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The Nazca Lines are located on desert plains. The Nazca Lines are recognized
worldwide. They are line figures in the desert. The lines are technically called
geoglyphs. When we speak of the geoglyphs we refer to the figures that are
built on the plains. These lines represent plants and animals. Some lines
represent geometric shapes: spirals, trapezoids, triangles and zigzags. The
figures are too large, we can not watch the figures on land. We have to watch
the lines on a small plane. The coast of Nazca is full of geoglyphs. There is a
problem on the Nazca Lines. Vehicles cause irreparable damage to the surface
of the land. Some vehicles damaged the geoglyphs, there are huge markings.
The Greenpeace organization disagrees when vehicles are damaging an ancient
sacred site. If you damage the Nazca Lines, it is a crime. You can go into prison
for 6 years. Louis Jaime Castillo, vice minister of Culture of Peru, said
Greenpeace ignored what the Peruvian people consider to be sacred.

1. Characteristics 2. Problem 3. Place 4. Cultural heritage 5. Lagoon 6. Desert
plains 7. Large 8. Geoglyphs 9. Geometric shapes 10. Spirals 11. Trapezoids
12. Triangles 13. Damaged 14. Huge markings 15. Landscape 16. Vehicles 17.
Irreparable 18. Surface of the land 19. Ancient.

1. Beautiful 2. Boring 3. Bustling 4. Charming 5. Contemporary 6. Compact 7.

Notorious 8. Amazing 9. Suitable 10. Perfect 11. Cosmopolitan 12. Crowded
13. Exciting 14. Expensive 15. Rare 16. Unique.

2. Famous 18. Fantastic 19. Huge 20. Fascinating 21. Inexpensive 22. Popular
23. Touristic 24. Valuable 25. Ruined 26. Devastated 27. Moisty 28. Cold 29.

3. Campaigns 2. Pollution 3. If we make 4. We will prevent 5. Solution 6.

Marvellous 7. Phrases 8. Place 9. Reflective 10. Control 11. Reduce 12.
Recycle 13. Save

2. neighbourhood

3. beach

4. dirty

5. clean

6. discardable

7. container

8. reusable bags

9. reuse

10. reduce

11. help

12. environment

13. turn off

14. pollution

15. less

16. buy,

17. water

18. take a shower 19. hot 20. cold

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