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Validity: from 04/01/2016
Sanctioned: 04/11/2016
Published: 03/28/2016
Art. 1º.- THIS Code aims to preserve the Public Space as a place of coexistence
and civility, in which all people can freely carry out their activities of free circulation,
leisure and meeting, with full respect for dignity, rights of others and to the plurality
of cultural, political, linguistic and religious expressions. The City is a collective
cultural space in which all people have the right to sustainable human development,
with optimal environmental conditions, which also implies assuming the duties of
solidarity, mutual respect and tolerance.


Art. 2°.- THIS Code will be applied with respect for the principles, rights and
guarantees established by the National Constitution and the respective International
Human Rights Treaties, the Constitution of the Province of Córdoba and the
Municipal Organic Charter.-.
Art. 3°.- ALL people have the right to behave freely in the Public Spaces of the City
and to be respected in their freedom. This right is exercised on the basis of respect
for freedom, dignity and the rights recognized to other people, as well as the
maintenance of the Public Space in adequate conditions for coexistence.


Art. 4°.- WITHOUT prejudice to the duties established in Art. 38° of the Provincial
Constitution and especially Art. 12° of the Municipal Organic Charter, all persons
who are in the City must respect the rules of conduct provided for in this Code, as a
basic budget for coexistence in the Public Space.

No one can undermine the rights of other people, or attack their dignity or their
freedom of action. All persons will particularly refrain from carrying out abusive,
arbitrary or discriminatory practices that affect citizen coexistence.

It is a basic duty of citizen coexistence to treat all people with respect, consideration
and solidarity and to use the City's Public Spaces correctly. All people who are in
the city of Córdoba
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They have the duty to collaborate with the Municipal Authorities or their agents in
the eradication of conduct that alters, disturbs or harms citizen coexistence.


Art. 5°.- The Municipality will carry out the policies to promote coexistence and
civility that are necessary, through information campaigns, prizes and contests,
conflict mediation, collaboration agreements with citizen entities and associations
and stimulation of solidarity attitudes . In particular, the study of the Municipal
Organic Charter and this Code will be included in Municipal Schools and initiatives
will be promoted with the participation of the City's Economic and Social Council.-


Art. 6°.- The Municipality, within the scope of its powers, will promote collaboration
with the rest of the municipalities included in the Metropolitan Area of Córdoba, in
order to coordinate the actions aimed at promoting compliance, in their respective
cities, of guidelines or common minimum standards of coexistence and civility.-


Art. 7°.- The Municipality will collaborate with Physical or Legal Persons, Public or
Private, who have been affected or injured by actions contrary to coexistence and
civility, or by any form of discrimination, informing them about the means of
defense of their rights and interests.-
Art. 8°.-The Municipality will promote the collaboration of foreigners in promoting
coexistence and civility. When the collaboration of the foreign person is of special
relevance, this collaboration may be recorded in the corresponding report for the
processing of temporary and/or permanent residence; or to obtain Argentine
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)


Art. 9°.- The Municipal Administrative Justice of Misdemeanors will be in charge

of the application of this Code and the monitoring of the issue of citizen
coexistence, and the General Administrator must report annually on the
corresponding conclusions that will be presented to the Municipal Executive
Department. and turned over to the Deliberative Council for its knowledge.-
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Art. 10°.- THIS Code will apply to infractions committed or whose effects occur in
the jurisdiction of the Municipality of the city of Córdoba.
Offenses relating to the Tax Regime, disciplinary offenses and those of a
contractual nature are excluded from this law, unless otherwise specified.

The provisions of the general part of this Code will apply to other offenses, as long
as the Rules that regulate them do not provide otherwise.-
Art. 11°.- The term is missing, includes the so-called contraventions and infractions.-

Art. 12°.- The General Principles of the Penal Code will be of supplementary
application, provided that they are compatible with the present.
Art. 13 °.- THIS Code applies to Individuals and Legal Entities. Those under
sixteen years of age will not be attributable, without prejudice to the responsibility
that corresponds to the parents, guardians or those responsible for their custody.

Guilt is sufficient for the act to be punishable, unless otherwise expressly provided.

Natural or Legal Persons will be sanctioned for the faults committed by those who
act in their name, representation or interest, without prejudice to the personal
responsibility that may correspond to them.
The attempt is not punishable, unless otherwise provided.-
Art. 14°.- ALL those who intervene in an act as authors, participants, instigators,
accomplices or accessories, will be subject to the same scale of sanctions.-


Art. 15°.- WHEN , after the commission of the act, during the procedure or after
the sentence or resolution of conviction is issued, a more benign Ordinance enters
into force, the sanction will be adapted to that established by the new Norm,
remaining firm the partial fulfillment of the sentence that has taken place.

Art. 16°.- THE interested parties have the right to know the Documents
Administrative matters related to the offense attributed to him, under the terms of
the regulations relating to access to knowledge of Public Documents.
Art. 17°.- THIS Code establishes the following sanctions in order of their severity:

a) Disqualification.
b) Closing.
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c) Revocation or suspension of the permit, concession or authorization.

d) Fine.
e) Confiscation.
f) Remediation.
g) Prohibition of attendance.
h) Community work.
i) Training.
f) Reprimand or Warning.
In all cases, prior to the application of a sanction, the Misdemeanor Judge may request, if
he deems it pertinent, reports to any municipal agency to better provide. Also, if applicable,
notify the area
pertinent resolution arranged for your knowledge.
Art. 18°.- The Judge will graduate the sanctions within the scale provided for each offense,
with a clear and precise basis, taking into account:
a) The seriousness of the act;
b) The socioeconomic situation of the offender and that of his family group;
c) The mode of intervention that has had in the fact;
d) The criminal history and;
e) The economic benefit that the commission of the offense could have reported.
When the socioeconomic situation of the offender or the circumstances surrounding the
punishable act make the applicable minimum sanction excessive, the Court, exceptionally,
and with sufficient grounds, may reduce it to the legal minimum of the species.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 19°.- The reprimand or reprimand will consist of a warning or call for attention that the
Judge will issue by means of the respective sentence and that must be subsequently
notified. It will be foreseen as a sanction only once and provided that there is no recurrence
of the same offense.

Art. 20°.- The sanction of a fine obliges to pay a sum of money to the Municipality of the
City, within the scale that is established in each case, never being able to exceed the
amount of fifteen thousand (15000) (EMU).
The Court may authorize the payment of fines in up to twelve (12) equal and consecutive
monthly installments, taking into account the socioeconomic situation of the offender.

The number of installments authorized by the Court may be increased by more than twelve
(12) installments by means of a well-founded Resolution of the General Administrator of
the Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors.
Failure to pay the fine on time will determine the issuance of a certificate that has the
attribute of executive title.-
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Art. 21°.- The value of the fine is determined for this Code in Municipal Economic Units
(EMU), whose value in pesos is equivalent to EIGHT (8) liters of lower octane gasoline,
pump value or final price to the public, of the state company YPF plaza Córdoba.

The Application Authority must publish in the Official Gazette and on the official website of
the Municipality of Córdoba the value of the (EMU), and its modifications. In his resolution,
the Judge will establish in amounts of (EMU), and its equivalent in money, the amount of
the fine computed on the date of commission of the act.

It is provided that ten percent (10%) of the total sums collected as fines stipulated in this
Code, be turned monthly to the General Administration of the Municipal Administrative
Justice of Misdemeanors, to the special account of said dependency, called Fund for the
Ordering, Education and Stimulation of Citizen Coexistence The funds from this Regulation
will be used primarily for education and dissemination of the Regulations for Coexistence,
as well

also for the acquisition and maintenance of equipment, instruments and development of
new technologies.-
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,512 Enacted: 03/23/2016 BO: 03/28/2016 and the third
paragraph is modified by Article 10 of Ordinance No. 13,014 Enacted: 01/31/ 2020 BO: 02/14/2020
and later modified said paragraph by article 51 of Ordinance No. 13,118 Sanctioned: 12/22/2020
BO: 01/05/2021)
Art. 22°.- In the offenses that foresee a fine as a sanction, the administrator may acquiesce
before the expiration of the term of the summons to formulate a discharge and opt for the
voluntary payment, paying sixty percent (60%) of the minimum of the the foreseen fine plus
the expenses incurred to obtain his subpoena and any other expense incurred by the State.
The application of this benefit will not apply when:

a) the offense foresees sanctions accessory to that of a fine,

b) in case of recurrence and
c) faults related to commercial, industrial and service establishments; food, sanitary and
bromatological protection; prevention, protection and guardianship of minors, health; urban
security; public shows, computer rental shops and swimming pools; faults in the sale of
medicines or pharmaceuticals; manufacture, marketing, storage and use of fireworks;
failure to transport cargo and passengers; private works; environment, urban hygiene and
pollution in general; fumigation standards within the municipal ejido; waste with the
exception of Arts. 219th and 230th; faults in markets and public thoroughfares, faults with
and without measuring instruments; consumer protection; advertising and posters, violation
of sites and closure.-

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,512 Enacted: 03/23/2016 BO: 03/28/2016 and later by
Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,514 Enacted: 03/31/2016 BO: 20 / 05/2016)
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Art. 23°.- Confiscation may be ordered in the cases provided for in the Regulation.
Also in those not expressly provided for, when for reasons of safety or hygiene they make
it necessary and, if the Judge so deems it, order the performance of expertise.

Objects, merchandise and other belongings that are not in due condition, will be confiscated,
and when they are usable, made available to the Municipal Executive Department, in order
to assign their destination, without the offender being entitled to any compensation.
Otherwise, or when its use is in danger, its destruction or disablement will be ordered, and
the record drawn up must be signed by a Secretary of the Municipal Administrative Courts
of Misdemeanors.

This, without prejudice to what the Public Prosecutor's Office eventually has in the event
that the objects, merchandise or goods seized came from illicit activities.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12598 Passed: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 24°.- The closure, as a sanction, may not exceed the term of one hundred and eighty
(180) days. In cases in which closure is ordered for reasons of safety, health, hygiene,
morality or general interest, it will continue as long as the reasons that determined it do not
disappear. When the person who petitioned the Judge for the removal was not the registered
owner of the property where the measure was arranged, he or she must prove the legal
instrument that legitimizes it. -

Art. 25°.- The disqualification may be permanent or transitory. not the latter
may exceed the term provided for each particular infraction.

Art. 26 °.- THE revocation of a permit, concession or qualification will be arranged by the
Misdemeanor Judge before the commission of a violation that warrants this sanction.-

Art. 27°.- The sanction of prohibition of attendance will consist of the temporary ban
imposed by the Judge on the violator of the rules of coexistence, author of fights,
aggressions or insults uttered in an establishment enabled for public use.

The interdiction to attend establishments where the incident that gave rise to the sanction
was involved will have a minimum of seven (7) days and a maximum of six (6) months.

The violation of the sanction of prohibition of attendance will lead to the application of a fine
of ten (10) to one hundred (100) (UEM).
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In the event that the owner or person in charge of the establishment participates in
the terms of Art. 14 of this Code, of the violation imposed by the Judge, he will be
considered joint and several in the payment of the fine plus an accessory closing of
seven (7) to thirty (30) days.
The Judge may apply this sanction in all cases where the safety, health, morality
and general interest of the citizenry are compromised, or the principles of this Code
are violated.
Art. 28°.- Training and community work are sanctions that are established when
the Norm so determines. The training, in the case of minors, must consist of
treatment or Psi co-education workshop, which will be carried out in the Institutions
determined by the Municipal Executive Department. The Municipal Executive
Department will regulate its implementation. Notwithstanding this, the Enforcement
Authority of this Code may, after receiving a socioeconomic report that proves a
severe difficulty in paying the fine, order this sanction as a substitute.

Likewise, this sanction may be imposed in a complementary manner to any other

when the Judge deems it pertinent.-

a) QUANTIFICATION: For the purpose of quantifying the hour of training and

community work, each EMU will be equivalent to three (3) hours.
b) METHOD AND SCOPE: The Misdemeanor Court may substitute the sanction of
a fine for Training and/ or Community Work or apply it in a complementary manner.
The substitution may be total or partial. In the case of a complementary application,
it will set the number of hours to be carried out.

The resolution that provides the scope of the substitution or the rejection of the same will
not be appealable.

c) SOCIO-ECONOMIC REPORT: For the implementation of Training and

Community Work by substitution, the offender must request it within 5 business
days of notification of the resolution of the sanction.

To do this, together with the application, you must submit an Affidavit and elements
that prove the severe socio-economic difficulty to face the payment of the fine, such

-Proof of Refusal of Anses.

-Receipt of salary/ retirement/ pension.
-Report from another State dependency from which the economic capacity arises.
-Certificate of crisis preventive procedure, contest, bankruptcy.
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-And all other evidentiary elements that allow assessing the offender's vulnerability

d) LEGAL PERSONS: In the case of a legal person, Training and Community

Work must be carried out by its highest authorities, meaning Partners, Directors,
Administrative Commission, etc. as appropriate.

e) REGISTRATION: The General Administration of the Municipal Administrative

Justice of Misdemeanors will create a registry with the programs that the Municipal
Dependencies have suitable for Training and Community Work and Private
Institutions of Public Welfare, detailing the activities that can be carried out in
them. . To this end, it will annually request the Municipal Secretaries to inform the
Units that have programs suitable for developing Training and Community Work,
in order to be registered. In addition, it may incorporate Private Institutions of
Public Welfare through the execution of cooperation agreements.

f) ELECTION: The General Administration will present, to the Court that requires
it, a list of Municipal Dependencies and Institutions available to carry out Training
and Community Work, respectively. The choice must be made taking into account
the correspondence between the activity to be carried out in the Institution and
the infraction committed. After the resolution has become firm, the intervening
Misdemeanor Court will notify the election to the Municipal Unit or, where
appropriate, to the Private Institution of Public Welfare chosen for the execution
of the Training or Community Work. g) MODALITY AND SCHEDULE OF
EXECUTION: The Municipal Dependency or the Private Institution of Public
Welfare will agree with the offender the schedule and the modality in which the
Training and Community Work must be carried out, taking into account their
personal circumstances and the way to control their compliance. . Likewise, it will
be in charge of providing the offender with the elements and instruments necessary
to carry out the activities, including a badge that identifies him as a provider of
Community Work in favor of the Municipality.

h) CERTIFICATE: After completing the Training and Community Work, the

sanctioned offender will present a Certificate of Compliance before the
Misdemeanor Court, issued by the Secretariat (or whoever it designates) on which
the distribution or the Private Institution of Public Welfare depends. responsible
for the execution, which will contain a report that reports the activities, the number
of hours performed and the results obtained by the offender.
i) COMPLIANCE: Only with the total execution of the Training or Community Work
ordered will the sanction imposed be deemed fulfilled. When the
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offender does not initiate or does not fully complete the same, the Municipal Agency or
the selected Private Institution of Public Welfare, will notify the Misdemeanor Court of
such situation in the Certificate of section "h" hereof, for the purposes it considers.

(Article 28 was regulated by the Decree of the Municipal Mayor No. 3673 dated November 20,
2018, BO: 11/23/2018, modified said regulation by Resolution of the General Administrator of the
Municipal Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors No. 02 Series " K” dated 06/14/2021, BO:
06/14/2021, and modified section b) and c) by Resolution of the General Administrator of the
Municipal Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors No. 04 Series “K” dated 07/15/ 2021, BO:
Art. 29°.-The Misdemeanor Judge may order, when feasible, that the offender restores
things to their previous state, modifies them or adapts them in such a way that they
lose their dangerous or polluting character within the term that is set. ; without prejudice
to the sanction that may correspond. Judge,
Exceptionally, and with sufficient grounds, it may reduce the sanction to the legal
minimum of the kind that may correspond to it, when this results
convenient to the public interest.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 30°.- A repeat offender shall be the one who, having committed an offense and
having been sentenced for it by final judgment, incurs in another of the same nature
within a year of committing the previous one. In such a case, the maximum penalty for
the new offense may be doubled. The aggravation may not exceed the legal maximum
set for each type of sanction.
The effects of recidivism will apply to all infractions reviewed in this Code, with the
exception of traffic infractions and those foreseen for the transport of passengers in
rental cars with a driver legislated in Arts. 31° and 32°.

After two years of relapse of the conviction without the offender having committed
another offense, the registration of that will expire. In these cases, the expired records
may not be recorded in the background certificates.-

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12512 Sanctioned: 03/23/2016 BO: 03/28/2016)


Art. 31°.- The first infraction will be sanctioned with the minimum amount foreseen,
increasing in case of recidivism by one hundred percent (100%) until reaching the
maximum established by the scale, according to the norms established in Ordinance
No. 10270, its modifications and/or the one that replaces it.


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Art. 32°.- The first infraction will be sanctioned with the minimum amount foreseen, increasing
in case of recidivism by fifty percent (50%) of the minimum until reaching the maximum
established by the scale.-
Art. 33°.- WHEN a conduct falls under more than one fault, only the most serious will be
Art. 34°.- WHEN several independent acts repressed with the same type of divisible penalty
concur, the sanction to be imposed will have a higher minimum and a maximum of the sum
of the maximum corresponding to the various acts.

However, this sum may not exceed the legal maximum of the type of sanction in question.

The corresponding non-divisible sanctions will always be applied, without being subject to
the provisions of the first paragraph.-
Art. 35°.- WHEN there are several independent acts repressed with divisible penalties of
different kinds, the most onerous sanction will be applied taking into account the order of
Art. 17°, doubled in its minimum and in its maximum.
However, this sum may not exceed the legal maximum of the type of sanction in question.

The corresponding non-divisible sanctions will always be applied, without being subject to
the provisions of the first paragraph. -
Art. 36°.- THE action and the penalty are extinguished:
a) Due to the death of the accused or convicted;
b) By prescription;
c) For the voluntary payment of the fine;
d) For compliance with the sanction.
Art. 37°.- The action prescribes two (2) years after the offense was committed, except in the
cases provided for in Arts. 186° and 202°, in which the prescription began to run from the
finding of the fault.
The sanction prescribes four (4) years after the sentence becomes final.
In offenses against the environment, the provisions of substantive legislation shall apply.


Art. 38°.- The prescription of the action is suspended in the cases for whose judgment the
resolution of previous questions in administrative headquarters is necessary.


Art. 39°.- The prescription of the action is interrupted by the commission of a new offense
or by the processing of a case before the Municipal Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors.
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Art. 40°.- The prescription of the sanction is interrupted by the commission of a new
offense, by the beginning of the judicial process to achieve compliance with a conviction
and when there is a judicial instance in administrative litigation.


Art. 40 bis.- WHEN , from the records of a record, the possibility arose that the facts
denounced therein constitute a criminal offense or misdemeanor of jurisdiction outside
the municipal competence, the person in charge of the area intervening in the
procedure, the Misdemeanor Judge in charge of its processing or an official of the
General Administration of the Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors, indistinctly, will
be seen by the Provincial or National Public Ministry, as appropriate, forwarding the
aforementioned administrative actions, after forming a body of copies duly authenticated
and certified by the Secretary of the Judged, for the purpose of continuing the
substantiation of the case in what was strictly municipal jurisdiction.

(Incorporated by Article 2 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Sanctioned: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 40° ter.- WHOEVER verbally or physically harasses, abuses, intimidates, obstructs
or restricts another person or group of people for reasons of gender, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, age, religion, ideology, opinion, nationality, physical characteristics,
psychophysical, social, economic condition, due to suffering from a contagious
infectious disease or due to their profession or trade, will be sanctioned with a fine of
ten (10) to one hundred (100)
Municipal Economic Unit (UEM), or community work, and in any case a training course
on discrimination.
(Incorporated by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,035 Sanctioned: 06/12/2020 BO: 06/23/2020)

Art. 40° quater.- ANYONE who verbally or physically harasses, mistreats, intimidates
or assaults health professionals and other auxiliary personnel of health centers, their
relatives or property in the context of an emergency, in person or by digital means
health or extraordinary circumstance to which they are affected, will be sanctioned with
a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200)
Municipal Economic Unit (UEM), or community work, and in any case a training course
on discrimination. If the person who carries it out is personnel affected by the urban
passenger transport service or transport in rental cars with a driver, they will be
sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to five hundred (500).
(UEM), or community work, and in any case a training course on discrimination.

(Incorporated by Article 2 of Ordinance No. 13,035 Sanctioned: 06/12/2020 BO: 06/23/2020)


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Art. 41°.- The non-existence, expiration or expiration of qualification, authorization

or permission to carry out any activity subject to municipal control, will be
sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to three hundred (300) (UEM).
If the activity is subject to the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure,
the fine will be fifty (50) to five hundred (500) (UEM).
The Judge will also order the closure of the premises where the offending activity
is carried out, until the corresponding municipal authorization is granted.

Art. 42°.- Anyone who does not comply with or modify the conditions for which
the permit was enabled, authorized or granted, will be sanctioned with a fine of
ten (10) to three hundred (300) (UEM). The Judge may also order the closure of
the premises until the situation is regularized. -
Art. 43°.- The one who does not show the rating, authorization or permit and/or
the other required documentation, when required, will be sanctioned with a fine of
three (3) to thirty (30) (UEM).-
Art. 44°.- Anyone who violates the Safety, Hygiene and Health Standards in
carrying out the activity for which they have been authorized, will be sanctioned
with a fine of ten (10) to two hundred (200) (UEM). The Judge may order the
closure of the premises or premises and the confiscation of the infringing products
and merchandise.
Art. 45°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on lights, sounds, noises, vibrations,
gas emissions, bad odors, which affects the neighboring area, will be sanctioned
with a fine of ten (10) to three hundred (300) (UEM). The Judge may order the
closure of the establishment.
Art. 46°.- Anyone who violates the Fire Safety Regulations will be sanctioned with
a fine of ten (10) to three hundred (300) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure
of the establishment, which will be maintained until the infraction is regularized.
For the graduation of the sanction, in addition to the guidelines provided in Article
18, the Judge must take into account the surface of the establishment, the activity
carried out, the attendance and permanence of people in it and its conditions.

Art. 47°.- Anyone who prevents the free circulation and permanence of assistance
dogs in the company of the user, in Public or Private Spaces open to the public,
or in Public Passenger Transport, will be subject to a fine of seven (7 ) to thirty
(30) (EMU). The same sanction will be applied to whoever intends to collect
monetary differences for the entry or permanence of the dog in the aforementioned
Art. 48°.- The amount of the fines that are dealt with in this Chapter will be doubled
when they are committed by industrial establishments, supermarkets,
hypermarkets, wholesale stores, shopping centers and large commercial surfaces.
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Art. 49°.- The fruit and vegetable producer and/or whoever is responsible, be they
Natural and/or Legal Person(s), who apply to their products or by-products of
vegetable origin, phytosanitary agrochemicals or prohibited or unauthorized
biological products, or that being so, do not observe the specified grace periods,
they will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to five hundred (500)
(EMU). Whoever commercializes or distributes products of plant origin in breach
of the grace periods indicated for said product and whoever fails to observe the
permitted risk guide levels established by Resolution No. 256/03 of SENASA, its
amendments, and/or the that in the future are issued by the Enforcement Authority
in the field of phytosanitary agrochemicals or biological products, will be sanctioned
with a fine of two hundred (200) to one thousand (1000) (UEM).

Art. 50°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on disinfection and/or prevention and/or
elimination of transmitting agents, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one
hundred (100) (UEM). The Judge may also order the closure of the premises in
violation until the same ceases.
Anyone who violates the Rules on washing and disinfection of utensils, crockery
or other elements, as well as those who violate the Rules prohibiting the reuse of
crockery, cutlery or other element destined for the gastronomy service and
provision of food will also suffer the same sanction. , which by their nature have
been conceived as disposable for single use.-
Art. 51°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on safety, hygiene and health of the
premises where food products, beverages or raw materials are prepared, divided,
deposited, distributed, transported, handled, packaged, sold or displayed, or
where they are carry out other activities related to them, will be sanctioned with a
fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM). The same sanction will be incurred
by those who carry out the activities described above in contravention of the
Sanitary, Bromatological and Hygienic Protection Standards.

The Judge may order the closure of the premises and the confiscation of the
products or merchandise found there.
Art. 52°.- THOSE who have, deposit, exhibit, prepare, divide, sell, distribute,
transport, manipulate or package food, beverages or their raw materials that are
not approved or lack stamps, seals, identification elements or regulatory labels ,
will be sanctioned jointly and severally with a fine of fifteen (15) to two hundred
(EMU). The Judge will order the confiscation of the existing merchandise. The
same sanction is established in the case of medicinal products or products with
supposed curative qualities that are sold to the public in herbal shops or the like.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 53°.- Anyone who has, deposits, exhibits, prepares, splits, sells, distributes,
transports, handles or packs food,
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beverages or their altered raw materials, deteriorated in their intrinsic composition

or expired, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to three hundred (300)
(UEM). The Judge will order the confiscation of the merchandise.
The same sanction will apply to anyone who has, deposits, exhibits, prepares,
divides, sells, distributes, transports, manipulates, or packs food, beverages or
their raw materials that are adulterated, falsified, prohibited or produced with
systems, methods or raw materials that are not authorized or that in any way is in
infraction or bromatological fraud. The Judge will order the confiscation of the
merchandise and the closure of the premises or premises where the infraction is
Art. 54°.- THOSE who introduce, transport, distribute, have, deposit, fractionate,
exhibit, sell or prepare meat, products or by-products of animal origin, that lack
the corresponding seals, labels, wafers, certificates, invoices and other
documentation required by current legislation, they will be sanctioned jointly and
severally with a fine of twenty (20) to three hundred (300) (UEM), and the
confiscation of the merchandise will be ordered. The Judge may also order the
closure of the establishment. -

Art. 55°.- Anyone who does not legally prove the origin of meat, products and by-
products of animal origin, will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to three
hundred (300) (EMU). Prior confiscation of the merchandise, the records will be
sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office.
Article 56°. - IN the cases in which the infractions established in Arts. 50°, 51°,
52°, 53°, 54°, 55°, 56° and 57° were committed in or by supermarkets,
hypermarkets, and wholesale stores, the amount of the fine will be tripled.
Article 57°. -ANYONE who sells, has, keeps, cares for or introduces animals for
human consumption in violation of current sanitary, hygiene or safety regulations,
or those that regulate their possession, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10)
to fifty (50) (EMU). -
Art. 58°.- THOSE who manufacture, distribute and/or market products that contain
asbestos fibers or asbestos, in any of its forms, and do not have the identification
label, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to two hundred (200). (EMU). The
Judge may also order the confiscation of the merchandise and the closure of the
Article 59°. -ANYONE who violates the Rules on use and/or hygienic conditions
of regulatory clothing, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to thirty (30) (UEM).-

Article 60°. - Anyone who violates the rules on required health documentation will
be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to thirty (30) (EMU).
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 61°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on hygiene in facilities, devices and
sanitary accessories, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifteen (15) to forty
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(40) (EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the establishment for a minimum
term of twenty-four (24) hours.
Art. 61 bis.- Anyone who exhibits products that are not categorized as fruits, nuts,
gluten-free, dietary and similar products, all without added sugar, in supermarkets,
hypermarkets and pharmacies with extensive operating hours and format of self-
service, within a radius of 3 (three) meters from the payment register or any other
collection area located for the purpose -in front of which customers and/or
consumers are arranged in a queue or waiting line, to make the payment of the
product(s) selected for its acquisition-, will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred
and fifty (150) to five hundred (500) (UEM).

(Incorporated by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,150 Sanctioned: 05/13/2021 BO: 06/10/2021)

Note: By transitory provision included in art. 3 of Ordinance No. 13,150 art. 61 bis will enter into
force ninety (90) days after promulgation (ficta promulgation 06/10/2021), extendable period for
the same period.
Art. 62°.- The consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or prohibited substances for
consumption by minors under eighteen (18) years of age is PROHIBITED, under
the conditions and in the places established in the following Article.
The infraction will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to five hundred (500)
The infraction will be considered committed by the owners or dependents of the
establishments, even if they claim that consumers have entered with them in their
possession or that they have not been issued on the premises. The mere presence
of a minor under eighteen (18) years of age in places authorized for adults, will
determine, in the event of alcohol consumption by the minor, the objective
responsibility of the owner of the activity in terms of facilitating intake. The Judge
must also order the closure of the establishment for a minimum term of seven (7)
days and a maximum of sixty (60) days. In case of recurrence, the Judge will also
order the closure for a minimum period of fifteen (15) days and a maximum of one
hundred and twenty (120) days. In the case of a second recurrence, the Judge will
also order the closure for a minimum period of thirty (30) days and a maximum of
one hundred and eighty (180) days.
If deemed pertinent, the Judge may also order the revocation of the permit granted.

If the establishment is closed or is not duly enabled, the fine will be doubled and
the closure may not be enabled or terminated for a period of one hundred and
eighty (180) days.
In all cases, the Judge may order the disqualification to carry out the same activity
in the establishment for a term of up to two (2) years if he deems it pertinent.

Art. 63°.- Anyone who instigates the consumption or supplies alcoholic beverages,
and/or substances prohibited for consumption by minors for free or for a fee.
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have not reached eighteen (18) years of age, even if they are accompanied by
their parents, guardians or persons of legal age twenty-four (24) hours a day, in
any public or private place accessible to the general public, such as bars,
confectioneries, kiosks, clubs and similar businesses, whether permanent or
transitory, will be sanctioned with
fine of ten (10) to one hundred (100) (EMU). When the offense was committed in
discos, nightclubs or dance events, the minimum will be fifty (50) and the maximum
five hundred (500) (UEM). The Judge must also order the closure of the
establishment for a minimum term of seven (7) days and a maximum of sixty (60)
days. In case of recidivism, in addition to the fine, the judge will order the closure
for a minimum period of fifteen (15) days and a maximum of one hundred and
twenty (120) days. In the case of a second recidivism, in addition to the fine, the
judge will order the closure for a minimum period of sixty (60) days and a maximum
of one hundred and eighty (180) days. The judge may also order the revocation of
the permit granted if the establishment is closed or is not duly enabled, the fine
will be doubled and the closure may not be enabled or ordered to cease for a
period of one hundred and eighty (180) days.

In all cases, the Judge may order the existence of grounds for disqualification
from exercising the same activity in the establishment for a term of up to two (2)
years. -
Art. 64°.- IN the cases provided for in Arts. 62nd and 63rd, the Judge must apply
the training sanction to the minor offender. In case of non-compliance with the
sanction, a fine of fifteen (15) (UEM) will be applied to the legal person responsible.
Art. 65°.- Anyone who consumes alcoholic beverages on public roads, with the
exception of places authorized for such purposes, will be sanctioned with a fine of
five (5) to thirty (30) (UEM).
Art. 66°.- IN all premises authorized for the sale of alcoholic beverages, whether
for consumption in the same premises or outside of it, a copy of the relevant
Articles, which regulate the marketing and consumption of beverages, must be
placed in a visible place. alcoholic. Failure to comply with this provision will be
sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to ten (10) (UEM).
Art. 67°.- Those who supply alcoholic beverages between zero (00:00) and nine
(09:00) hours, with the exception of bars, confectioneries and restaurants, where
the prohibition shall apply to the supply and/or consumption from five (05.00) hours
to ten (10.00) hours, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred
(200) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure of the establishment for a minimum
period of seven (7) days.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 68°.- The consumption of alcoholic beverages is PROHIBITED in premises

that carry out any type of commercial activity within the premises of service
stations that sell fuel, and other businesses not expressly authorized to sell
alcoholic beverages. The one who infringes
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the prohibition contained in this Article will be subject to a fine of twenty (20) to
one hundred (100) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure of the establishment
for a minimum period of seven (7) days and a maximum of sixty (60) days, and
may, where appropriate, order the revocation or expiration of the granted permit
or the disqualification of the establishment for a term of up to two ( 2 years.
Art. 69°.- The consumption of alcoholic beverages is PROHIBITED when traveling
by any means of Public Transportation.
Whoever violates the provisions of this Article, will be sanctioned with a fine of
five (5) to thirty (30) (UEM), if he travels as a passenger; and from ten (10) to sixty
(60) (UEM), in the case of the driver of any means or unit of Public Transport or
the one who supplies or facilitates the consumption of alcoholic beverages to its
passengers. -
Art. 70°.- Anyone who promotes and/or carries out any type of event in which the
consumption of alcoholic beverages is required for their participation or whose
reward, gratification or prize is the facilitation or encouragement of the consumption
of alcoholic beverages, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to seventy (70)
(EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the establishment for a minimum period
of fifteen (15) days.-
Art. 71°.- In the cases of commercialization and consumption of alcoholic
beverages of this Chapter, the Application and Control Authority may order the
preventive closure of the establishment, intervention, seizure and confiscation of
the merchandise that is sold or that is found in conditions of being marketed in
violation of current provisions. The Judge may order the revocation of the municipal
authorization of the infringing establishment in case of recidivism and taking into
account the seriousness of the facts. In those establishments not authorized for
the sale of alcoholic beverages, in addition to the sanctions provided for in current
legislation, the merchandise will be seized and/or seized in the same act of
verification of the infraction.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 72°.- Anyone who sells tobacco in any of its forms of marketing to minors
under eighteen (18) years of age, in any authorized premises that includes these
products in its offer to the public, will be sanctioned with a fine of:

a) The first fact: a fine of three (3) to fifteen (15) (EMU). The Judge may also order
the closure of the establishment for a term of up to ten (10) days.

b) The first recidivism: a fine of six (6) to thirty (30) (EMU). The Judge may also
order the closure of the establishment for a term of up to twenty (20) days.

c) The second recidivism: a fine of nine (9) to forty-five (45) (EMU).

The Judge must also order the closure of the establishment for a term of up to
thirty (30) days.
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In all cases, the Judge may order the revocation of the granted permit.
Art. 73°.- The owner of an artistic and cultural bar, show room, dance floor, rest-pub
with show or dance, penalty and tanguería, night club, disco, with disco bar operation,
multipurpose room of hotels and shopping centers, party hall, bar with bowling, pool
tables, pool, shuffleboard and/or foosball, video bar and service station that does not
have condoms of authorized brands for sale, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to
twenty (20) (EMU).-

Art. 74°.- The owner or person in charge of any trade, firm or company, whose main or
accessory branch of activity is to carry out bloody, transitory or permanent tattoos on
people's skin, or perforations in different parts of the human body, which violates the
Rules on disposable materials and sterilization, safety and health, will be sanctioned
with a fine of twenty (20) to one hundred (100) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure
of the premises, until the reasons that caused the sanction disappear.

When the infringing activity was carried out on public roads, the confiscation of the
elements used to commit the infraction will also be ordered.

Art. 75°.- The owner or person in charge of the premises, destined to carry out
physical, recreational, sports or gymnastic activities that do not have a professional
with a qualifying title and / or lack of certificates of medical fitness of the attendees, will
be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to seventy (70) (UEM). The Judge will order the
closure of the premises until the required requirements are met.-

Art. 76°.- Anyone who recycles and/or sterilizes disposable material for medical and
paramedical use, will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to five hundred (500).
(EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the premises or establishment and the
confiscation of the elements in violation. The same sanction will have the one who
introduces and/or commercializes recycled disposable materials for medical use within
the municipal ejido.-
Art. 77°.- Anyone who smokes in closed places of public access and other spaces in
which the prohibition of doing so is in force, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to
thirty (30) (UEM).-
Art. 78°.- The owner of an activity that takes place in a place of public access that fails
to place in its closed spaces the signage that communicates the prohibition of smoking,
will be liable to a fine of five (5) to twenty (20).
Art. 79°.- The owner or person in charge of an activity that takes place in a place of
public access in which the presence of one or more people smoking in its closed spaces
is verified, will be subject to the following sanctions:
a) Before the first act, with a fine of three (3) to fifteen (15) (EMU).
b) In case of first recidivism: a fine of six (6) to thirty (30) (UEM). The Judge will order
the closure of the establishment for a term of up to ten (10) days.
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c) The second recidivism: a fine of nine (9) to forty-five (45) (EMU).

The Judge must also order the closure of the establishment for a term of up to
thirty (30) days.
In all cases, the Judge may order the revocation of the granted permit or the
disqualification of the establishment for a term of up to two (2) years.
Art. 80°.- Anyone who commercializes without due authorization or distributes for
free or onerous title, products called glues or adhesives that contain in their
chemical composition the solvent "toluene" and/or its derivatives and/or substitutes
capable of causing damage or alterations to health will be sanctioned with a fine
a) The first act: a fine of twenty (20) to seventy (70) (EMU). The Judge will order
the closure of the establishment for a term of up to thirty (30) days.

b) In the first recidivism the fine is doubled. The Judge will order the closure of
the establishment for a term of up to sixty (60) days.
c) The second recidivism the fine is tripled. The Judge will order the closure of
the establishment for a term of up to ninety (90) days. -
In all cases, the Judge will proceed to confiscate the infringing products and may
order the disqualification of the establishment for a term of up to two (2) years. -

Art. 81°.- The business or company that violates the current regulations on the
use of equipment that generates ultraviolet radiation (UV), will be subject to the
following sanctions:
a) The first act: a fine of twenty (20) to seventy (70) (EMU). The Judge will order
the closure of the establishment for a term of up to thirty (30) days.

b) In the first recidivism the fine is doubled. The Judge will order the closure of
the establishment for a term of up to sixty (60) days.
c) The second recidivism the fine is tripled. The Judge will order the closure of
the establishment for a term of up to ninety (90) days.
In all cases, the Judge will proceed to confiscate the offending equipment and
may order the disqualification of the establishment for a term of up to two (2)
years. -
Article 81 bis. -COMMUNICABLE DISEASES. Whoever fails to comply with the
rules and regulations related to the prevention, containment and/or mitigation of
communicable diseases, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to twelve
thousand (12,000) (UEM) and/or community work, not applying the voluntary
payment benefit referred to in point b) of article 22 of this Ordinance. The closure
and/or disqualification of the spaces opportunely enabled by the municipality that
do not comply with the regulations, and the removal of the means and/or objects
used to omit compliance with the same will also be arranged.

(Incorporated by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,031 Sanctioned: 04/17/2020 BO: 04/22/2020)

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Art. 82°.- THE omission or violation of the Rules that regulate the authorization of
nurseries and geriatric homes will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two
hundred (200) (UEM). The Judge will order the preventive closure of the establishment
until the corresponding authorization, permit or municipal authorization is obtained.
The Judge may also order the closure of the premises as a sanction.-

Art. 83°.- Childcare centers and geriatric homes that incur in the violation of the
operating rules will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to one hundred (100)
(UEM). Depending on the seriousness of the offense, the Judge may order the
closure of the establishment for up to a maximum of ninety (90) days.
In the case of closure for prolonged periods, which could put the physical integrity or
health of people at risk, the Judge will proceed to immediately notify the Government
Secretary of the Municipality and the Ministry of Health of the Province for the
purposes that take the intervention that corresponds to them.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12598 Passed: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 84°.- The owner of a public hourly parking lot that lacks authorization, permission
or authorization to carry out the activity, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20)
to two hundred (200) (UEM).
The Judge will also order the closure of the premises or premises where the offending
activity is carried out, until the corresponding authorization, permit or municipal
authorization is obtained.
Art. 85°.- The owner of garages, car parks or private parking lots that lacks
authorization, permission or authorization to carry out the activity, will be sanctioned
with a fine of fifteen (15) to one hundred and fifty (150) ( EMU). The Judge will also
order the closure of the establishment where the offending activity is carried out, until
the corresponding authorization, permit or municipal authorization is obtained, and
may simultaneously order, in addition, the closure of the premises as a sanction.

Art. 86°.- The owner of public or private parking lots, garages or car parks that
violates the Rules that regulate their operation, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten
(10) to one hundred (100) (UEM).
In case of recurrence, the Judge will also order the closure of the premises for a
maximum period of thirty (30) days.
Art. 87º.- The building owner or owners:
a) Failure to comply with the registration in the Register of Stationary Mechanical
Circulation Means or the authorization of said facilities in the forms required by the
current Regulations, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred (100)
(UEM). The Judge will order the preventive closure of the facility.
b) That they do not prove the validity of the Certification of Technical Aptitude of the
Facilities, registered in the Inspection Book by the Representative
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Technician of the Conservator of the same, registered in the Registry of

Conservators implemented, will be sanctioned with a fine of seven (7) to seventy
(70) (EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the facility until its ability to function
is certified.
c) That allows the operation of facilities of means of circulation
Stationary Mechanics, whose service is interrupted by their Conservator, will be
sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM).

The Judge will order the closure of the facilities until their ability to function is
d) The conservators of Stationary Mechanical Circulation Facilities who do not
comply with the provisions of current regulations will be sanctioned with a fine of
twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM).
Art. 88°.- The owner or owners of residential buildings for collective housing with
common means of evacuation and buildings for collective use and/or public
access that do not have security or fire-fighting installations and/or Final Inspection
Certificate of the Fire Department of the Province of Córdoba, will be sanctioned
with a fine, whose minimum is set at thirty (30) and whose maximum is one
thousand (1000) (EMU).
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 89°.-The owner or owners of residential buildings for collective housing or

buildings for collective use and/or public access that violates the obligation of
disinfection, hygiene, cleaning of water tanks and cisterns or other required
documentation when is required will be sanctioned with a fine of fifteen (15) to two
hundred (200) (UEM). The lack of display to the acting inspector of the required
documentation will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to ten (10) UEM

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 90°.- Anyone who violates the rules that regulate the sale, storage and
transportation of fuels will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to five hundred
(500) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure and/or disqualification of the
premises, warehouses and means of transport in violation.-
Art. 91°.- Anyone who violates the obligation imposed by Art. 1 of Ordinance No.
10459, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred (100) (UEM).-
Art. 91° bis.- The holder of an antenna support structure may be sanctioned with
a fine, when it is found that it is not authorized, or the conditions approved in a
timely manner have been modified, within the framework of Ordinance No. 12,803,
being jointly and severally liable the owner of the property where it is installed.
The fine will be from five hundred (500) to five thousand (5000) UEM, in the case
of Pedestals or any other support, bearing structure, or element where an antenna
is located, installed or attached to any element of a building; from five hundred
(500) to five thousand (5000) EMU, in the case of a support structure with a
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maximum height of forty-five (45) meters; from seven hundred (700) to six thousand
(6000) UEM, in the case of a support structure with a height of more than forty-five (45)
meters, and up to a height of seventy-five (75) meters; from one thousand four hundred
(1400) to twelve thousand (12000) UEM, in the case of a support structure with a height
of more than seventy-five (75) meters, and up to a height of one hundred and twenty
(120) meters; from two thousand (2000) to fifteen thousand (15000)
UEM, in the case of a support structure with a height greater than one hundred and
twenty (120) meters; from two thousand (2000) to four thousand (4000) UEM, in the
case of support structures corresponding to a Cubing.
The Judge may also order the confiscation of the structure, the dismantling being at the
owner's expense.
(Incorporated by article 20 of Ordinance No. 13,124 Sanctioned: 12/29/2020 BO: 03/05/2021)

Art. 91° Ter.- The owner of an antenna support structure may be sanctioned with a fine,
when it does not allow and/or facilitate the entry of personnel of the Municipality or of
third parties acting on its behalf, and they are duly accredited and authorized, to the
property and specific place, defined for the installation of the support, either during its
construction or a posteriori, for the purpose of carrying out inspections, on the occasions
and times that the Municipality provides, in accordance with what is established in
Ordinance No. 12,803. The fine will be from one hundred (100) to one thousand (1000)
(Incorporated by article 21 of Ordinance No. 13,124 Sanctioned: 12/29/2020 BO: 03/05/2021).


Art. 92°.- Anyone who develops any public entertainment activity subject to municipal
control and lacks authorization, permission or qualification will be sanctioned with a fine
of fifty (50) to five hundred (500) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure of the premises
where such activity is carried out, until the corresponding authorization, permit or
municipal authorization is obtained. The Judge may also order the closure of the
premises as a sanction. In case of recidivism, the Judge may order the confiscation of
furniture, equipment, beverages and other elements used for the development of the
activity in violation.
The same sanction will be applied to whoever has modified without municipal
authorization the conditions under which it was enabled.
The same sanction and closure will be applicable to swimming pools subject to control
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12598 Passed: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016).

Art. 92° bis.- The one that develops any event or activity of public shows of massive
attendance, of an artistic, dance, musical, recorded or live nature or of any other genre,
whose access and/or right to show is made through through some form of payment or
freely and free of charge, with or without the sale of alcoholic beverages, carried out in
real estate that does not have authorization, authorization or permission granted by
municipal authority
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competent authority, and due to its characteristics, must have it, and that due to
the magnitude and number of public attending, cause inconvenience to the
neighbors, deteriorate the tranquility of the environment -due to noise, sounds,
lights and vibrations, among others- or cause unhealthy situations, it will be
sanctioned with a fine of one hundred eighty (180) to nine thousand (9,000) UEM,
not applying the benefit of the voluntary payment referred to in point b) of article 22 of this Ordinance
(Incorporated by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,122 Sanctioned: 12/22/2020 BO: 12/23/2020)

Art. 92° ter.- The intervening Misdemeanor Judge may order the application of the
fine provided for in article 92 bis of this Ordinance, both to the organizer responsible
for the activity described in the aforementioned article and to the owner of the
property, or who holds the possession, tenure or location, which would have
facilitated it for the development of the same.
(Incorporated by Article 2 of Ordinance No. 13,122 Sanctioned: 12/22/2020 BO: 12/23/2020)

Art. 93°.- Anyone who has not renewed the municipal permit, authorization or
qualification referred to in the previous Article will be sanctioned with a fine of
twenty-five (25) to three hundred (300) (UEM).-
Art. 94°.- Anyone who does not show the authorization, permit, municipal
authorization or any other required documentation when required, will be sanctioned
with a fine of ten (10) to seventy (70) (UEM).-
Art. 95°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on safety, hygiene and/or health in
swimming pools and/or premises or properties or on public roads, as a consequence
of the development of public entertainment activities, will be sanctioned with a fine
of fifty ( 50) to five hundred (500) (EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the
premises or facilities in violation, until the reasons that determined it disappear.
The Judge may also order the closure of the premises as a sanction.

Art. 96°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on lights, sounds, noises, vibrations,
gases and bad odors that affect the neighboring area, in the development of a
public entertainment activity, gym and/or swimming pool, will be sanctioned with a
fine. from fifty (50) to three hundred (300) (EMU). The Judge will order the closure
of the premises, establishment or facilities until the reasons that gave rise to it
Art. 97°.- The owner or person in charge of a place enabled for public shows and/
or the owner of the authorization or permit to carry out the same, who violates the
Rules that regulate the hours of operation will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50)
to two hundred (200) (EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the premises,
establishment or facilities.
Art. 98°.- The owner or person in charge of a place enabled for public shows and/
or the owner of the authorization or permission to carry out the same, who violates
the Rules that regulate general conditions of admission will be sentenced to the
performance of work community and sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to three
hundred (300) (EMU). The fine will be doubled in case of not complying with
community work. The Judge will order the closure of the premises,
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establishment or facilities for a minimum period of fifteen (15) days and up to a maximum of
one hundred and eighty (180) days.-
Art. 99°.- The owner or person in charge of a place enabled for public shows and/or the owner
of the authorization or permission to carry it out, who violates the Rules that regulate the
presence of minors, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to four hundred (400) (EMU).
The Judge will order the closure of the premises, establishment or facilities for a minimum
period of fifteen (15) days.

Art. 100.- Anyone who commits any other violation of the rules that regulate the activity of
public shows, gyms and/or swimming pools that is not contemplated in this Chapter, will be
sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred (100). (EMU). The Judge may also order the
closure of the establishment.

Art. 101°.- Anyone who violates the regulations that regulate the authorization and operation
of commercial premises that provide the service of renting computers by the hour or fraction
of time, or under any other modality, for the use of the public concurrent to the local, will be
sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to fifty (50) (UEM). The Judge may also order the closure of
the premises as a sanction. -


Art. 102°.- Anyone who sells or exhibits medicines or pharmaceuticals, even those called
"free sale", in any establishment that does not have the corresponding authorization or
authorization from the competent Jurisdictional Body, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty
(20) to two hundred (200)
(EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the premises and will proceed to confiscate the
medicines or pharmaceuticals.-
Art. 103°.- Anyone who introduces, transports, distributes, deposits, divides, exhibits,
dispenses or prepares medicines or pharmaceuticals, even those called "free sale" without
having the proper municipal authorization and the Enforcement Authority, will be sanctioned
with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM). The Judge will order the closure of the
establishment and the confiscation of the drugs and medicines in violation. -

Art. 104°.- Anyone who commercializes, distributes or exhibits opotherapeutics that are
found deteriorated in its intrinsic composition, were expired or do not have the authorization
of the competent Health Authority and a registered veterinary medical technical advisor, will
be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM). The Judge will order the
confiscation of the infringing merchandise and the closure of the premises.

Article 105°. Whoever sells or sells medicines, drugs or zootherapeutics without the
corresponding prescription from a licensed professional, will be
sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to three hundred (300) (EMU). Judge
order the closure of the premises for a minimum period of seven (7) days.
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Art. 106°.- Anyone who uses in a particular way, manufactures, has, stores, collects,
exhibits, manipulates, deposits, circulates, transports, sells and/or markets in any way to
wholesalers or retailers pyrotechnic elements, rocketry and everything any other product
intended to cause visual or auditory effects by detonation, deflagration, combustion or
explosion or any other analogous in which gunpowder or chemical compound is used that
by itself or mixed with another may be flammable will be sanctioned with a fine of two
hundred (200) to five hundred (500) (EMU). The Judge will order the closure of the
premises or establishments and the confiscation of the merchandise and instruments
used for its manufacture.-

Art. 107°.- Pyrotechnic devices for distress signals, nautical emergencies, use by the
Armed Security Forces and/or Civil Defense and those for professional use are exempt
from the previous Article, provided that they are used in the exercise of functions or for
the purpose that have been established and are operated with the authorization of the
Municipal Authority through specialized personnel.-

Art. 108°.- The group of people, political, social, civil, union organizations and/or of any
other nature that use the pyrotechnics and/or rocketry elements specified in Art. 106° in
massive activities on public roads. of the present will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50)
to one thousand (1000) (UEM).


Art. 109°.- Anyone who drives or parks on public roads:
a) Any vehicle that due to its manufacturing characteristics is not suitable for driving

on public roads and/or is not duly approved by the

competent authority will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to sixty (60)
b) Any non-patented vehicle, in accordance with current regulations, will be sanctioned
with a fine of ten (10) to thirty (30) (UEM).
c) With expired documentation or circulation permit, it will be sanctioned with a fine of
three (3) to nine (9) (UEM).
d) Any vehicle without carrying or displaying any required documentation when required,
will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to six (6) (UEM).
Art. 110°.- Anyone who does not display the required documentation for motor vehicles
of any type, category and weight that use Compressed Natural Gas as fuel, will be
sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to six (6)
(EMU). The judge will order the removal of the vehicle from circulation and order the
confiscation of the unauthorized equipment.
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Article 111°. Anyone who drives or parks a vehicle on public roads whose license plate
is not clearly visible, or has it placed in an illegal manner, will be sanctioned with a fine
of five (5) to twenty (20) (UEM).
When the vehicle lacks both license plates or one of them is intentionally covered, the
minimum fine will be doubled and it will be removed from public roads.

Art. 112°.- Anyone who, being the owner of a vehicle, does not comply with the
contracting of the insurance policy for risks to third parties, will be sanctioned with a
fine of three (3) to nine (9) (EMU).
Art. 113°.- Anyone who drives or parks a vehicle on public roads that lacks the
regulatory safety elements or presents defects, which may put people, property or traffic
at serious risk, will be sanctioned with a fine of six (6) to fifty (50) (EMU).

Art. 114°.- Anyone who drives a vehicle without a silencer or alters or exceeds the
maximum decibels required in violation of the Regulatory Norms, will be sanctioned
with a fine of six (6) to twelve (12) (UEM).
Art. 115°.- Anyone who uses a non-regulation horn, abuses the regulation horn, or
exceeds the maximum allowed decibels will be sanctioned with a fine of six (6) to
twelve (12) (UEM).
Art. 116°.- Anyone who violates the Rules that limit the emission of toxic gases
produced by vehicles, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9)
Art. 117°.- The one who drives:
a) Without having obtained the respective Driver's License, you will be sanctioned with
a fine of ten (10) to twenty (20) (UEM), and you will not be able to continue driving the
b) Having obtained a license issued by a Competent Authority of another jurisdiction
having domicile in the city of Córdoba will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine
(9) (UEM), and will not be able to continue driving the vehicle.

c) With an expired License or one not corresponding to the category of the vehicle, you
will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM), and you will not be able to
continue driving the vehicle.
d) Without carrying or displaying a valid Driver's License when required, you will be
sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM), and you will not be able to continue
driving the vehicle.
In all cases, the vehicle will be removed by the Competent Authority unless there is an
authorized third party in it and in conditions to drive.

Art. 118°.- Anyone who makes it possible for people without a license to drive, will be
sanctioned with a fine of four (4) to twelve (12) (UEM). If I make it possible for
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A minor under eighteen (18) years of age will be sanctioned with a fine of six (6) to
eighteen (18) (UEM).-
Art. 119°.- Anyone who drives while being unable to do so, will be sanctioned with a
fine of twenty (20) to one hundred (100) (UEM). The Judge will also order a new
disqualification to drive, the minimum of which will be double the previous one and the
maximum of which will be five (5) years. -
Art. 120°.- Anyone who drives without glasses or other corrective elements when their
use is established by law, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to four (4) (UEM). In
all cases, if it is not immediately possible to stop the infraction, the vehicle will be
removed from the place by the Authority.


Art. 121°.- Anyone who parks in prohibited places or improperly or illegally, will be
sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15)
When the offense mentioned in the previous paragraph was committed by improper
use of a free parking and/or circulation permit, or parked in green spaces, central flower
beds, reserves for people with disabilities, reserves for emergency services, passenger
transport stops , exclusive transport lanes, on pedestrian paths or sidewalks, bike paths
or bike paths, a fine of twenty (20) to fifty (50) will be applied.

When the offense was committed for parking vehicles that obstruct or in any way hinder
access to ramps for people with disabilities or reduced mobility, a fine of forty (40) to
one hundred (100) (UEM) will be applied.

In the event that there is a concurrent failure to obstruct the access ramp located on a
pedestrian path, the sanction provided for in the previous paragraph will be increased
by fifty percent (50%) in its minimum and maximum.
In case of recidivism in the assumptions established in the third and fourth paragraph,
the Judge may order, in addition, the disqualification to drive for up to one (1) year.

As a complementary sanction, the offender will have the obligation to complete the
training course in education, awareness and road awareness with the characteristics
determined by the Municipal Executive Department through
When the parked vehicle is medium and long distance passenger transport, a fine of
two hundred (200) to six hundred (600) will be applied.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,923 Sanctioned: 07/04/2019 BO: 08/09/2019).

Art. 122°.- Anyone who violates the Rules that govern the detention of vehicles, will be
sanctioned with a fine, the minimum of which is set at three (3) (EMU), to six (6)
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Art. 123°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on metered, priced or paid parking, will be
sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to four (4) (UEM).
Art. 124°.- Anyone who drives exceeding the maximum permitted blood alcohol levels for
their category, will be sanctioned with a fine and disqualification from driving:

a) If the driver has a blood alcohol level higher than 0.4 g/l and 0.8 g/l, the fine will be from
twenty (20) to fifty (50) (UEM), and he will be disqualified from driving. drive for a period of
fifteen (15) to forty-five (45) days.

b) If the driver has a blood alcohol level of 0.8 g/l to 1.2 g/l, the fine will be from thirty (30)
to sixty (60) (UEM), and he will be disqualified from driving for a period of twenty (20) to
sixty (60) days.
c) If the driver has a blood alcohol level of 1.2 g/l to 1.6 g/l, the fine will be from forty (40) to
eighty (80) (UEM), and he will be disqualified from driving for a period of thirty (30) to ninety
(90) days.
d) If the driver has a blood alcohol level of 1.6 g/l to 2 g/l, the fine will be from fifty (50) to
one hundred (100) (UEM), and will be disqualified from driving for a period from forty-five
(45) to one hundred and twenty (120) days.
e) If the driver has a blood alcohol content greater than 2.0 g/l, the fine will be from eighty
(80) to one hundred and thirty (130) (UEM), and will be disqualified from driving for a period
of two (2 years.
In all cases, the vehicle will be removed by the competent Authority unless a third party is
found qualified and in conditions to drive.
Whoever refuses to carry out the control required by the Administrative Authority will be
liable to the highest sanction provided for this infraction, which must be warned by the acting
inspector and recorded in the infraction record.
In the event that the driver is found driving public transport vehicles, school transport, official
vehicles, taxi, remis, limousine, emergency service vehicle, vehicle that pulls trailers or
trailers whatever their weight, truck, special transport, machinery agricultural authorized to
transit, freight transport of any type and weight with or without trailer, the amount of the fine
and disqualification will be doubled.

In the event that the offender is disabled due to age or final judgment, he must comply with
the fine established with the aggravating circumstance of the previous paragraph and in the
In the first case, whoever exercises parental authority, custody or guardianship will be jointly and
severally liable for the payment of the fine.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016).

Art. 125°.- Anyone who drives under the action of toxic, narcotic or prohibited drugs, will be
sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to one hundred thirty (130) .
(UEM), and will be disqualified from driving for a period of two (2) years. In all cases, the
vehicle will be removed by the competent Authority unless a third party is found qualified
and in conditions to drive.
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Whoever refuses to carry out the control required by the Administrative Authority will
be subject to the highest sanction provided for this infraction, which must be previously
warned by the acting inspector and recorded in the infraction record.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016).

Art. 126°.- Whoever circulates on public roads recklessly, in such a way that it could
put people, property or traffic at risk, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one
hundred and eighty (180). (EMU). The judge may also disqualify the offender from
driving for up to two (2) years.

Art. 127°.- Anyone who drives in breach of the obligation that all
occupant of the vehicle correctly uses the seat belt, will be sanctioned with a fine of
three (3) to nine (9) (UEM).
Art. 128°.- Anyone who drives in violation of the prohibition of transporting minors
under ten (10) years of age in the front seat, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2)
to six (6) (EMU). If the minor is transported by the driver on his lap, in front of the
wheel, he will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15)
Art. 129°.- Anyone who transfers people in places not suitable for it or in a number
greater than the capacity allowed for the vehicle, will be sanctioned with a fine of four
(4) to twelve (12) (EMU).
Art. 130.- Anyone who travels by motor vehicle without using the regulation helmet,
either as a driver or a passenger, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to thirty (30)
In case of recidivism, the Judge may, in addition, order the disqualification for
drive for up to one (1) year.
In all cases, if it is not immediately possible to stop the infraction, the motor vehicle
will be removed from the place by the Authority.
Article 131°. Whoever drives a motor vehicle in violation of the prohibition of
transfer minors under six (6) years of age as companions, as well as those who, being
older than that age, and who, due to their physical constitution, do not allow them to
straddle, with their feet resting on the side footrests, or to circulate not using the
corresponding seat, it will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) EMU.
eighteen (18) EMU

In addition to the sanction, the judge may order the carrying out of
training or community work. In case of refusal of this last sanction or in case of
recidivism, disqualification to drive will be applied for a period of one (1) year.

In all these cases the vehicle will be removed from the public highway.
(Modified by Article 2 of Ordinance No. 12,611 Enacted: 12/05/2016 BO: 12/30/2016).
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Art. 132°.- Anyone who, while circulating on public roads, does not keep his hand,
advances unduly, refuses to give way, or does not respect the right of way for the
pedestrian, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (EMU).-
Art. 133°.- Anyone who circulates on selective roads or lanes, or exclusive for Public
Passenger Transport, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to twenty (20) (UEM).

In case of recidivism, the judge may also order the disqualification for
drive up to one (1) year.-
Art. 134°.- Anyone who circulates in the opposite direction to the established one, or
through the spaces destined exclusively for pedestrian circulation, bike paths or bicycle
paths, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to twenty (20) (EMU).
In case of recidivism, the judge may also order the disqualification for
drive up to one (1) year.-
Art. 135°.- Anyone who drives on public roads using telephone devices or some other
manual telephone communication system, or writes or reads written messages through
cell phones or electronic devices, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15)
Art. 136°.- Anyone who violates the Ordinance that regulates the installation or display
of VHF video monitors, DVD or similar, while driving on public roads, will be sanctioned
with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15) (UEM ).
Art. 137°.- The driver who crosses an intersection with a red light will be sanctioned
with a fine of fifteen (15) to one hundred (100) (UEM). In case of recidivism, the Judge
may also order training and/or community work and in case of refusal to comply with
said sanction, disqualification from driving for up to one (1) year will proceed.

Art. 138°.- The driver who does not respect the indications of the agents in charge of
directing traffic, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15) (UEM).

The Judge may also order disqualification from driving for a period of up to one (1)
Art. 139°.- The driver who circulates at a higher speed than allowed, will be
sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to thirty (30) (EMU). In case of recidivism, the Judge
may order, in addition, the disqualification to drive for a period of up to one (1) year.

Art. 140°.- The driver who turns in a prohibited place will be sanctioned with a fine of
five (5) to fifteen (15) (UEM). If the infraction consists of turning in a double row, it will
be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM).
Art. 141o.- The driver who does not carry out the regulatory manual or mechanical
signals, who circulates in a sinuous manner or who reverses improperly, will be
sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to six (6) (UEM).
Art. 142°.- The driver who drives at a lower speed than allowed or obstructs traffic in
an unjustified manner, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM).

If the infraction was committed on a selective road or lane, sanitary corridors,

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security, and those exclusively affected by the Public Service, a fine of five (5) to twenty
(20) (UEM) will be applied.
Art. 143°.- The driver who crosses railway tracks by an authorized level crossing without
respecting the opposite indication of the barriers, whistle, traffic light or other
precautionary measures, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15)
(EMU). In case of recidivism, the Judge may order, in addition, the disqualification to
drive for a period of up to one (1) year.
Art. 144°.- The driver who circulates smoking cigars, cigarettes, pipes and other similar
products, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM).
In case of recidivism, the Judge may also order the disqualification to drive for one (1)
Art. 145°.- ANY other infraction of the Traffic Rules not provided for in this Chapter will
be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM).
Art. 146°.- Anyone who fails to comply with the obligation to carry out the ITV or does
not renew it on time, will be sanctioned with a fine of six (6) UEM. In case of spontaneous
presentation to carry out the ITV will proceed as follows:
If you attend within 30 days, it exempts you from paying it.
If you attend within 60 days, the fine is reduced to three (3) UEM.
In the case of vehicles that provide passenger transport services,
Whether they are enabled or not, the fine is doubled.
The removal of the vehicle exempts from the fine.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,868 Passed: 12/06/2018 BO: 01/04/2019).

Art. 147°.- If the non-compliance is verified in control operations on public roads, the
following procedure will be followed:
a. If the vehicle is in a condition to travel, it will be sanctioned with
fine of six (6) to nine (9) EMU.
b. If the vehicle is not in conditions to travel, it will be sanctioned with a fine of
nine (9) to fifteen (15) EMU. In this case, the removal of the vehicle from the public road
may be ordered.
In the case of vehicles that provide passenger transport services,
Whether they are enabled or not, the fine is doubled.
(Modified by Article 2 of Ordinance No. 12,868 Passed: 12/06/2018 BO: 01/04/2019).

Article 148°. Anyone who exceeds the time of precarious circulation permit without
having carried out the new inspection, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to three
(3) (UEM). In this case, the removal of the vehicle from the public road may be ordered.

Art. 149°.- “Anyone who circulates with vehicles disabled to travel through the Vehicle
Technical Inspection, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifteen (15) to thirty (30) UEM,
and the vehicle will be removed from public roads. The restitution of the vehicle will be
made after payment of the fine and summons for a maximum period of thirty (30) days,
so that the Vehicle Technical Inspection is approved or that it proves that the vehicle
has been deregistered.
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(Modified by Article 3 of Ordinance No. 12,868 Passed: 12/06/2018 BO: 01/04/2019).

Art. 150°.- “The spontaneous presentation to carry out the ITV after the
terms established in Article 146, will be sanctioned with a fine of six (6) to nine (9)
UEM. In the case of vehicles that provide passenger transport services, whether or
not they are enabled, the fine is doubled.
(Modified by Article 4 of Ordinance No. 12,868 Passed: 12/06/2018 BO: 01/04/2019).


Art. 151°.- Anyone who crosses the road without using the pedestrian path will be
sanctioned with a warning. In case of recidivism, a fine of two (2) to three (3) (UEM)
will be applied.
Art. 152°.- Anyone who does not respect the signals of the traffic lights or the
indications of the agents in charge of directing traffic, will be sanctioned with a fine
of two (2) to three (3) (EMU).
Art. 153°.- The driver who allows the ascent and/or descent of a third party to a
moving vehicle, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to three (3)
(EMU). In the case of Public Transportation, the sanction will be doubled.
Art. 154o.- The group of people, political, social, civil, union organizations and/or of
any other nature that causes disturbance to traffic by obstructing public roads will
be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to five hundred (500). ) (EMU).

The regular exercise of constitutional rights does not constitute a contravention,

and it is necessary to notify the competent Authority with reasonable anticipation
and respecting its indications, if any, regarding the legal system.
In the event that the occupation affects emergency health corridors, security
corridors and Public Passenger Transport, the sanction will be doubled. -
Art. 155°.- Anyone who transports food, beverages or their raw materials, in
Vehicles that lack the relevant municipal authorization, without prejudice to the
regulations regarding hygiene and/or bromatological conditions referred to in Art.
51 and related to this Code, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to seventy
(70) (EMU). The Judge may also order the disqualification for up to ninety (90)
days and/or the confiscation of the transported merchandise, according to its nature
and conditions.
Art. 156°.- Anyone who introduces food, beverages or their raw materials into the
City, without subjecting them to sanitary control or omits their mandatory
concentration in accordance with current regulations, will be sanctioned with a fine
of fifteen (15) to one hundred (100). ) (EMU). The Judge may also order the
confiscation of the merchandise.
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Art. 157°.- Anyone who transports aggregates or remains of work without the
regulatory coverage, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to eighty (80) (UEM).-
Art. 158°.- Anyone who violates the Rules on containers, their conditions of
safety and hygiene, current authorization of the containers located on public roads,
the schedules set for loading and unloading operations, or I will carry them out in
prohibited places or in a way that disturbs the circulation of vehicles or pedestrians,
or I act contrary to the provisions established by Ordinance No. 9612 and
amendments, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to eighty (80) (UEM), and the
container will be removed from the public road.
Recidivism will entail the disqualification of five (5) and up to ten (10) business days
for the use of the same container and the fines will be doubled at their minimum and
Art. 159°.- He who, without incurring in the faults described in the previous Articles,
infringes the Regulatory Norms of cargo transport, will be sanctioned with a fine of
five (5) to fifty (50) (UEM). The Judge may also order the other sanctions and
measures established by this Code.
Art. 160°.- Those who provide Private, Special or School Transportation Service
without the corresponding authorization, permit or authorization granted by the
Municipal Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to sixty (60)
(UEM), and the vehicle will be removed from public roads by the Authority.-
Art. 161°.- Those who provide Private, Special or School Transportation services
with units that lack the regulatory safety elements or present defects that may put
the transported persons, third parties, goods or traffic at serious risk, will be
sanctioned. with a fine of ten (10) to thirty (30) (UEM).-

Art. 162°.- Anyone who provides a Private, Special or School Transportation service
with units that have not complied with the obligation to carry out the Vehicle
Technical Inspection, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to six (6) (UEM) .-
Art. 163°.- He who, without incurring in the faults described in the previous Articles,
violates the Regulations for Private, Special or School Transportation, will be
sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to ten (10) (UEM). The Judge may also order the
other sanctions and measures established by this Code.


Art. 164° .- Anyone who provides Urban Passenger Transport Service without the
corresponding qualification, permit or authorization granted by the Authority
Municipal, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty-five (25) to seventy-five (75)
(UEM), and will be permanently disqualified from being a permit holder or
concessionaire of any Municipal Public or Private Service, controlled or related to
Passenger Transport, and the suspension of the Qualification Certificate must be
ordered by the Body with Specific Competence in the
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Service, if applicable. The vehicle will be removed from public roads and transferred
to the Municipal Deposit.
The transferred vehicles will be available to their owners or those who are
responsible, prior to completing:
a) Legal procedures.
b) Free debt of automobile tax.
c) The payment of travel and accommodation expenses.
d) Deposit in cash equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of the value of the fine
provided for the imputed act or of the sanction imposed, and having made the
colors, symbols, legends, devices and other characteristics that were used to
achieve simulated quality. The amount will be imputed as a deposit, in case the
case is not resolved or as payment on account, in the event that the case has a
final judgment. For the remaining seventy-five percent (75%), the owner must
constitute a first-degree pledge guarantee on the vehicle in deposit, in favor of the
Municipality of the city of Córdoba.-

Art. 165°.- Regarding the provisions of this Section, the mitigating factor
established in the last paragraph of Art. 18° hereof shall not apply.
Code. -
Art. 166°.- Anyone who impedes, obstructs or disturbs the free access of Persons
with Disabilities and/or their companion to Public Passenger Transport, having
complied with the requirements for that benefit, will be liable to a fine of five (5) to
fifteen (15) (EMU).
Art. 167o.- ANY other infraction to the Regulations of the Public Transport of
Passengers not described in the previous Articles will be sanctioned with fines of
one hundred (100) to one thousand (1000) (UEM). The judge may also order the
rest of the sanctions and measures established by this Code that correspond.
Art. 168°.- The Licensee who provides services with a non-qualified vehicle will be
sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to thirty (30) (UEM).-
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).


Art. 169°.- THE permit holders of rental cars with driver, in addition to the sanction
of a fine that corresponds in each case, will be sanctioned with expiration and
disqualification for five (5) years, in the following cases:
a) When the service operates with the inspection book retained by the enforcement
body or when it is disqualified or suspended for the provision of the service.

b) When, during the provision of the service, very serious acts against public safety
are committed.
c) When data, information or documentation has been falsified to obtain or maintain
the authorization of the rental car license with
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driver and/or authorization from the Remis Agency or Radiotaxi Central; and that
without them it would not have been granted or maintained in force.
d) When the installation or adequacy of any element or device to the taximeter device
and/or its ticketing machine that allows to modify the token registration system, altering
the amount of the maximum authorized rate, is verified.
e) When the vehicle affected by the service has two (2) consecutive technical
inspections overdue.
f) When there is physical aggression or another intentional crime is committed against
inspectors or municipal officials.
g) When leaving the service for more than six (6) months without just cause and without
having deposited the inspection book and plates and without having the corresponding
authorization from the Enforcement Authority.
h) When the vehicle has been withdrawn from service under the terms of Art. 50°
Paragraph hh) of Ordinance No. 12,859 and it is not reinstated within the term
established by the Enforcement Authority.
i) When he is a repeat offender in the infraction foreseen in Art. 170th subparagraph g)
of this Ordinance.
In those cases in which the resolution constitutes grounds for expiration and
disqualification for five (5) years, the intervening Court must send a copy of the
proceedings to the Secretary of Urban Mobility and/or the one that replaces it in the
future, for the purposes of its knowledge, which will order the application of said
sanctions in case of correspondence.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 170°.- THE permit holders of rental cars with driver, in addition to the sanction of a
fine that corresponds in each case, will be sanctioned by the Judge with disqualification
from seven (7) days to six (6) months, in the following cases:
a) When the service operates with the Inspection Book deposited before the
enforcement agency.
b) When serious acts against morality, good customs or public safety are committed
during the provision of the service.
c) When the adulteration, correction or additions of the
official documentation corresponding to the service, which were not carried out by the
competent authority, provided that the assumption provided for in subsection C of Art.
169° is not configured.
d) When a municipal control is impeded, blocked, evaded or in any way obstructed and
as a consequence of these actions the inspectors, additional police officers or third
parties are injured.
e) When the service is abandoned for more than sixty (60) calendar days without just
cause and without having deposited the inspection book and plates and without having
the corresponding authorization from the Enforcement Authority.

f) When it offers and/or provides a rental car service with a driver without being
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attached to a Radiotaxi or Remis Agency center or when offering the service through
an unauthorized technological means.
g) The Licensee or Concessionaire of a Public Transportation Service that
intentionally uses an authorized mobile to hinder, obstruct or impede free movement
on public roads. The same sanction shall apply to the Licensee or Concessionaire
who provides the driver or third parties with the vehicle authorized to carry out the
actions described in this subsection.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 171°.- Drivers who commit the violations provided for in Art. 169° of this Code,
in addition to the sanction of the fine, expiration and disqualification that corresponds
to the permit holder, will be sanctioned with disqualification from three (3) to six (6)
months to drive passenger transport vehicles of the City of Córdoba.

Drivers who commit the violations provided for in Art. 170 of the
this Code, in addition to the sanction of a fine and disqualification that corresponds
to the permit holder, will be sanctioned with disqualification from seven (7) to ninety
(90) calendar days to drive passenger transport vehicles of the City of Córdoba.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 172°.- THEY WILL BE sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to six (6) (UEM), those
who violate the provisions related to hygiene and presentation provided by art. 46
inc. k), art. 47 and art. 50 subsections h), j), r), y), dd), ee), gg) and kk) of Ordinance
No. 12,859, its amendments and/or the one that replaces it.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 173°.- Those who violate the provisions of Art. 50, subsections b), h) Lack of
Security, n), m), v, WILL BE sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM). ),
x), ff) and ii) of Ordinance No. 12,859, its amendments and/or the one that replaces
it, the permit holders who had not complied with the contracting of third-party risk
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 174°.- SHALL be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifteen (15) (UEM), without
prejudice to the applicable expiration, the infraction of Art. 50 subsections o), s) and
hh) of Ordinance No. 12,859, its amendments and/or the one that replaces it.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 175°.- Those who infringe the provisions of Art. 50° subsection bb) of Ordinance
No. 12,859 , its amendments and/or the one that replaces it and the following
a) When there is a lack of light in the taximeter device, in accordance with the
b) When I charge the price per person.
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c) When the flag is down and the taximeter device is working, before the
passenger has boarded.
d) When it obstructs the vision of the taximeter device.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 176°.- THEY WILL BE sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to twenty (20) (UEM)
those who violate the prohibition of contracting the trip without the intervention of
the Agency provided for in Art. b) of Ordinance No. 12,859, its modifications or
the one that replaces it.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 177°.- ANY other infraction not foreseen in the previous articles
referred to this Section will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to twenty (20)
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 178°.- WITHOUT prejudice that the definitive disqualification may be applied,
the Radiotaxi Agencies or Centrals that, in the provision of the service, infringe
any of the provisions contained in Art. 73 subsections a), e), f), h), i), j), k), p), q)
and r) for Agencies and Art. 65, subsections a), e ), f), g), h), i), j), k), m), n) i) for
Radiotaxi Stations, Arts. 75th and 79th for the Taximeter Clock Workshops of
Ordinance No. 12,859, its amendments and/or the one that replaces it.

In those cases in which the resolution constitutes cause for definitive

disqualification, the intervening Court must send a copy of the proceedings to the
Secretary of Urban Mobility and/or the one that in the future replaces it, for the
purposes of its knowledge, which will have the application of said sanctions if
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 179°.- WITHOUT prejudice that the definitive disqualification may be applied,
the Radiotaxi Agencies or Centers that in the provision of the service infringe any
of the provisions contained in the Art. 73 subsections b), c), d) and g), for
Agencies, Art. 65 subsections b), c) and d), for Radiotaxi Centrals and Art. 81 for
Watch workshops Taximeters of Ordinance No. 12,859, its amendments and/or
the one that replaces it. In those cases in which the resolution constitutes cause
for definitive disqualification, the intervening Court must send copies of the
proceedings to the Secretary of Urban Mobility and/or the one that in the future
replaces it, for the purposes of its knowledge, which will have the application of
the sanction if applicable.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 180°.- The owner of Agencies, Sub-agencies, Remis Beaches or Radiotaxi

Stations that do not have the qualification, permit or authorization to operate
granted by the Municipal Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100).
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(EMU) to three hundred (300) (EMU). In addition, the closure of the establishment or
premises in violation must be ordered, until the reasons that gave rise to the sanction
disappear. In the event of recidivism, the intervening Court must send a copy of the
proceedings to the Secretary of Urban Mobility and/or the one that replaces it in the future,
for the purposes of its knowledge and intervention, in accordance with the provisions of
Art. 83 of the Ordinance No. 12,859.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 181°.- THOSE who provide or offer transportation services for people without municipal
authorization will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to ninety (90)
(UEM), and with the definitive disqualification to be a Licensee of any Public or Private
Municipal Service, controlled or related to the transport of passengers.

The vehicles will be available to their owner, after complying with the provisions, having
paid the travel and stay expenses and must remove the symbols, legends and taximeter
device that were used to achieve the simulated quality. The same sanction corresponds
to vehicles authorized by other Municipalities for the transport of passengers and that
provide, initiate or offer travel in the city of Córdoba.

In the event that the trip has been arranged through an Agency, Central or Application not
authorized, the sanction will be doubled.
The vehicles transferred to the Municipal Deposit, will be available to their owners or
whoever is responsible, prior to accrediting:
a) Compliance with legal procedures.
b) Free debt of the automobile tax.
c) Payment of travel and accommodation expenses.
d) Cash deposit equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the value of the
fine foreseen for the imputed fact or of the sanction imposed. Said amount will be imputed
as a deposit in case the case is not resolved or as payment on account in the event that
the case has a final judgment. With respect to the remaining fifty percent (50%), the owner
must constitute a first-degree pledge guarantee on the vehicle in deposit in favor of the
Municipality of the city of Córdoba.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 182°.- ANY other violation of the obligations established for the transport of
passengers, through taxis and remixes by Agencies, Radio Taxi Stations, taxi meter
workshops not provided for in this Section, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten ( 10) to fifty
(50) (EMU).
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 183°.- Regarding the provisions of this Section, the mitigating factor established in
the last paragraph of Art. 18 of this Code shall not apply.
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(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).

Art. 184°.- The provider of passenger transport services that violates the Rules,
which regulate the ascent and descent of passengers, will be sanctioned with a fine
of four (4) to six (6) (UEM)
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 13,007 Enacted: 01/06/2020 BO: 01/17/2020).


Art. 185° .- Anyone who initiates, reforms or modifies existing constructions without
having obtained the Building Permit; deviate from what is strictly authorized by the
competent Municipal Authority; demolishes buildings without the relevant Demolition
Permit; I will continue with the construction work without the respective Work
Progress Notice; or perform any work subject to authorization without having
obtained permission from the Competent Organizations, will be sanctioned with a
fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200)
(UEM), for Type 1 works; and from one hundred (100) to one thousand (1000)
(UEM), for Type 2 works, in both cases according to the typology of Ordinance No.
9387, its amendments, or the one that replaces it in the future. The lack of any type
of permit or authorization in the construction of works or buildings subject to the
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure, will be sanctioned with a fine
of one hundred and fifty (150) to one thousand five hundred (1,500) (UEM). The
Judge may also order the stoppage or closure of the works or buildings and other
security measures, until the corresponding permit or authorization is obtained.-

Art. 186°.- Anyone who totally or partially demolishes, or who departs from what is
strictly authorized or lacks permission granted by the Competent Technical Advisory
Bodies of the Municipality and, through actions or omissions, causes alterations or
modifications to declared real estate of "Municipal Interest" or registered as
Members of the "Catalogue of Real Estate and Heritage Sites of the city of
Córdoba", created by Ordinance No. 11190, its amendments, or the one that
replaces it in the future, will be sanctioned with a fine of five hundred (500) to five
thousand (5000) (EMU) according to the seriousness of the fault. The Judge may
also order the stoppage or closure of the works or buildings and other security or
protection measures, until the corresponding permit or authorization is obtained.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,701 Passed: 09/07/2017 BO: 09/29/2017).

Art. 187°.- EVERYONE who carries out physical interventions and/or acts of
vandalism that damage property of the Municipal Public Domain and urban furniture
in general will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to one thousand (1000).
(EMU) according to the seriousness of the fault.
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(Modified by Article 2 of Ordinance No. 12,701 Enacted: 09/07/2017 BO: 09/29/2017).

Art. 188°.- Anyone who occupies constructions or starts activities, without the
building being enabled for it, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two
hundred (200) (UEM).-
Art. 189°.- The intervening professional(s), owner(s) and builder(s), who do not
abide by the Work Stoppage or Closure Order ordered by the Enforcement
Authority, will be jointly and severally sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two
hundred (200) (UEM), in the case of Type 1 works; and from one hundred (100)
to one thousand (1000) (UEM), in the case of Type 2 works, in both cases
according to the typology of Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments, or the one that
replaces it in the future.
Art. 190°.- The intervening professional(s), owner(s) and builder(s), who do not
have the required documentation available to the Municipal Inspection on the
construction site, or do not allow the municipal inspectors to enter the construction
site, will be sanctioned jointly and severally with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred
(100) (UEM), in the case of Type 1 works, and from fifty (50) to five hundred (500)
(UEM), in the case of Type 2 works, according to the typology of Ordinance No.
9387, its amendments, or the one that
replace it in the future. -
Art. 191°.- The intervening professional(s) or owner(s) who have concealed
information or falsified data that, if known, would have motivated the denial of the
respective authorization or permit, or modified the conditions of its granting, will
be sanctioned jointly and severally. with a fine of thirty (30) to three hundred (300)
(UEM), in the case of Type 1 works; and from one hundred fifty (150) to one
thousand five hundred (1500) (UEM), in the case of Type 2 works, according to
the typology of Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments, or the one that replaces it
in the future.-
Art. 192°.- THOSE responsible for the commercialization of real estate, in
project or under construction, subject to subdivision under the Horizontal Property
Regime, that do not comply with the provisions of Art. 30th Ter. of Ordinance No.
8852, its amendments, or the one that replaces it in the future, will be sanctioned
with a fine that will vary between three percent (3%) and fifteen percent (15%) of
the sale value of the property. respective.
Art. 193°.- EXCESS of surface or units. The professional(s) involved, owner(s)
and/or builder(s) of works, constructions or Type 1 buildings, according to
Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments or the one that replaces it in the future, who
have exceeded the covered area or number of units of housing, occupying the
surface of the lot, or invaded the airspace of the Private Domain (height and limit
planes), will be sanctioned with a fine whose minimum is set at twenty percent
(20%) and maximum at forty percent (40 %) of the amount resulting from
multiplying the square meters of surface covered and/or occupied in contravention,
by the cost of the meter
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square for constructions in the city of Córdoba that is prepared by the Department
of Statistics and Censuses of the Province of Córdoba.
Art. 194°.- EXCESS surface area or units. The professional(s) involved, owner(s)
and/or builder(s) of works, constructions or Type 2 buildings, according to
Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments or the one that replaces it in the future, who
have exceeded the covered area or number of housing units, occupying the
surface of the lot, or invaded the airspace of the Private Domain (heights and limit
planes), will be sanctioned with a fine whose minimum is set at one hundred
percent (100%) and whose maximum is one hundred and fifty percent. one
hundred (150%) of the amount resulting from multiplying the square meters of
surface area covered and/or occupied in contravention, by the cost of the square
meter for constructions in the city of Córdoba prepared by the Department of
Statistics and Censuses of the Province of Córdoba .-
Art. 195°.- INVASION of Public Space. The professional(s) involved,
owner(s) and/or builder(s) of works, constructions or Type 1 buildings, according
to Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments or the one that replaces it in the future,
that have invaded the Public or Private Domain Space for Public Use, will be
sanctioned with a fine whose minimum is set at forty percent (40%) and whose
maximum is sixty percent (60%) of the amount resulting from multiplying the
square meters of surface area covered and/or occupied in contravention, by the
value of the cost of the square meter for constructions in the city of Córdoba
prepared by the Department of Statistics and Censuses of the Province of
Art. 196°.- INVASION of Public Space. The professional(s) involved, owner(s)
and/or builder(s) of works, constructions or Type 2 buildings,
according to Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments or the one that replaces it in
the future, that have invaded the space of Public or Private Domain for Public
Use, will be sanctioned with a fine whose minimum is set at one hundred and fifty
percent (150%) and whose maximum is two hundred percent (200%) of the
amount resulting from multiplying the square meters of surface area covered and/
or occupied in contravention, by the value of the cost of the square meter for
constructions in the city of Córdoba, prepared by the Directorate of Statistics and
Censuses of the Province of Córdoba.-
Art. 197°.- The intervening professional(s), owner(s) and/or builder(s) of works,
constructions or buildings that contravene Building Code regulations related to
safety, functionality, habitability, means of egress and construction, will be
sanctioned with a fine of fifteen (15) to one hundred and fifty (150) (UEM), in the
case of Type 1 works and seventy-five (75) to seven hundred and fifty (750)
(UEM), in the case of Type 2 works , according to Ordinance No. 9387, its
amendments or the one that replaces it in the future.-
Article 198°. - The intervening professional or professionals, owner(s) and/or
builder(s) of works, constructions or buildings who, having been instructed, do not
correct an infraction within the legal term or do not comply with legitimate locations
made by the Enforcement Authority, will be
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sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred (100) (UEM), in the case of Type 1
works and twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM), in the case of type 2 works. according
to Ordinance N° 9387 its modifications or the one that replaces it in the future.

Art. 199°.- THE or the owners of buildings that do not prove the technical qualification of
facade of buildings, provided for in Ordinance No. 11157, its amendments or the one
that replaces it in the future, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifty (50) (EMU).
for the case of Type 1 works; and from ten (10) to one hundred (100)
(EMU). in the case of Type 2 works, according to Ordinance No. 9387, its amendments,
or the one that replaces it in the future. -
Article 200°. - The professional or professionals involved, owner(s) and/or builder(s) of
works, constructions or buildings that, without incurring in the previous faults, infringe the
Regulations on building and/or land use, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one
hundred (100) (UEM), in the case of Type 1 works; and from fifty (50) to five hundred
(500) (EMU), in the case of Type 2 works, according to Ordinance No. 9387, its
amendments, or the one that replaces it in the future.-
Art. 201°.- The fines established in the Articles of this Chapter, may be applied
individually, or to each and every one of those responsible, depending on the size or
category of the work, the potential risk,
in relation to the number of occupants and the type of offense committed.
Art. 202°.- Anyone who does not build, maintain in good condition or not repair fences
and/or sidewalks totally or partially, or maintain the paths in passable conditions and/or
free of weeds or obstructions, as established by legal provisions in force, will be
sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to twenty-five (25) (UEM).-

Art. 203°.- The one that causes the alteration of the public road in a way contrary to the
security, closes, occupies or omits the safeguards required to preserve the safety of
persons or property, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to twenty (20) (UEM). If the
act was committed by natural or legal persons who habitually carry out public and/or
private works, it will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to fifty (50) (UEM).-

Art. 204°.- ALL companies of the National State, Provincial, their concessionaires and
other private companies that carry out works on public roads, without the prior
authorization of the Municipality of Córdoba, will be sanctioned as follows in accordance
with the guidelines set forth in the effect by current regulations on the matter:

a) Minor Interventions: fine from ten (10) to fifty (50) (UEM).

b) Intermediate Interventions: fine of twenty (20) to one hundred (100) (UEM).
c) Major Interventions: fine of forty (40) to two hundred (200) (UEM).
Art. 205°.- EVERY company of the National State, Provincial, its concessionaires and
other private companies, that carry out works on public roads, in violation of safety and
hygiene requirements, will be sanctioned as follows in accordance with the established
guidelines for this purpose by the current regulation on the matter:
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a) Minor Interventions: fine from ten (10) to forty (40) (UEM).

b) Intermediate Interventions: fine of twenty (20) to eighty (80) (EMU).
c) Major Interventions: fine of forty (40) to one hundred and sixty (160)
Art. 206°.- ALL companies of the National State, Provincial, their concessionaires
and other private companies, that carry out works on public roads and that
abandon, interrupt or do not finish the works within the authorized period and
manner, or do not comply with specifications techniques established by current
regulations or by the Municipal Authorization, will be sanctioned, according to the
scale provided for in the previous Article, without prejudice to the power of the
Municipality to execute them by the person in charge. In case of abandonment of
the work, the Judge will apply a daily fine of five (5) (UEM), for each day that the
work is paralyzed in the case of subsection a), of ten (10) (UEM), for the case of
subsection b) and fifteen (15) (EMU), for the case of subsection c).-
Art. 207°.- THE companies of the National and Provincial State, their
concessionaires and other private companies that own poles used as support for
conductor cables of the services listed in Art. 1 of Ordinance No. 12,153, its
amendments or the one replace it in the future, that do not proceed within the
legal term to label them or do not maintain it in adequate safety conditions, will be
sanctioned with a fine of eight (8) to forty (40) (EMU).

Art. 208°.- Anyone who violates the standards on hygiene of vacant land, of
unfinished works and unoccupied properties; as well as the Rules on the
presentation of the annual Affidavit or falsifies its content, will be sanctioned with
a fine of five (5) to twenty-five (25) (UEM).-
Art. 209°.- ANYONE who makes any type of alteration or damages property of
the Public Domain or urban furniture in general will be sanctioned with a fine of
ten (10) to five hundred (500) (UEM). Taking into account the background of the
offender, the Judge may order training or community work, in this case, if the
offender refuses, the sanction of a fine will be tripled.


bis.- Owners, developers, professionals and those responsible for
Executing urbanizations and subdivisions that do not have municipal approval will
be sanctioned with a fine of five hundred (500) to five thousand (5,000) UEM. The
same sanction will be imposed on those who market plots or lots that do not have
municipal approval. Preventive closure will be arranged until they have the
respective authorization. In case of recidivism, the seizure and confiscation of the
machinery, tools and other elements used to execute the tasks in violation may
be arranged.-
(Incorporated by Article 3 of Ordinance No. 12598 Sanctioned: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 209° ter.- THE owners, developers, professionals, builders and

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responsible for executing and marketing urbanizations and subdivisions that do not
have municipal authorization and are executed in areas not permitted by current
regulations according to their destination, will be sanctioned with a fine of one
thousand (1,000) to ten thousand (10,000) EMU. the preventive closure and the
seizure and confiscation of the machinery and tools and other elements used to
execute the tasks in violation may be ordered.
(Incorporated by Article 3 of Ordinance No. 12598 Sanctioned: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 209o quater.- Those responsible for urbanizations and subdivisions that deviate
from what is strictly authorized by the enforcement authority, close public streets,
build on spaces belonging to the municipal public domain; they will be sanctioned
with a fine of four hundred (400) to four thousand (4000) UEM, the opening of the
streets improperly closed and the removal or demolition of the constructions that
improperly occupy the municipal public domain will be ordered.

(Incorporated by Article 3 of Ordinance No. 12598 Sanctioned: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)

Art. 209 quinquies.- Those responsible for urbanizations and subdivisions that fail
to comply with a legitimate location provided by the enforcement authority or that do
not have the documentation that authorizes their execution in the work will be
sanctioned with fines of fifty (50) to five hundred ( 500) EMU
(Incorporated by Article 3 of Ordinance No. 12598 Sanctioned: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)


Art. 210°.- Anyone who pollutes or degrades the environment will be sanctioned
with a fine of one hundred (100) to five thousand (5000) (UEM). The remediation of
the environment, the closure and/or disqualification of the commercial, industrial or
other premises where it originates, including the seizure of the equipment, vehicles
or other elements used to configure the fault, even when the latter are outside the
ejido of the city of Córdoba. In such a case, the corresponding judicial order will be
Art. 211°.- Anyone who incinerates leaves, pruning remains, grasslands and waste
in general, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifty (50) (UEM).-
Art. 212.- Anyone who incinerates tires, plastic objects or others that, due to their
composition, produce toxic gases, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to
one hundred (100) (UEM). It may also provide for the closure and/or disqualification
of the commercial, industrial or any other premises where it originates. When said
conduct was displayed by political parties, trade associations, civil associations, non-
governmental organizations, or groups of people, a fine of one hundred (100) to
three hundred (300) (UEM) will be applied to the corresponding entity.

Art. 213°.- Anyone who throws, deposits or overturns tires in free spaces,
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green spaces, spaces for public use, in vacant lots, in watercourses and their banks, under the
jurisdiction of this Municipality, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifty (50) (EMU).

Art. 214°.- Anyone who violates the prohibitions provided for in Arts. 14th and 15th of Ordinance
No. 11702, or those that replace or modify it in the future, may lead to the imposition of the
following fines, taking into account the circumstances of the person responsible, their degree of
guilt, recidivism, participation and benefit obtained.

The fines will be:

a) Infractions considered very serious according to Art. 16 of the aforementioned Ordinance,

fine of two hundred seventy (270) to one thousand four hundred (1400) (EMU).
b) Infractions considered serious under Art. 16 of the aforementioned Ordinance, fine

from one hundred and fifty (150) to two hundred and seventy (270) (EMU).
Art. 215°.- Anyone who infringes the Norm that regulates the use of plastic bags of non-
biodegradable material, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to five hundred (500) (UEM).
In the event that the infraction is committed in large stores, wholesale stores, shopping centers,
supermarkets or any authorized establishment that, due to its line of business, is a large
originator of non-biodegradable plastic bags, the Judge will apply a fine of one hundred (100) to
one thousand (1000)
(EMU). The Judge may also order the closure of the commercial premises.-
Art. 216°.- DE the activity of Fumigation in the great extensions. Whoever carries out, by himself
or through third parties, tasks of applying chemical pesticides or biocides by means of terrestrial
fumigation, violating the practices permitted by the Enforcement Authority, will be sanctioned
with a fine of fifty (50) to two hundred and fifty (250) (UEM ). If the infraction was committed by
aerial application, it will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to one thousand (1000)
(UEM); and if the offense is committed contrary to the provisions of Ordinance No. 10590, the
fine will be three hundred and fifty (350) to one thousand five hundred (1,500) (UEM). It may
also order the closure and/or disqualification of the commercial, industrial or other premises
where it originates, including the seizure of the equipment, vehicles or other elements used to
configure the offense even when the latter are outside the ejido of the city of Córdoba. In such
a case, the corresponding judicial order will be necessary.-

Art. 217°.- APPLICATION of agrochemical products to fruit and vegetable production. The
owner or person in charge of an establishment dedicated to fruit and vegetable production that
applies or causes to be applied agrochemicals that are prohibited or restricted by Resolutions
No. 934/2010 and No. 511/2011 of the National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality
(SENASA), or by which said Application Authority dictates in
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the future replacement of the first, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to three
hundred (300) (UEM). The Judge must order the confiscation or “destruction” of
the harvested vegetables and fruit. In the event that the actions or omissions could
constitute a crime, the Public Prosecutor's Office must be informed, without
prejudice to applying the sanctions established in this Code.-

Art. 218°.- The producer or person in charge who distributes or commercializes

fruit and vegetable products, which have been harvested without observing the
grace period indicated in the agrochemical that has been applied to them, or who
does so presenting a residual level higher than the limit of maximum permitted
tolerance set by Resolution No. 934/2010 of the National Service for Agrifood
Health and Quality (SENASA) or by which said Enforcement Authority issues in
the future in its place, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to three hundred
( 300) (EMU). The Judge must order the confiscation or "destruction" of the
distributed or marketed fruit and vegetables. In the event that the actions or
omissions could constitute a crime, the Public Prosecutor's Office must be
informed, without prejudice to applying the sanctions established in this Code.-


Art. 219°.- THE generators, carriers, operators and/or those responsible for the
management of urban solid waste, who fail to comply with the municipal regulations
related to generation, initial disposal, transport and transfer, treatment, final
disposal, among other aspects considered in the applicable regulations, it will be
sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to two thousand (2,000).
UEM The Large Generators that do not register, do not submit the required
documentation, do not renew the registration, fail to comply with the Urban Solid
Waste Management Plan or fail to comply with other obligations required by the
current municipal regulations will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100)
to four thousand (4000) UEM, being able to preventively close the premises or
establishment of the offender and/or take all security measures to avoid
environmental damage at the cost of the offenders.
(Modified by Article 56 of Ordinance No. 12648 Enacted: 04/07/2017 BO: 04/28/2017
subsequently amended by Article 7 of Ordinance No. 13228 Enacted on 12/29/2021 BO:17/
Art. 220°.- Anyone who circulates, without authorization, in any type of car with
animal traction within the central area determined by the Municipal Executive
Department, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to ten (10) (UEM).
Outside the aforementioned central area, said vehicles may only transport and
temporarily dispose of recyclable inorganic waste, pruning remains, smaller-scale
works and demolitions, cardboard or paper. Any transitory disposition must be
practiced in an authorized place.
Whoever fails to comply with the provisions of the second paragraph of this Article,
will be sanctioned with a warning. In case of recidivism, it will be sanctioned with a
fine of six (6) to fifteen (15) (UEM). In case of a second
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recidivism, in addition to the fine, the Judge must order the seizure of the car, the
animal and the confiscation of what was transported.
Whoever circulates in this type of vehicle in the company of minors under six (6) years
of age will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to nine (9) (UEM), and the kidnapping
of the car and the animal. The Judge may order training and/or community work to be
carried out prior to the return of the seized assets.
Art. 221°.- Whoever is the generator, operator, handler, transporter, manager, or who
treats, incinerates or carries out final disposal of solid, liquid or gaseous, pathogenic,
dangerous or likely to become inputs for subsequent industrial processes, or is
contemplated in Annex I of National Law No. 24,051 -and amendments- and is not
registered, authorized or authorized, or fails to comply with municipal regulations related
to said activities, will be sanctioned with a fine of three hundred (300) to ten thousand
(10,000 ) UEM The premises or establishment may be preventively closed, the vehicle(s)
removed and/or all security measures taken to prevent the production of environmental
damage, at the cost of the offenders.

(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016,

subsequently amended by Article 57 of Ordinance No. 12,648 Enacted: 04/07/2017 BO: 28 /
04/2017 and last modified by Article 8 of Ordinance No. 13228 Sanctioned on 12/29/2021
Art. 222°.- Those who hire private services not authorized by the Enforcement Authority
for the final disposal of solid, liquid or gaseous waste that are pathogenic, industrial or
dangerous, or those hazardous waste that may become inputs for other processes
industrial, that are not registered, authorized or enabled, or that are listed in Annex I of
National Law No. 24,051 or those that modify or replace it, or that fail to comply with
municipal regulations, relating to each of said activities , will be sanctioned with a fine
of one hundred (100) to ten thousand (10,000) (UEM).

In your case, the Judge will order the removal of the vehicle from the public road and
the final disposal of the waste at the cost of the offender. To remove the vehicle, the
elements, things or tools used, you must prove payment of the fine, and compliance
with all municipal obligations established by the Enforcement Authority.-

Art. 223°.- The sanctions provided in the preceding Articles will be imposed without
prejudice to the actions for damages that may correspond in the terms of Art. 1,757o of
the Civil Code.
Art. 224°.- Anyone who feeds with waste, whatever its origin, birds, cattle or any animal
species, and introduces the same and their food products to the municipal ejido, will be
sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to fifty (50). ) (UEM), and the Judge will order the
confiscation of the infringing merchandise.-

Article 225°. - Anyone who throws waste on public roads will be sanctioned with a fine
of three (3) to fifteen (15) (UEM). The same fine will be applied to those who
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Throw waste onto the public highway from a vehicle and who, being the owner or responsible
for an animal, does not collect the feces from the public highway.
Art. 225 bis.- Whoever throws cigarettes -or cigars-, filters and butts, on public roads or in
spaces for public use will be sanctioned with a warning, for the first time, and with a fine of
two (2) to twenty (20) Municipal Economic Units (UEM), in case of recidivism. In all cases,
community work in environmental matters may be applied in a complementary manner, in
accordance with the seriousness of the event.

(Incorporated by Article 6 of Ordinance No. 13,153 Sanctioned: 05/21/2021 BO: 06/14/2021)

Note: By provision included in art. 8 of Ordinance No. 13,153 art. 225 bis will enter into force one
hundred and eighty (180) days after its promulgation (ficta promulgation 06/14/2021).
Art. 226°.- Anyone who carries out the treatment and final disposal of pathogenic waste in
violation of the obligations established in the current regulations on the matter will be
sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to five thousand (5000).
(EMU). The same fine will be applied to those who enter pathogenic waste into the municipal
ejido, coming from another jurisdiction.-
Art. 227°.- WHOEVER delivers and/or removes waste from hospital, clinical or care
establishments, pathogenic waste from diseases classified as "epidemic control" or that may
be considered as such, without being previously sterilized, will be sanctioned a fine of two
hundred (200) to ten thousand (10,000) (EMU).

The same fine will be applied to those who carry out the transport and/or treatment activity
without the proper Municipal authorization.
Art. 228°.- ANYONE who carries out pathogenic waste treatment activities that do not comply
with the current technical and operational conditions, will be sanctioned with a fine of one
hundred (100) to five thousand (5000) (UEM).
Art. 229°.- ANYONE who carries out the activity of final disposal of pathogenic waste, and
does not dispose of the same in sanitary or security landfills, will be sanctioned with a fine of
one hundred (100) to five thousand (5000) (UEM).
Art. 230°.- Anyone who throws water from a home onto public roads
family, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to fifteen (15) (EMU).
If the offense is committed with water from swimming pools, soapy water will be sanctioned
with a fine of five (5) to twenty (20) (UEM).
If the offense is committed with water from sewage, polluting, toxic or dangerous liquids, the
offender will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred (100) (UEM). If the offense
is committed with water or liquids from commercial or industrial activities, the offender will be
sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM). In the event that the
infractions described were committed between twenty (20:00 PM) hours and seven (7:00
AM) hours, the amount of the sanction will be doubled.

Art. 231°.- The one that sends liquid effluents of any origin, to any source, course or receiving
body of water, surface or underground, which means a deterioration of the water, without
prior purification treatment or
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neutralization indicated by the Enforcement Authority will be sanctioned with a fine

of fifty (50) to three hundred (300) (EMU).
Art. 232°.- Anyone who through installations or connections not authorized by the
Enforcement Authority, sends waste from its commercial or industrial activity to the
municipal sanitary networks, will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to
three hundred (300) (UEM).-
Art. 233°.- The owner or person in charge of an activity, undertaking or project likely
to cause an environmental impact in accordance with the provisions of the Authority,
who does not practice in a timely manner the measures to reduce, eliminate or
mitigate the negative environmental effects, or I will not execute the environmental
recomposition and restoration programs or the plans and dismantling of the activity;
or when it does not comply with the surveillance and monitoring programs of
environmental variables, it will be sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to
one thousand (1000) (UEM).
Art. 234°.- The owner or person in charge of an activity, undertaking or project,
capable of causing an environmental impact, who, without the authorization of the
Enforcement Authority, makes modifications and/or extensions to the facilities or
any unforeseen work or activity in the Environmental Impact Statement or in the
Technical Study of Environmental Impact, will be sanctioned with a fine of one
hundred (100) to one thousand (1000) (UEM).
Art. 235°.- The owner or person in charge of an activity, undertaking or project,
which will execute a project that involves one or more tasks or works of type
endicamento, reservoirs and/or polders, dredging, refulados, excavations, creation
of lagoons, diversion of watercourses, modification of coastlines, natural drainage,
levels on surfaces associated with flood valleys and watercourses or island
environments, without an Environmental Impact Statement, which approves its
implementation, issued by the Enforcement Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine
of two hundred (200) to ten thousand (10,000) (UEM).-
Art. 236°.- ANY Natural or Legal Person who introduces species, varieties or exotic
lines of flora for commercial purposes to the municipal ejido without the proper
authorization of the Enforcement Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10)
to five hundred ( 500) (EMU).-
Art. 237°.- ANY Natural or Legal Person that introduces exotic fauna for captive or
semi-captive breeding without authorization from the Enforcement Authority, will be
sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to five hundred (500) (UEM).
Art. 238°.- EVERY Natural or Legal Person who owns an industrial, commercial or
service establishment, who, having to have an Environmental Certificate or
Insurance for Environmental Damage, does not do so, or if they are expired, will be
sanctioned with a fine of one hundred (100) to five hundred (500) (EMU). In the
case of establishments categorized as minor and of low danger, the fine will be from
twenty (20) to one hundred (100) UEM The Judge will order the closure of the
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12598 Passed: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)
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Art. 239°.- The one who infringes the Regulatory Norms on the obligation of trees
on the fronts, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to twenty (20)
(EMU). If the offense is committed by those who execute urbanizations and/or
subdivisions with opening of streets, the amount of the sanction will be doubled.
Art. 240°.- Anyone who cuts, prune and/or partially destroy public trees will be
sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to sixty (60) (UEM). Anyone who cuts down,
eliminates, eradicates or totally destroys public trees will be sanctioned with a fine
of fifty (50) to one hundred (100) (UEM). If the offense is committed by Legal
Entities, by Public Service Providers or in relation to native specimens or those
declared in danger of recession or extinction, the amount of the sanction will be
tripled. -
Art. 241°.- Anyone who fixes strange, advertising or other elements in the
specimens of public trees, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to ten (10)
Art. 242°.- In the faults concerning public trees, the one committed in relation to
each specimen will be considered an independent act.
Art. 243°.- Anyone who violates the Rules that govern the normal operation of the
Municipal Supply Markets, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one hundred
(100) (UEM). The Judge may also order the closure and/or confiscation of the
Art. 244°.- Anyone who violates the Rules that govern the normal functioning of
the Municipal Retail Markets, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to fifty (50)
(EMU). The Judge may also order the closure and/or confiscation of the
merchandise. -
Art. 245°.- Anyone who violates the Rules that govern the normal operation of
free fairs, authorized stalls on public roads and street vendors, will be sanctioned
with a fine of five (5) to one hundred (100) (UEM). The Judge may also order the
closure and/or confiscation of the merchandise. Objects, merchandise and other
belongings that are not in legal status will be confiscated. -

Art. 246°.- Anyone who performs itinerant trade, or any lucrative activity, on public
roads without prior authorization from the Competent Authority will be sanctioned
with a fine of three (3) to twenty (20) (UEM). The Judge will order the confiscation
of objects, merchandise and other belongings that are not in due condition.-

Art. 247°.- Anyone who conducts itinerant trade in handcrafted products of their
own elaboration on public roads, outside the authorized places, will be sanctioned
with a warning. In case of recidivism, it will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to
fifteen (15) (EMU). In the event of a second recurrence, the Control Authority will
order the preventive seizure of the handicrafts,
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or items used for street vending. The return of the kidnapped will proceed after
payment of the fine, transfer and stay expenses.
Art. 248°.- Anyone who uses the Public Domain released to Public Use for
commercial activities without the corresponding Municipal Authorization, will be
sanctioned with a fine of four (4) to forty (40) (UEM). The Judge will order the
removal of the vehicles, positions or elements with which the crime was committed.
infraction and confiscation of objects, merchandise and belongings that are not in
legal status.
Art. 249°.- Anyone who does not verify, at the time indicated by the Authority, their
measuring instruments, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to twenty (20)
Art. 250°.- Anyone who does not record the weight, quantity or net measure in the
container of the merchandise, or falsely records it, will be sanctioned with a fine of
four (4) to forty (40) (UEM).-
Art. 251°.- Anyone who uses measuring instruments without the seals or security
elements required by the Enforcement Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine of
four (4) to forty (40) (UEM).
Art. 252°.- Anyone who uses measuring instruments that indicate weight, quantity
or measure less than or greater than the true one, or adds foreign elements that
alter their proper functioning, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to one
hundred ( 100) (EMU).-
Art. 253o.- Anyone who sells liquid or gaseous fuels in quantity, weight or measure
less than due, or whose mixture or octane does not correspond to what is
established, will be sanctioned with a fine of fifty (50) to five hundred (500).
The Judge will order the closure of the entire area of the establishment.
Art. 254°.- Anyone who sells merchandise using a measuring instrument located in
such a way that it makes it impossible or difficult for consumers or Officials to control
the weight, volume or quantity indicated therein, will be sanctioned with a fine of
three (3 ) to twenty (20) (EMU).-
Art. 255°.- Anyone who sells packaged merchandise with a measurement scale
other than that required by the corresponding Authority, will be sanctioned with a
fine of three (3) to twenty (20) (EMU). The Judge will proceed to confiscate all of
the infringing merchandise.
Art. 256°.- Anyone who sells merchandise and does not show its sale price in the
manner indicated by the corresponding Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine of
three (3) to thirty (30) (UEM).-
Art. 257°.- Anyone who sells merchandise and does not show or present the
purchase invoice of the same at the request of the corresponding Authority, will be
sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to one hundred (100) (UEM). The Judge will order
the closure of the premises or establishment and order the confiscation of the merchandise.
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In the event that the merchandise could come from illicit acts or crimes, the Judge will
send the records to the Public Ministry.-
Art. 258°.- Anyone who unjustifiably denies or restricts the sale of goods or the
provision of services, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to thirty (30)
Art. 259°.- Anyone who diverts the supply from this City to another, without just cause,
will be sanctioned with a fine, the minimum of which is set at ten (10) to one hundred
(100) (EMU). The Judge will order the confiscation of the merchandise.-
Article 260°. Anyone who does not deliver invoices or sales receipts under the
conditions established by the Enforcement Authority will be sanctioned with a fine of
three (3) to thirty (30) (UEM). In your case, it will give notice to the Enforcement
Authority for the purposes that may correspond.
Art. 261°.- Anyone who violates the Regulations on the publication of prices or on the
protection of consumers and users, will be sanctioned with a fine of ten (10) to two
hundred (200) (UEM). Likewise, the Judge may order the closure of the establishment.

Art. 262°.- Anyone who violates the Rules referring to the correct information about
the goods, products or services that they market, as well as the
information related to its use, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to one hundred
(100) (UEM).-
Art. 263°.- Anyone who infringes the Regulations referring to food products,
cosmetics or drugs intended for human consumption, in relation to the obligation to
record the container and expiration date, printed detail of the composition of each
product and the quantity in which each element is present, in accordance with the
requirements of the Argentine Food Code and other Provincial or Municipal
Complementary Legislations, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to two hundred
(200) (UEM). The Judge will order the confiscation of all merchandise that is not in
legal status, and may order the closure of the establishment.-

Art. 264°.- Anyone who infringes the Regulations referring to products that contain
toxic or poisonous substances, regardless of their use, in relation to the obligation to
consign these characteristics clearly and visibly on their labels, the precautions that
the restrictions of its uses, the effective antidotes and the local emergency telephone
numbers to request medical help in the event of an accident must be taken into
account, it will be sanctioned with a fine of four (4) to two hundred (200) (UEM).-

Art. 265°.- Anyone who violates the Advertising Rules, or performs misleading
advertising of the products or services that they market, will be sanctioned with a fine
of two (2) to thirty (30) (UEM).-
Art. 266°.- EVERY establishment:
a) That infringes the current regulations on the marketing and display in specific
gondolas of foods exclusively for celiacs, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to
thirty (30) (EMU).
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b) That adhering to Ordinance No. 12,100 violates the current regulations on the
offer and availability of menus for celiacs, and/or fails to comply with the care
aimed at avoiding food contamination, will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to
thirty-five (35) (EMU).
c) Failure to comply with the provisions of Art. 6 of Ordinance No. 12100, will be
sanctioned with a fine of one (1) (EMU). per day, for each employee, until the
completion of the training is certified. If after thirty (30) days the lack continues, the
commercial premises will be closed until the aforementioned certification is
The Judge may also order, in the cases provided for in subparagraphs a) and b),
the closure, according to the seriousness of the facts and the degrees of recidivism.-
Article 267°. - ALL Individuals or Legal Persons who by themselves or through
third parties, provide services of any kind in the ejido of the city of Córdoba, must
carry out all actions and take all necessary measures, to safeguard coexistence
and integrity. physical and moral of the users.
Whoever violates this Rule will be sanctioned with a fine of five (5) to five hundred
(500) (UEM). The Judge may order the immediate cessation of the service that
disturbs coexistence or puts the physical or moral safety of a user at risk, as well
as order the closure of the establishment.
Art. 268°.- ANY infraction committed to Municipal Ordinance No. 8852, its
modifications and extensions, which were not contemplated in this Title, will be
subject to a fine of two (2) to forty (40) (EMU). -
Art. 269°.- Anyone who by any means carries out propaganda or publicity, without
obtaining the required permission or in contravention of the specific Rules, will be
sanctioned with a fine of fifteen (15) to one hundred and fifty (150) (UEM). If the
offense is committed by advertising companies, the fine will be from thirty (30) to
three hundred (300) (UEM). In case of violation of the provisions of the third
paragraph of Art. 46 of Ordinance 10,378, whoever carries out advertising in the
form of removable or detachable banners using the columns of the Public Lighting
Service and other services installed in the Municipal Public Domain will be
sanctioned with a fine of fifteen (15) (UEM) for each banner placed in violation. If
the offense is committed by advertising companies, the fine will be thirty (30) (UEM)
for each banner placed in violation. The penalty will be jointly and severally imposed
on the beneficiary of the advertising.

(Modified by Article 3 of Ordinance No. 12,930 Enacted: 08/22/2019 BO:

Article 270°. - The violation of a summons made to stop an advertisement will be
sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to thirty (30) (UEM), for each day in which the
subsistence of the irregular advertising activity is confirmed. The penalty will be
jointly and severally imposed on the beneficiary of the advertising. The Judge may
order the removal of the advertising at the cost of the offender or his beneficiary.-
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Art. 271°.- Anyone who in any way uses public buildings, historical monuments, public
spaces or places destined for religious worship, to carry out advertising or propaganda,
or writing of any kind, will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to three hundred (300)
(EMU). The Judge may order the confiscation of the elements used to commit the
Art. 272°.- ANY Natural or Legal Person who carries out advertising or its beneficiaries,
who disturbs coexistence, offends morals or good customs, discriminates based on
sex, gender, religion, race, language, or social status of any type, will be sanctioned
with a fine of one hundred (100) to five hundred (500) (UEM).

The Judge will order the immediate cessation of advertising, the removal of the posters,
if any, at the cost of the offender or beneficiary, and the confiscation of the same.-
Art. 273°.- EVERY Natural or Legal Person that carries out advertising or its
Beneficiaries who use signs or structures of any kind must take all necessary measures
to protect the physical integrity of people. The lack of security found in any of the things
used for advertising will be sanctioned with a fine of thirty (30) to three hundred (300)
(UEM). The Judge may order the temporary cessation of advertising until the security
conditions that gave rise to the measure have been reversed.-

Article 274°. - All those who in any way have participated or collaborated in the
commission of the offense, whether they have intervened directly or through third
parties, will be responsible for violations of the provisions on publicity and propaganda.

Art. 275°.- The Judge may order the withdrawal of the advertisements or posters in violation of
the provisions in force on the matter, being in charge of the offender, the expenses for
transfer and the stay, as established by the Current Tax Ordinance.-


Art. 276°.- Anyone who, being subject to sanction or fine in a procedure, prevents,
evades or hinders the actions of the Municipal Inspectors, will lose the benefit
established in Art. 22 of this Code and in case of being sentenced the amount of the
fine will be increased by fifty percent (50%).

In case of recidivism, the amount of the fine will be doubled and the Judge may order
the Disqualification or Revocation of Permits, or other sanctions that may correspond.

In the event that the conduct of the alleged offender could constitute a crime, immediate
notice will be given to the Public Prosecutor's Office.
Art. 277°.- Anyone who prevents, evades or hinders a municipal control and, without
prejudice to the legal actions that may correspond, injures the Inspectors, Additional
Police or any other person, will be subject to a fine whose amount will be the maximum
planned for the offense scale
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committed; In addition, the disqualification to drive will be provided for a minimum period
of one (1) year if the control is a traffic control. The Judge will review the disqualification
to the Municipal Executive Department for its purposes and, where appropriate, to other
Municipalities issuing the License and as well as to the Provincial and National Bodies
competent in the matter.
In the event that the offender is affected by the Public Service of
Transportation, all the penalties provided for in this Article, will be increased by half.
Given the seriousness of the facts, the Judge may order the permanent disqualification
of the Driving License.
(Modified by Article 1 of Ordinance No. 12,598 Enacted: 11/24/2016 BO: 12/27/2016)


Art. 278°.- Anyone who fails to comply with any summons provided by the Municipal
Authority, will be sanctioned with a fine of two (2) to twenty (20) (UEM).-
Art. 279°.- Anyone who fails to comply with the summons provided by the Municipal
Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors, while complying with or executing a prior and
firm resolution, will be sanctioned with a fine of six (6) to sixty (60) (EMU). The Judge
may order the closure of the establishment if applicable.

Art. 280°.- A person who, having been appointed merchandise depositary, does not
respect the intervention of the same, will be sanctioned with a fine of three (3) to thirty
(30) (UEM), and the Judge will order the confiscation of the same.
Art. 281°.- Anyone who violates the imposed closure, breaks, removes or hides the
closure strip, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) (UEM).
The Judge will order a new closure for a term of double that of the transgressor.-

Art. 282°.- Anyone who does not respect the disqualification provided by a final sentence
or resolution, will be sanctioned with a fine of twenty (20) to two hundred (200) .
(EMU). The Judge will order a new disqualification for a term of twice the transgressed.


Art. 283°.- Misdemeanor Judges, exceptionally, may require Personal Bail of lawyers or
Real in all those cases that they consider necessary to require it, in order to guarantee
compliance with any measure that has been arranged to enable the return of vehicles or
goods in general.
Art. 284°.- The Personal Bond may only be provided by a professional lawyer, registered
in the registration of the Bar Association of Córdoba and prior compliance with the
conditions, forms and amount that the Administration of the Administrative Courts of
Misdemeanors regulates.
Art. 285°.- The amount of the Bond for each guarantor will be up to the equivalent of two
(2) times the basic monthly salary corresponding to the position of Municipal Misdemeanor
Art. 286°.- UPON EXPIRATION of the term granted or the obligation has not been fulfilled
by the offender, the Judge must notify the guarantor in a reliable manner, at the domicile
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constituted. After five (5) business days without the offender accrediting the
fulfillment of his obligation, the Judge will issue a certificate, for the purposes of
executing the Bond.
Art. 287o.- THE Bonds will be ratified in a Book of Bonds that the Administration
of the Municipal Administrative Courts of Misdemeanors will provide for this
purpose. In the act of ratification, the guarantor will establish an address in the
city of Córdoba and within a radius of thirty (30) blocks from the Municipality of
Article 288°. - REPEALS Ordinance No. 10969, Offense Code, its amendments
and any other provision that opposes this Ordinance.
Art. 289°.- COMMUNICATE, Publish, give a copy to the Municipal Registry and
FIRST: This Code will enter into force as of April 1, 2016.

SECOND: The Municipal Executive Department will have all the measures and
actions tending to give the widest diffusion to this Code, promoting its publication
on the official websites and distributing it in the Public and Private Organizations
of the city of Córdoba.
THIRD: The Municipal Executive Department will send all the Immigrant
Organizations and Collectivities of the city of Córdoba to carry out the Official
translation of this Code for the purposes of its publicity through the dissemination
areas of the same and the Municipality of Córdoba. Likewise, it will procure the
translation in the Braille System.
FOURTH: Authorized premises and establishments that retail or wholesale
pyrotechnics or fireworks items and/or artifacts and that are authorized on the
date of enactment of this Code, will expire their authorizations on their expiration
date, provided that they have the qualification conditions that were imposed,
otherwise, if any infraction is verified, the Judge will order the closure and definitive



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