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Cimafranca, Jascha Mikaela C.



Human beings are good in nature. Thus, it is imperative that they should do what must be
done and what is morally right. According to Aristotle, Actions are deemed right if they
correspond to the moral virtues. Hence, Virtuous actions are done with substantial
knowledge, choice, and response in the opposite action with similar passion. Thus, Virtuous
actions focal point is choice and a choice of something for its own sake. Therefore, Human
beings in order to make a virtuous action must be equipped with knowledge and choice. The
choice that human beings make should be substantially right and has good in itself.

Furthermore, William Graham Sumner introduced the concept of folkways— a learned

practice by a social group which provides a traditional mode of conduct. Sumner states that
folkways are cultural standards that are not perceived to be of moral culpability by people in
the community. Community folkways, like people's behaviors, emerge in the constant
repetition of acts that prove effective in satisfying fundamental human needs. Such acts are
standard and widely understood. Folkways work largely at an intuitive level and endure
because they are convenient. They tend to congregate themselves through major social issues,
such as sex, social structures being established. Sumner assumed that folkways from different
cultural backgrounds tended to be compatible with each other, generating unique trends.
Therefore, The concept of folkways theorized by Sumner stresses the notion that an act is
right as long as it is generally accepted by one's community or societal standards.

Over and over, The notion of what is right is arbitrary and circumstantial in nature. Aristotle's
and Sumner's ideologies about the right thing and folkways summarizes today's notion of
what is morally right. Nowadays, we define what is morally right by first thinking if the
choices we make can bring innate goodness in it then we analyze if these choices are
generally accepted in today's moral standards of the society. The morally right should always
be in accordance with moral law and is something that does not revoke a person's human
dignity. Lastly, the right thing is something that we make of choice regardless of the
consequences it may result to as long as we do not hurt others while doing it.

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