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Word Forms

Practice Exercise

Part A: Put the following words in the correct box according to their form: Nouns, Verbs,
and Adjectives

banana blue boy car city cold cook

dance dog eat go happy hot laugh
orange pen pink sleep student tall walk


`banana` boy, car, city `cook` cook, dance `blue`cold, hot, orange
dog, pen, student. eat, go, laugh, sleep pink,tall. happy

Part B: Put the following words in the correct box according to their form: common
noun, proper noun, or pronoun

Abigail Coca Cola college company

girl he I it Mr. Hawkins
she soda teacher they Timber College
we Xerox you

Common NOUNS Proper NOUNS Pronouns

`teacher` `Mr. Hawkins` ` I `

college, company, girl Abigail, Coca Cola, he, it, she, they, we,
soda. Timber College, you.

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