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Aries Joshua M.

Mutia – A0

Provide the events when your emotional responses were the following;
Fight, Flight and Freeze

The basic physiological reaction to potentially harmful or threatening situations is the fight-or-
flight response. It basically states that our bodies are programmed from birth to either fight
back or flee when we are in danger. When confronted with a perceived threat, your brain
believes you are in danger. This is due to the fact that it already considers the situation to be
life threatening. As a result, your body initiates the fight-flight-freeze response to keep you




Back when I was growing up in my hometown, my uncle used to tend to this one
carabao which I often see but barely interacted with. One thing about carabaos is that we
used to have varieties of sound we can make in order to signal them to stop, go and even
run. One afternoon while he was relocating the carabao somewhere with a shade, my uncle
passed by our house. While he was talking with our grandmother, I had the urge to interact
with the carabao and made a sound which apparently signaled it to run. It then posed itself to
run towards where I was. Having struck with fear, I closed my eyes as I froze on the spot,
incapable of moving myself from harm’s way. When I opened my eyes, luckily my uncle
pulled the ropes in the nick of time, preventing the carabao from ramming his horns towards

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