol works as medicine bt taking it regularly is harmful. So people should use it to share knowledge among their freinds bt they should not get addicted to it. Spending lot of time on social network causes loss of precious time which is harmful for the youth. So it should be used to get your personality developed and upgraded rather than being a addicted user to destroy your time. So on the whole social networks are good and it should be used with intelligence.
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Ankit Mishra said: (Wed, Jan 26, 2011 10:40:54 AM)

Social networking is the latest craze this days having both positive and negative effect..on the plus side it is hugely helping todays youth in communicating with their friends,relatives..or anyone...but actually it depend on individual whether to use it in the write way not..sometimes it becomes an addiction ...which is very dangerous for our future..also security is a big question as far as networking is concerned..not only the youths but also underaged kids are making fake profiles..and making friends..they even dont know some things related to this sites(like sexual orientation and all that)...As an individual i have seen many bright students have destroyed their future..due their addiction to these sites...we should be within our everything and social networking is no exception.
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Anupam said: (Sun, Dec 26, 2010 05:56:35 PM)

I think social networking sites have given us a great platform to share knowledge, ideas, and to unite on various topics of national importance like building of dams, corruption etc and many more. We the youth now can voice our opinion on this. And regarding the negative effect it all boils down to the individual about how he uses it as a boon or as a bane. Its even helpful for people who wants to know about a particular educational institution or a course. They get information from their friends or even directly from the students of that institution.
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Udit said: (Sun, Nov 14, 2010 06:55:49 PM)

Social networking is no doubt a burning issue these days which is attracting the all generation people with a similar interest earlier which was said to be the youth stuff is followed by all age groups now. Every coin has two sides an similar example is social networking sites which are helpful for contacting older friend, free means of communication and finding new friends but on other hand it is deteriorating us by increasing the number of hours using net by children and other age group too which makes them mature before their right age of getting that stuff. Addiction to anything is hazardous and this can cause a great one as ev erything is open up here. So its depends on person to person how to use it and get the best out of it for himself and nation.
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Preety said: (Thu, Oct 14, 2010 07:00:24 AM)

Social networking is useful only for the youth, the child should have restricted to access these social network because they must concentrate on their study. The main use of on line social n/w is important mainly for those who do their own business or any types of job so that they can come under the contact with their family member and friends they mostly wants to communicate related to their affair.
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Anil said: (Thu, Jun 24, 2010 12:23:22 PM)

Now we can see in newspapers that an 8 year old children browse a minimum of 6 hours of internet.That can tell what the child is doing.Social networking is useful if the usage is good but if we use it other way we have to pay the price in future.There are lots of social networking sites for their business purpose.All the people say that they have 10 accounts in all social networking sites . Internet is related to network it leads to insecurity like sexual harassment , teasing etc so we to be careful about these.
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Moumita Pradhan said: (Sun, Jun 20, 2010 01:06:28 AM)

Social networking is the latest craze this days having both positive and negative effect..on the plus side it is hugely helping todays youth in communicating with their friends,relatives..or

anyone...but actually it depend on individual whether to use it in the write way not..sometimes it becomes an addiction ...which is very dangerous for our future..also security is a big question as far as networking is concerned..not only the youths but also underaged kids are making fake profiles..and making friends..they even dont know some things related to this sites(like sexual orientation and all that)...As an individual i have seen many bright students have destroyed their future..due their addiction to these sites...we should be within our everything and social networking is no exception.
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Veena Nigam said: (Wed, Jun 16, 2010 10:58:29 AM)

social networking these days is spread to each and every corner of the world.Even the small kids are getting addicted to involving in them. This greatly finds its effect on the minds of youth.most of the time,they are engaging in making friends and doing prattle with them keeping aside their struggle for the achievement of their aspirations in their career.
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Kapil Rathore said: (Tue, Jun 15, 2010 12:30:57 PM)

Influence of social networks is a huge topic to discuss having both positive as well as adverse affect. So lets take a positive example - By the Social Networks we can found our friends situated in different cities and easily can share our knowledge with him as well as it is a medium of transfer the documents quickly but on the other hand the adverse affect related to the Security of individual, causes a lot of Embarrassment, for example if some buddy take a picture of an individual and posted on social network with his or her intimation or permission which he or she doesn't want to posted on. Therefor the Social network is a good medium with lake of individual Security Concerns.
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