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Adjectives 1 COMMON ADJECTIVES a Match the words and pictures 1-16. bad big lig W dangerous /'deindgaras)—_safe dirty Puszt far fast (fast high /hav hot /an long fly old fool rich it) strong /stron) wrong (ro b @60)) Listen and check. © Match these adjectives with their opposites in a. cheap (fiz low i short [ft clean klizn near nt slow ‘lo cold /kould new /nju small /smsxl difficult /difikalt/ poor weak ‘ss full /f right /rant good gu safe ‘sei 4 @o1)) Listen and check. Then test your partner. A say an adjective and B say the opposite VOCABULARY BANK {4 My name Tim, aam bis @are s: very//really, quite We often use these words before adjectives. AFerrariis very / really fast. @uite cold today. (= I's cald, but not very cold) Look at the things in the list. Say two adjectives for each one. Use modifiers, AFerrari Mount Everest Bill Gates The Pyramids Africa Your town / city ( AFerror=it's realy fest and very expensive

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