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(d) The train stopped at all the stations, and long before we got to

Delhi every seat was taken and people were standing in the

55. Choose the most appropriate statement. A

(a) It has just struck midnight. It is high time we left.

(b) It was just struck midnight. It is high time we left.
(c) It just struck midnight. It is high time we leave.
(d) It just struck midnight. It is high time we left.

56. Choose the incorrect statement. C

(a) If you wouldn’t have phoned her, we would never have found out
what was happening.
(b) Had you not phoned her, we would never have found out what
was happening.
(c) If you did not phone her, we had never found out what was
(d) We would never have found out what was happening, if you had
not phoned her.

57. Choose the correct statement. A

(a) She is one of the few women who have climbed the Mount
(b) She is one of the few woman who has climbed the Mount
(c) She is one of the few women who has climbed the Mount
(d) She is one of the few woman who have climbed the Mount

58. Select the correctly spelt word. A

(a) Occasion
(b) Ocassion
(c) Occesion
(d) Ocession

59. Identify the correct expressions. C

1. The author and the editor have invited me to dinner.

GRD P a g e | 23

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