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CFFS-3: GROUP 2 Jonah 4:1-11

Ana Tumaca
RJ Casido
Gorbachev Justalero
Carlo Mortillero
Rey Bolando
Javin Dy
Gabriel Redillas

How is peace achieved in the story?

God was there throughout Jonah’s struggles, sheltering him overnight, providing him
with a simple glimmer of hope and then taking it away to open his eyes. Peace was achieved by
making Jonah struggle; making him go through the hardships where God made him realize the
pointlessness of why he was mad yet was against on letting the people of the city of Nineveh
repent their sins. Acceptance, trusting in the Lord, and looking not at the negative despite his
outlook on the city of Nineveh, but at all the good that they could be; looking through eyes with
a more peaceful perspective.

Explain the obstacles of peace found in the story that made peace worth pursuing?
Anger, fueled by hatred, blinded by the perception he had painted of them in his head
despite God’s will. He thought only for himself, not paying heed to what good may be despite all
the shortcomings as the Lord pushes for. Taking for granted what he has, only then realizing
what he’s lost as soon as he loses it, and in this context, “You have been concerned about this
plant, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. And
should I not have concern for the great city of Nineveh, in which there are more than a hundred
and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left—and also many

How can you relate the description of peace in the story to our modern times?
What has been and what now still is; many people’s definition of peace comes at the cost
of other’s peace. No matter the form, we all have to go through struggles to attain our peace. Just
as Jonah received the plant and lost it as soon as he got it from God, peace is not something that
comes easily, especially in today’s world. Peace comes with a sacrifice that we must all be ready
or willing to make when, and if the time comes.

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