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The food we buy is often unhealthy.

What causes this problem and what are

possible solutions to overcome it?
Nowadays, shops are crawling with foods far from being nutritious and healthy-
giving. Such a range of products impacts our diets even more than we think, and we
tend to consume a lot of junk food and choose unhealthy products on daily basis. This
essay will explore the reasons for harmful nourishment and suggest ways to improve
the situation.

The most likely reason for unhealthy food choices is that junk food usually contains a
lot of sugar, fats, and seasonings, what results in such products being more calorie-
rich and tasty. If we eat something full of taste additives, there is a higher possibility
that the meal will be pleasant and joyful. In simple words, junk food helps our brain
produce happiness hormones. Furthermore, due to such features of our bodies,
grocery shop aisles have been designed to make us buy more unnecessary food and
spend more money. For example, to find milk, we must go through aisles with sweets
and snacks, so we stop for them unconsciously.

As a result, the correlation between healthy products and processed food imbalances.
We tend to choose something more pleasant to digest and feel satisfaction. First and
foremost, we need to realize the scale of harm from unhealthy food and focus on
improving our diet. A load of information is targeted to help us understand how to eat
better. With this in mind, we should plan our shopping regarding healthy eating and
go to grocery stores with a well-thought shopping list to avoid impulsive purchases of
unhealthy snacks. Furthermore, it is essential to consider some substitutes for
potential impulses for junk products. For instance, it is far better to buy a lot of
mouthwatering fruits instead of chocolates or chips.

All summed up, shopping for healthy food sometimes is challenging. We can be in
search of quick delight in foods and be unable to resist marketing tricks.
Nevertheless, this problem has the potential to be solved if we understand how diet
can impact our health and plan the diet in advance.

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