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The COVID-19 crisis has forced people to confront difficult ethical challenges. If
you are comfortable answering a few brief questions on this topic, please click


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1. Aim of the study

The aim of this study is to understand individuals’ judgements about di cult moral dilemmas that involve life or death situations (both in medical and non-medical contexts).

2. Procedure and content of the study

To do this, we present you with a sequence of scenarios. Each scenario is depicted as the two possible outcomes of inevitable harm, or as a question that asks how much you approve of an outcome.

3. What will happen to the information and data collected?

This study is a research project of the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for Human Development. The anonymous data collected will be used for research purposes only.

No personal data will be recorded. We use your IP address to determine the country or another regional level (e.g., state) from which you access the site. If you choose to participate in the optional survey, we will link
broad information about your age, gender, and education level to your path through the game. Only few designated researchers have access to the IPs, and the link between IPs and decisions will be removed within 2
years after the end of the study. Other members of the research team will only have access to the country level or the regional level. The study data may be made publicly accessible via research data bases or
scienti c publications. The publicly available data will not contain the IP addresses. Please note the publicly accessible data may also be used for purposes going beyond this study. Additionally, note that if you
complete any other survey on this website, we will link data from that survey with the data from the survey you just completed.

4. Participation is voluntary

Participation in this study is voluntary. You may withdraw from the study at any time before completion of the session.

5. Consent

A session in this study involves one single round of no more than 20 dilemmas that lasts less than 10 minutes and you may do as many sessions as you like. It may last a bit longer if you also choose to do few
additional surveys.

We are giving you the option to withhold your responses from the research data collection by using this link. However, if you choose to permit use of your response data in the research, your anonymity will be
preserved, and your response data will contribute to the advancement of scienti c research.

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