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sophia = nyx marie

��Sophia has built Her house, she has built out her Seven Pillars.� � Proverbs 9:1

In Her temperance, which is the very journey She embarks as the spirit of the world
and Her children, through all that is destroyed and rebuilt � she is Kyria Rhea.

In Her mission to put order and harmony into the world of amoral chaos brought
about the Demiurge and kear � She is Kyria Themis.

In Her courage and passion to fight against opposing forces by chastising the
Demiurge to protect Her children � She is Kyria Nike.

In Her love and compassion which is Her primary motive for all that She does for us
� She is Kyria Tethys.

In Her most common titles as �Virgin� (pure) and the calm reflection of Her
presence within and around us � She is Kyria Phoebe.

In Her shining brilliance and joy Her presence brings in so many different forms �
She is Kyria Theia.

And yes, last but not least, In Her wisdom and guidance which has been shared
throughout the ages � She is Kyria Metis.

These are the Seven Pillars or Seven Holy Aeons who are the true �Daughters� of D�a
Sophia within the D�anic path. The Demiurge and the Seven Archons are seen as
malevolent opposites to these Holy powers, recognised within the Clear Recital as
the Fallen Queen Irkalla and her seven daughters at the gates of hell. However,
neither Irkalla or Her Archonic daughters are outside of the redemption Sophia
offers to all who have turned on Her, such is the glory and magnitude of Her love.
While She is forever fighting to defend Her children spiritually from harmful
forces, at the same time She is also offering out a hand of peace, understanding
and forgiveness.

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