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Html Formating:

<strong>: Tlls the browser that the text is important. (Logical)

<em>: Used to display text in italics. (logical)

<mark>: This is used to highlight text.

<tt>: Used to appear text in teletype.

<sup> and <sub>: Used to display text slightly above or below the normal line respectively.

<small> and <big>: Used to reduce a text or increase the size of atext by one another.

Html Anchor:

This simply means linking an html page to another page.

A tag <a> and an attribute "href" are used in this case.

Demo: <a href="">click here</a>

Html Image:

Html ues <img/> tag in displaying the image on the web page.

It also applies the following attributes:

src= source of the image.

alt= alternative text incase the image is not dispplayed.

width= and height= adjusting the size of the image.

Demo: <img src="bkenyahope.jpg" height="180" width="300" alt="bkenyahope image"

N/B: An image inserted using such codings, should be from the same folder as the html

For an image from another folder we use the following codes:

Demo: <img src="E:/images/bkenyahope.png..."/>

Images can also be used as a link when placed between the link tags.

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