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SEUSSICAL - 23 - BIGGEST BLAME FOOL ‘The SOUR KANGAROO and YOUNG KANGAROO ‘are sung by the same performer. THE SOUR KANGAROO: (Aretha with more Attitude) A c ort ( =F = = 2 T Hmmph!! —humphed a voice. “Twas a sour— kan-ga-roo, tae YOUNG KANGAROO: 7 peepee eae 1 ee ee ee =s 4 —S = And the youngkan-ga- roo in her pouch said: “Humpf!” VS. SEGUE AS ONE BiGccEst BLAME FOOL Parr 2 A Tempo - Driving Ba eee ace tee eae ‘ ri = —— aE, = Se fe sages sae ee Ee Eee eas CELE A 5 6 — 5 = SSS 7—t = S eters Why, that speck is as smal. at the head of @ pm—— A ] (evil laugh) tog 7 mo 5 (x's) o =—S Fe teas per-son on that? Why, there never has been! " ——-= Eo —— = — 2 = = oS = — big - gest blame fool in the Jun gle of Nol and 7 Seussican (SOUR KANGAROO:) 12 _ 18 big - gest blame fool inthe Jun = gle of Nol and jg (YOUNG KANGAROO?) 1 think sas well! 1g SOUR KANGAROO: May-be Tm mas - ty may - be fm ——eruel_but_ youre the YOUNG HORTON: big gest blame fool inthe Jn = gle of | Nool!__ Its HORTON) pp ee Please be - lieve me, 1 tell you sin - care - ly. My cars are quite keen «= and ficard him quite clear = ly, I ar there, And what's — more, quite Ey like = ly there's two. = EV - en three, Ev = en four! #4A — Biggest Blame Fool (Part 2) Fr Srussica eee WICKERSHAM BROTHERS: WICKS. 1&3: gg WICK. 25 coerce = The 7 NG “HAM — Laughed a voice. "HAIN Laughed some 0 ~ thers. GAROO; = ALLS: and "HA! «HAL HAI — Laughed the Wick - er - sham Bro-- thers. WICKERSHAM BROTHERS: 3 * i — Oh, te the the Half-time feel (WICKS) and big - gest blame fool in the Jun - gle of Noo! SOUR KANGAROO: (WICKS:) mon - keys like us should know. Weve been out on a limb Took - in! down on him and he’s #4A —Biggest Blame Fool-(Part 2) Skussicar (SOUR KANGAROO:) gg (SOUR KANGAROO) E - le-phaats (WICKS: big - gest blame "Cause he's talk - in’ to 8 speck, talk - in! to a speck, ta speck of #4A— Biggest Blame Fool (Part 2) Seussican ~ 27 - (SOUR KANGAROO:) ae 2 dust! (WICKS: dust! BASS WICK: ' Blame fool = inthe =u - gle. of Nool___ i I SOUR KANGAROO + BIRD GIRES: st Talk - in’ toa speck, talk ~ in (WICKS:) Bi to a speck, a speck of Talk - in’ toa speck, talk = int to a speck, toa speck of (SK. + BIRD GIRLS:) SOUR KANGAROO: 2 sr 58 he's ast! R-E-S-P-E- (WICKS:) he's oe BASS WICK.: Blame fool in the Jungle of Nool.— (SOUR KANGAROO:) oo. 6 7 cpr ooy Oh, please! Take that speck a - way! #4A— Biggest Blame Fool (Part 2) ~ 28 - SEussicar AU gg WOMEN: Did you hhear? MEN: Did you hea? Did you hear? —dDid_—-you, did you hear? o4 3 BIRD GIRLS: 6s ‘Through the jun - gle the news quick - ly flew! (BIRD GIRLS!) F Did you hear? Did Did you, did you Did you hear? Did you hear? ~=—sDid-you,- did_-you hear? ; Jos: cx (BIRD GIRLS: 7 talks fa dust speek Tes on Chan = nel Two!___ CAT (as Talk Show Host): 1 Our topic today is "Psychic FlephantSVho Hear Voices.” Whaddaya Weill be right back with "speck," ‘clover "dust." (HE holds the microphone to the clover for a beat) “neighbor,” "Who". snothing! Stay tuned! Well. 74 SAFETY for ad libs.) ce VS. SEGUE AS ONE #4A — Biggest Blame Fool (Part 2) SEussrcat ~ 29 - BiGcGEsT BLAME FOOL (PART 3) : e GERTRUDE: Big - gest blame fool Jun - gle of Noll... MEN: Big- gest blame fool += in. the «= Jun - gle of Noolt,.__ (GERTRUDE!) 3 3 Ger - tude Me - Fuzz and T live right next door. He's poe 3— ne - ver done a= ony ~ thing ca - zy be = fore (GERTRUDE:) (WOMEN) ora beat) Big - gest blame fool (MEN?) S ONE Big - gest blame fool inthe Jun = gle of Noo... - 30 = SEUSSICAL eer === Ss { T I aoe Just don't be = lieve Hor - ton's cut of his mind. SSS SS Did you hear? Did you —hear?—=—«dDid. you, did you heat’? - MBN: > = j ccm 1 (rere i eaere i 4 SS SS Se SS | @ 2 a a oo Did you hear? Did you —hear?—-Did_ you, did you er? omayzar) Se e : i E i ee = SS < — = May - zie La Bird = and live in that tree, | | Did you heer? Did you hear? ~sDid- you, did you hear? (MEN) > > i —e cae! 3s r aan = Did you hear? Did you hear? »=—«sDid-you, did you hear? #4B~Biggest Blame Fool (Part 3) Seussicat -a1- | HE: tt (MAYZIE LA BIRD is now interviewed) jg. (MAYZIES) Py (sung) nough a = bout Hor = ton. Lets talk about me! Let's BIRD GIRLS: ; we Lets bout talk a bout talk a - bout talk a - bout = aide w) WOMEN: a speck, talk - ia! Tak - in’ to a speck, talk - in? to a speck, toa speck of #4B—Biggest Blame Fool (Part 3) a SrussrcaL SOUR KANGAROO: _ 7 = fool, just a fool, just a '\ BASS WICK: 4 = Blame fool inthe Jun - gle of Nool—_ toa speck, talk - int ‘speck of = = Talk - in) to a speck, talk = int to a speck, toa speck of #4B— Biggest Blame Fool (Part 3) SeussrcaL - 33 - 2 SE) (growl) HORTON: Foot. ow) dust! ‘BASS WICK: Blame fool. ~—sin- the. «= Jun - gle of Nook, a (HORTON:) f z just have to save them be. - «cause, af = ter all 2 per - son's per - son no mat - ter. how small A per = son's bow. VS. SEGUE AS ONE mat = ter, #4B—Biggest Blame Fool (Part 3) - 34 - Seussrear BIGGEST BLAME FOOL (Part 4) ALL (except H. & G): (interrupting) 1] WoMEN: qe Big- gost blame fool in the Jun-gle of Noll He's the worst we ¢- ver saw! MEN: MEN: o ae see eed eee Fee FP ee Biggest blame fool in the Jungle of Nooll__ Hes the worst wee ver saw! e) birvemis: 12 i a — = = i $s] e Fi - Tellin’ Tes, makin? jokes Bro ther, oo + YERTLE: : _ aes ————— : iy? 84 = = # oe as e yw 2 Ks am e-le-phant hoaxt Brother, BIRD GIRLS + SOUR KANGAROO: (BIRD GIRLS:) 7 8 9 HSK. 243 thats a = gainst the — law! Brea-kin’ the peace, cre (WICKS. + YERTLE:) = 7 thats against the law! Brea-kin’ the peace, cre = Spussica BIRD GIRLS + NGAROO: oe _, SOUR KANGAROO: a-tin’ a fuss! Some body's think in Gifs Prent than us! (WICKS. + YERTLE:) | actin’ a fuss! aL: Tae] aw WOMEN: fe] 2 3 aie sts - je ee Sete Bigvgest blame foo! In the Jungle of Noo, Nool! MEN: (BASSES only on bottom note) pad =e oS = : ra 2 Pa a se. owe ee Big- gest blame fool In the Jun-gle of Nool, Nool,——_Nool! (WOMEN:) a unis. ie unis. ——— a aa = f - ao SS or 5 fe In the Jungle of In the Jun-gle of = ther, fa xb: igs nis sis. ee = ss = —— - oe o ——— . ee @ joeecaeeetcel In the Jam-gke of Nook Nool, Nol! In the Sun-gle of = ther SOUR KANGAROO: = wif ay co aan ee ee ee ==] 7 > > Nool,_— Nool,__—. Nool. = i a ma a s =. o= 7 = =8 |] = — 7 = aot | ew ee o o- Nool, Nool,— Nool! #4C—Biggest Blame Fool (Part 4)

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