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Part 3B – Email Campaign


EMAIL CAMPAIGN - I....................................................................................................................3
How the elements will integrate with other elements of the campaign..................................3
Cost of campaign......................................................................................................................4
Evaluation of effectiveness of each element............................................................................5

Table of illustrations
Figure 1 : Email Campaign (Desktop)............................................................................................1
Figure 2: Email Campaign (Mobile)...............................................................................................1
Figure 3: Test email.....................................................................................................................2
Figure 4: Campaign Plan...............................................................................................................3

In this report we will show the two email campaigns that we are going to launch to our
consumers. Before launching them, we will carry out an email test to check their effectiveness.
All of this is shown in more detail below.

Figure 1 : Email Campaign (Desktop) Figure 2: Email Campaign (Mobile)

How the elements will integrate with other elements of the campaign

First of all, email marketing is one of the most effective channels that serves as a
communication channel for companies to interact with their customers and prospects
through email. In this way we can convert visits into leads in a more effective way. We
can also more effectively segment our ideal customers and send them the email that
we believe corresponds.

Our email campaign has been created with the aim of attracting more customers to
echo the reopening of our jewelry workshop. The goal should always be to increase
our database and increase sales. As you can see, the workshop is an element and a
very important pillar of our brand since it is the clients themselves who are responsible
for creating their personalized jewelry.
As for the design of the email campagin we have used the appropriate colors to define
our brand, such as the emerald green background color. This colour is synonymous
with optimism, hope and growth. It is also one of the most common colours in nature
and in Ireland. It is rightly associated with the plant world, which is also one of the
causes we are most keen to support through the renovation and recycled materials of
our products. Moreover, the green stone par excellence represents the emerald,
symbol of rebirth, love and wisdom.

We have also used a gray background and the title "New Workshop opening" in yellow
evoking and remembering the main colors of our brand logo

The image used we consider to be the appropriate one to launch the email, since you
can see how the jewels are being created first hand thus making a first idea to our
customers. Last but not least, we have put a link to our website, there is a "Enroll"
button where you can access our entire jewelry catalog.

Cost of campaign

The cost of the campaign would be € 0, we will use the Mailchimp platform to launch
our campaign to as many people as possible. Before launching our campaign and to
check its effectiveness we will perform an email test to check its effectiveness. Its
launch will take place one month before the reopening of the workshop (September
1), that is, from August 1 this campaign will be visible. 1 month will be enough to
reach as many people as possible to achieve our goals. This campaign will be and will
be visible for both laptops and mobile devices and tablets.

Figure 3: Test email

Figure 4: Campaign Plan

Evaluation of effectiveness of each element

This campaign, unlike the others, is much more direct since it connects with the client in a
closer and more personal way. As the duration of the campaign is only 1 month we will take
the opportunity to make a discount of 10% for those who buy for the first time and customize
their jewelry, thus starting on the right foot the purchases of the season in September

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