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Amy before the dinner we hosted at Geneva Italian restaurant: “My mom’s only fun to be around when

she’s drunk.”

The Follman’s international lawsuit to get money from a dead relative’s estate. The relative lived in
France with a Frenchman who they thought was not entitled to her estate. They were wrong.

Dan’s scratched frying pan: Ruined by Mrs. Follman; ranted about by Dan who called her “stupid” for not
knowing the pan needed to be heated and buttered before frying eggs in it. The dry eggs stuck to the
pan which Mrs. F scratched to being ruined by a metal utensil.

Ellie’s hand/fingers caught in Follman’s sliding car door.

Cassie had a screen fall on her: It was being used as a privacy screen to create space for a visiting male
over Christmas.

Dan angry that Cassie and Ellie were not allowed access to swimming pool at Edgewater. Really pissed!!

Follmans *auctioned off* grandmother’s and grandfather’s personal possessions to family members
and their spouses.

50th anniversary cruise ruined because Judy wouldn’t wear a suitable dress for the renewal of her vows.
Her family members were all dressed up in dresses, but mom was in a pants suit.

GREG TOLD ME TO STOP APOLOGIZING TO Dan and Amy….He said I did nothing wrong; it was Amy with
a complicated attitude: He told me, “It’s complicated!”

Greg reported that Amy was boring to talk with. All she had were the same old stories of her past work.
“She needs to go out and get a job and a life!”

We paid for…

Engagement dinner at Italian restaurant; There was NEVER any friendly reciprocity: we were NEVER
invited out to dinner by the Follmans.

We paid for wedding reception at Geneva restaurant and inn “The Edgewater Inn”.

We paid for 2 outdoor toilets with sinks for the Follman house evening party.

We paid for the tent.

We paid for the pig roast.

We paid for the dinner/booze at restaurant/beer brewery in West Dundee; this was the wedding
rehearsal dinner.

We paid for Greg’s $12,000 white Ford truck.

We paid $10,000 at bank closing so Dan could buy a Champaign condo and we signed for it as well.

We paid for Greg to study an extra year in Sidney Australia.

I paid for Dan’s education, BA and masters.

I paid for Greg’s BA and masters.

I paid $1800 for furniture for Greg’s Air b&b. Dave got on his knees to clean the floors in the piggy girls
Denver apartment so he could do an Air B&B. I scrubbed the kitchen appliances, especially the fridge, of
gross krap with my fingernails to get it all off, especially the fridge.

I cleaned TWO of Amy’s apartments so she could get her money back, which she did.

I paid for the wedding shower for Amy; At the end of it, Judy passed me $100. The shower alone cost

I bought Amy clothes when I saw the miserable tattered, unprofessional clothes she had to go to job
interviews to try to get a teaching job. The stick skirt detached from its waistband was especially sad.

Dave and (reluctant)me got a second mortgage on Killdeer Lane to afford paying for Dan’s and Greg’s
educations and expenses. We finally paid it off when we moved out.

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