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An amplitude modulation signal has complex envelope as

x(t) = Ac (1 + m(t))
Where m(t) = [–0.7 – 0.3 s]
m(t) = [–0.7] – 0.3 sin ω1t + 1.2 sin ω2t]
And the maximum amplitude of the carrier after modulation is given by 16 V, then
unmodulated carrier amplitude is________ V.
A. 200 V
B. 160 V
C. 230 V
D. 150 V

Answer ||| B
Solution |||

Modulation index


2. Consider the following types of modulation :

1. Amplitude modulation
2. Frequency modulation
3. Pulse modulation
4. Phase modulation
Which of the above modulation are used for telecasting TV programs?
A. 2 and 3
B. 3 and 4
C. 1 and 2
D. 1 and 4

Answer ||| C
Solution |||
For TV telecast we use AM modulation and FM modulation
AM modulation : Video signal
FM modulation : Audio signal

3. When both the amplitude and frequency of a sinusoidal message signal are doubled, the
modulation index will be doubled in
1) Amplitude modulation
2) Frequency modulation
3) Phase modulation
Select the correct answer using the codes given below.
A. 2 only
B. 1 and 3 only
C. 2 and 3 only
D. 1, 2, 3

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
For AM μAM = ka Am

For FM βFM =
For PM, βPM = KPAm
So, when both Am and fm are doubled, μAM and βPM will be doubled and βFM will remain

4. In amplitude modulation, the modulation envelop has a peak value which is double the
unmodulation carrier value. What is the value of the modulation index?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100%

Answer ||| D
Solution |||

Here, = 2Ac
Thus α = 1,
Therefore, modulation index is 1 or 100% modulation.

5. The maximum transmission power efficiency of DSB-SC Amplitude modulation is:

A. 25%
B. 33.33%
C. 50%
D. 100%

Answer ||| D
Solution |||
6. In a spectrum analyser a signal with 100% amplitude modulation is observed, what type of
display should be observed?
A. A centre frequency and both USB and LSB ‘6’ dB down.
B. A centre frequency and both USB and LSB of equal amplitude.
C. A centre frequency that is ‘6’ dB down from both USB and LSB .
D. A suppressed carrier with both USB & LSB of equal amplitude.

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
Modulation index ( )=1
Therefore, AM wave s(t)=

Power of carrier component, =

Power of LSB component =power of USB component=

Therefore, ratio of power of carrier and power of side band ,

SO, USB and LSB will be 6 dB down compare to carrier.

7. Consider an amplitude modulated signal, 20 cos (4π × 103t) with carrier signal 100 cos (4π
× 103t), then the modulation index is
A. 0.2
B. 0.4
C. 2
D. 4

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
Modulating signal,

So, Am = 20
Carrier signal,

So, AC = 100

So, modulation index,

m = 0.2

8. The power of an AM signal is 50W and modulation index is 0.5 . What is the peak amplitude
of carrier signal before modulation?
A. 12V
B. 5V
C. 9.427V
D. 4.241V
Answer ||| C
Solution |||

Pt = 50


[R = 1 Ω, standard]

[carrier signal ]

Ac = 9.427V

9. Let 60% of modulation index is used in amplitude modulation. Now to same power, SSB
modulation is used. Assume carrier power is 10W and sawtooth wave is used for modulation.
What amount of power is used for AM modulation and how much % of power is saved while
using SSB modulation?
A. 11.8 W, 92.37%
B. 11.2 W, 92.37%
C. 11.2 W, 84.7%
D. 11.8 W, 84.7%

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
For sawtooth wave,

Total power for AM =

AM → SSB, % of power saved =

10. The amplitude of a sinusoidal carrier is modulated by a single sinusoid to obtain the
amplitude modulated signal
s(t) = 5 cos 1600 πt + 20 cos 1800 πt + 5 cos 2000 πt
The value of the modulation index is _______.
A. 1.5
B. 0.5
C. 2.3
D. 3.5

Answer ||| B
Solution |||

11. The maximum and minimum amplitude of an amplitude modulated wave is found to be
100 V and 25 V respectively. Calculate modulation index (In percentage) and amplitude of
original carrier frequency:
A. 50%, 48.6 V
B. 60%, 62.5 V
C. 50%, 62.5 V
D. 60%, 48.6 V

Answer ||| B
Solution |||

Modulation index

Amplitude of carrier wave

12. What will be the total modulation index if a wave is amplitude modulated by three sine
waves with modulation indices of 25%, 50% and 75%?
A. Mt = 1.5
B. Mt = 0.93
C. Mt = 1.22
D. Mt = 1
Answer ||| B
Solution |||

13. In AM modulation, the equation of the modulating signal is given by

f(t) = Am cos(ωmt). If the amplitude of the carrier wave is A and there is no over-modulation,
the modulation efficiency will be
A. 33.9%
B. 38.6%
C. 43.3%
D. 48.6%

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
For under critically modulation, μ ≤ 1
For critical or maximum modulation μ = 1

14. A sinusoidal wave carrier voltage of frequency 2 MHz and amplitude 200 volts is amplitude
modulated by the sinusoidal voltage of frequency 10 kHz producing 75% modulation.
Calculate the frequency and amplitude of upper and lower sidebands.
A. 50 V, 2010 kHz, 1990 kHz
B. 75 V, 2010 kHz, 1990 kHz
C. 100 V, 2015 kHz, 1995 kHz
D. 150V, 2020 kHz, 1950 kHz

Answer ||| B
Solution |||

Frequency of carrier wave

Frequency of signal is
Modulation factor,
Amplitude of carrier is EC = 200V
Lower sideband frequency is

Upper sideband frequency is

Amplitude of each sideband term will be

15. Considering the system shown below.

If Q(t) = 5P(t) + 15 (P2 (t))

Then, the amplitude of modulation signal required to produce a modulating index of 0.7 is
A. 3 V
B. 0.23 V
C. 2.1 V
D. 3.33 V

Answer ||| B
Solution |||

The AM signal is
16. Sinusoidal carrier voltage of frequency 1.5 MHz and amplitude 50V is amplitude
modulated by sinusoidal voltage of frequency 10 kHz producing 50% modulation. The lower
and upper-side-band frequencies in kHz are
A. 1490, 1510
B. 1510, 1490
1 1
C. 1490 ,  1510
1 1
D. 1510 ,  1490

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
Here fc = 1.5 MHz = 1500 kHz, fm = 10 kHz
∴Low side-band frequency
= fc - fm = 1500 kHz- 10 kHz
= 1490 kHz
Upper side-band frequency
= fc + f m = 1500 kHz + 10 kHz
= 1510 kHz

17. If a power of carrier wave is 136W and modulation is 40% in the amplitude signal then
calculate the power in each sideband
A. 10.34W
B. 2.76W
C. 12W
D. 5.44W

Answer ||| D
Solution |||
We know,

= 5.44W.

18. What would be the maximum and the minimum positive envelop of AM signal for career
amplitude of 7V with modulation coefficient of 0.7?
A. 11.2v, 2.1v
B. 11.9v, 2.2v
C. 11.1v, 2.2v
D. 11.9v, 2.1v

Answer ||| D
Solution |||
Amax = Ac (1+ ) = |7(1+0.7) | = 11.9 v
Amin = Ac (1- = |7(1-0.7) | = 2.1 v

19. A message signal given by

1 1
m(t) = (2) cos ω1 t − (2) sin ω2 t
Is amplitude modulated with a carrier of frequency ωc to generate.
S(t) = [1 + m(t)] cos ωct
What is the power efficiency achieved by this modulation scheme?
A. 8.33%
B. 11.11%
C. 20%
D. 25%

Answer ||| C
Solution |||
Power efficiency,  =
where, PSB = power in side bands
PTOT = total power transmitted

Power in side bands,

Power efficiency

20. A carrier wave has power of 1675 kW. If the side band power of a modulated wave
subjected to 60%. Then find the amplitude modulation level
A. 301.5 kW
B. 942 kW
C. 1392 kW
D. 1884 kW

Answer ||| A
Solution |||

As you know that, sideband power is, , Where PC is power of carrier wave, PS is
sideband power and ‘m’ is modulation rate,

21. A carrier wave has power of 1675 kW. If the side band power of a modulated wave
subjected to 60%. Then find the amplitude modulation level
A. 301.5 kW
B. 942 kW
C. 1392 kW
D. 1884 kW
Answer ||| A
Solution |||

As you know that, sideband power is, , Where PC is power of carrier wave, PS is
sideband power and ‘m’ is modulation rate,

22. The carrier c (t) = A cos 2π106t is angle modulated (PM or FM) by the signal m(t) = 2 cos
(2000πt). The deviation constants are kp = 1.5 rad/V and kf = 3000 Hz/V.
The value of modulation indices βf and βp are respectively
A. 3 and 6
B. 6 and 3
C. 6 and 12
D. 12 and 6

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
Given, the carrier signal
c(t) = A cos (2π 106t)
Message signal,
m(t) = 2 cos (2000πt)
Phase deviation constant,
Kp=1.5 rad/V
Frequency deviation constant
Kf = 3000 Hz/V
So, the modulation index of FM signal is

Again, the modulation index of PM signal is given by

Βp = kp max|m(t)|
= 1.5× 2=3

23. An angle modulation signal is given as

x(t) = 100 cos [2ϖfct + 4 sin200 ϖt]
Where fc = 10 MHz
Find the peak phase deviation
A. 2
B. 4
C. 4ϖ
D. 8ϖ

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
The maximum phase deviation is ΔՓmax = |4 sin(200 ϖt)| = 4

24.The correct statement is

A. Signal is PM
B. Signal is FM
C. Signal is both PM and FM
D. Signal is AM

Answer ||| C
Solution |||
Angle modulated signal can be interpreted both as a PM & FM signal. It is a PM signal with
phase deviation constant K = 4 and message
Signal m(t) = sin(200ϖt) and it is an FM signal with frequency deviation constant k = 4000
and message signal
m(t) = cos (2000ϖt)

25. An angle modulated signal is given as x(t) =100 cos (2πfct+4 sin 2πfmt)
Where fc =1000 MHz and fm =1000 Hz
If this is a PM signal, the modulation index and transmitted signal bandwidth is A. 2 and 10
B. 4 and 6 kHz
C. 2 and 6 kHz
D. 4 and 10 kHz

Answer ||| D
Solution |||
Again, we have the signal
x(t) = 100 cos(2πfct+4 sin 2πfmt)
= 100 cos [2π×109t + 4sin(2π× 1000t)]
So, the peak phase deviation is obtained as

Therefore, the modulation index of PM is given by

βp= Δθ = 4
Also, we obtain the bandwidth of PM signal as
BPM= 2 (βp +1)fm
= 2(4+1)× 1000 = 10 kHz

26. If this is an FM signal, the modulation index and the transmitted signal bandwidth is
A. 2 and 10 kHz
B. 4 and 6 kHz
C. 2 and 6 kHz
D. 4 and 10 kHz

Answer ||| D
Solution |||
Given, the angle modulated signal
x(t) = 100 cos (2πfct+4 sin2πfmt)
Carrier frequency
fc = 1000 MHz = 109 Hz
Frequency of message signal
fm =1000 Hz
So, we have the phase
θ (t) =4 sin (2π × 1000t)
Therefore, the maximum frequency deviation is given by

= max{400 cos 1000t) = 4000

So, the modulation index of the FM signal is obtained as

Also, we get the bandwidth of FM signal as

B = 2 (βf+1)fm
= 2(4+1) 1000 = 10 kHz

27. Consider an angle modulated signal with phase modulation as follows

xc (t) = 10 cos(ωc t + 3 sin ωm t)
Assume fm = 1kHz. Find the bandwidth (in kHz) when fm is doubled.

Answer |||
Solution |||

Thus, m(t) =

Modulation index

When (as is independent of

28. A narrowband FM signal has a carrier frequency of 100 kHz and a deviation ratio of 0.1.
The modulation bandwidth is 500 Hz. This signal is used to generate a wideband FM signal
with a deviation ratio of 5 and a carrier frequency of 85 MHz. The scheme utilized to
accomplish this is shown in figure.
The required value of frequency multiplication is
A. 50
B. 10
C. 20
D. 15

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
Given, the deviation ratio of narrowband FM

Or fin = 0.1 fm
This is fed to the multipliers to get the deviation ratio at output as

or fout = 5 fm
So, the required value of frequency multiplication is

29. Find modulation index of multi-tone modulation FM signal shown modulated with
carrier frequency fc?
S(t) = cos[2πfc t + 24 cos( 6000πt) + 7 sin( 6000πt)]
A. 17
B. 5
C. 25
D. 31

Answer ||| C
Solution |||

Then S(t) = cos[2πfct + 25cos (6000 πt – α]

On comparing with
S(t) = cos[2πfct + β cos (ωmt + α)]

30. Consider the frequency modulated signal

10 cos [2π × 105t + 5 sin (2π × 1500t) + 7.5 sin(2π × 1000t)]
with carrier frequency of 105 Hz. The modulation index is

Answer |||
Solution |||
We have
θi = 2π105t+5sin (2π1500t) + 7.5sin(2π1000t)
ωi = dθi/dt = 2π105 + 10π1500 cos(2π1500t) + 15π1000 cos(2π1000t)
Maximum frequency deviation is
Δωmax = 2π (5 × 1500 + 7.5 × 1000)
Δfmax = 15000
Modulation index is = Δfmax/ fm
= 15000/1500 = 10

31. An Armstrong indirect FM modulator is to be used to generate an FM carrier with a carrier

frequency of 98.1 MHz and frequency deviation Δf = 75 kHz. A narrow band FM generator is
available at a carrier frequency of 100 kHz and a frequency deviation Δf = 10 Hz. The scheme
utilized to accomplish this is shown in figure.

The centre frequency of BPF is

A. 1.89 MHz
B. 1.635 MHz
C. 1.71 MHz
D. None of these

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
Before the 60 multiplier carrier frequency

Therefore, centre frequency of BPF would be 1.635 MHz

The message signal m1(t) is shown in figure above.

If m1(t) is frequency modulated on a carrier with frequency 106Hz with frequency sensitivity
(kf) = 5 Hz/V the maximum instantaneous frequency of the modulated signal is
A. 1.5 MHz
B. 15 MHz
C. 1.5 kHz
D. 15 kHz

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
The instantaneous frequency is
f1(t) = fc kfm1(t)
The maximum of fi(t) is
Max[f1(t)] = max [fc + kfm1(t)]
= 106 + 5 × 105 = 1.5 MHz


The message signal m1(t) is shown in figure above.

If m1(t) is phase modulated on a carrier with frequency 106Hz with phase deviation constant
(kp) = 3 rad/V the maximum instantaneous frequency of the modulated signal is
A. (106 + ) Hz

B. (106 + 3π) Hz
C. (106 + 3) Hz
D. (106 + 2) Hz

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
The phase of the PM modulated signal is ϕ(t) = kpm1(t) and the instantaneous frequency
1 d kp d
fi ( t ) = fc +  ( t ) = fc + m (t )
2 dt 2 dt 1
The maximum of f1(t) is achieved for t in [0, 1] where m ( t ) = 105.
dt 1
 3  105 
Hence, max fi ( t ) = 106 +  Hz
 2 

34. An angle modulated signal

x(t) = 10 cos [108πt] + 3 sin 2π(103t) is present across a 50 Ω resistor. The peak phase
deviation and the peak frequency deviation respectively are
A. 3rad & 3kHz
B. 3kHz & 3 rad
C. 1.5 kHz & 1.5 rad
D. 1.5 rad & 1.5 kHz

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
x(t) = 10 cos (108 πt + 3 sin 2π(103t) … (1)
108 
fc = = 50 MHz
2  103
fm = = 1 kHz
frequency deviation Δf = ?
From (1)  = =3
∴ Δf = 3fm = 3 × 1
Δf = 3 kHz
Phase deviation
Δϕ = 3 rad

35. A signal phase modulated by m(t) Shown in fig., is given by

s(t) = cos[ωct + 2π m(t)] Volts.

The maximum frequency deviation of the carrier above fc is
A. 3 kHz
B. 2 kHz
C. 4 kHz
D. 1 kHz
Answer ||| B
Solution |||
Given that
s(t) = cos[ωct + 2πm(t)] volts
1 d
fi =  t + 2m(t)
2 dt  c
1 d
= 2f t + 2m(t)
2 dt  c
fi = fc + [m(t)]
we know that fi = fc + kf m(t)
Here kfm(t) = m ( t )
dt 
Δf = max {kfm(t)}
d 
f = max  m(t)
 dt 
Δf = 2 kHz

36. A single tone AM with 100% modulation and corrupted by AWGN is envelope detected. A
certain figure of merit is obtained under small noise conditions. If the same figure of merit is
to be obtained for single tone FM with slope detection under similar noise conditions then
the modulation index of FM is
A. 2√2
C. 2
Answer ||| D
Solution |||
Given that μ = 100% = 1
FOM of AM with envelope detection =
2 + 2
1 1
Here μ = 1 ⇒ (FOM)AM = =
1+2 3
Given that (FOM)AM = (FOM)FM
1 3 2
 = 
3 2
 2 =

Common Data 37, 38, 39

A double-tuned amplifier used in a Superheterodyne Receiver has uncoupled tuned circuits
with Q = 100 each. The signal frequency is 100 MHz and the IF is 10.7 MHz. The local oscillator
frequency at the mixer is greater than the incoming signal frequency.

37. The local oscillator frequency (in Mhz) & the Image Rejection Ratio (IRR) respectively are
A. 110.7 & 39.02
B. 39.02 & 110.7
C. 121.4 & 50
D. None

Answer ||| A
Solution |||
fLO = fIF + fs = 100 + 10.7 = 110.7 MHz
fsi = fS + 2fIF = (100 + 2 × 10.7) MHz = 121.4 MHz
IRR = (1 + Q2ρ2)1/2
f f   121.4 100 
 =  si − s  =  −  = 0.39
 s f si   100 121.4 

and IRR = 1 + (100) (0.39) = 39.02

2 2

38. The Image Rejection Ratio (IRR) for an IF of 455 kHz is _____ .

Answer ||| 2.069

Solution |||
fLO for fIF = 455 kHz is (100 + 0.455) MHz = 100.455 MHz
fsi = fs + 2fIF = (100 + 0.910) MHz = 100.910 MHz
f f   100.91 100 
 ' =  si − s  =  − = 0.018
 fs fsi   100 100.91 

IRR ' = 1 + (100 ) (0.018)

2 2
= 2.059
39. If the Q of the primary and the secondary circuits of the IF transformer is 40 and 50,
respectively, the critical coupling factor is _____.

Answer ||| 0.0224

Solution |||
Critical coupling factor of the primary and the secondary circuits of the IF transformer,
( ) ( )
kc = Q1Q2 = 40  50−1/2 = 0.0224

Common data 40, 41, 42

The message signal m(t) has a bandwidth of 10 kHz, a power of 16 W and a maximum
amplitude of 6. It is desirable to transmit this message to a destination via a channel with 80
– dB attenuation and additive white noise with power – spectral density Sn (f) = 20 =
10−12  W/Hz, and achieve a SNR at the modulator output of at least 50 dB.

40. What is the required transmitter power (in kW) and channel bandwidth (in kHz) if DSB AM
modulation schemes is employed?
A. 100, 20
B. 200, 20
C. 100, 10
D. 200, 10

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
We first determine the base band SNR   as a basis of comparison.
 N b
S PR PR 108 PR
N = = =
 b N0W 2  10−12  104 2
Since the channel attenuation is 80 dB, the ratio of transmitted power PT to received power
PR is
10 log = 80
And, therefore,
PR = 10–8 PT
S 104  10−8 PT PT
N = 2
 b
For DSB AM, we have
S S PT 5
 N  =  N  = 2  50dB = 10
 0  b
= 105
⇒ PT = 2 × 105 W ≈ 200 kW and BW = 2W
= 2 × 10000 = 20 kHz
41. What is the required transmitter power (in kW) and channel bandwidth (in kHz) if SSB
AM modulation scheme is employed?
A. 100, 20
B. 200, 20
C. 100, 10
D. 200, 10

Answer ||| D
Solution |||
S S PT s
 N  =  N  = 2 = 10
 0  h
⇒ PT = 200 kW
and BW = W = 10000 Hz = 10 kHz

42. What is the required transmitter power (in kW) and channel bandwidth (in kHz) if
conventional AM modulation scheme (with modulation index of 0.8) is employed?
A. 100, 20
B. 909, 20
C. 100, 10
D. 200, 10

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
For conventional AM, with μ = 0.8,
S S PT
N = N =  2
 0  b
Where η is the modulation efficiency given by
1 + 2Pm
First we find Pm0, the power content of the normalized message signal.
Since max/m(t)/=6, we have
Pm Pm 16 4
Pm4 = 2
= = =
(max | m(t) |) 36 36 9
0.82 
= 9  0.22
1 + 0.82 
S PI 5
 N  = 0.22 2 = 0.1IPT = 10
 0
PT = 909 kW
The bandwidth of conventional AM is equal to the bandwidth of DSB AM: i.e.,
BW = 2W = 20 kHz
43. According to FCC standards, Bandwidth allocated for FM station is ________ .
A. 10 kHz
B. 5 kHz
C. 15 kHz
D. 200 kHz

Answer ||| D
Solution |||

44. A super heterodyne receiver having RF amplifier is tuned to 1200 kHz, the intermediate
frequency is 450 kHz. The quality factor of the tuned circuit at RF amplifier and at the mixer
are same and is equal to 65. The image rejection ratio is
A. 587
B. 870
C. 76.613
D. 84

Answer ||| C
Solution |||
fsi fs
= −
fs fsi
fsi = fs + 2 ( fIF )
2100 1200
= −
1200 2100
α = Image rejection ratio = 1 + Q2 2
[Tunned circuit of same quality factor used at two stages]
∴ α = (1 + (65)2 ρ2)1/2
α = 76.01

45. Without any filtering, a broadcast station at 1900 kHz is heard together with another
station at 2800 kHz on a super heterodyne receiver. The IF employed would have been
A. 900 kHz
B. 450 kHz
C. 300 kHz
D. 455 kHz

Answer ||| B
Solution |||
Image frequency = fs + 2fIf
Image frequency = 2800 kHz
Signal frequency = 1900 kHz
Intermediate frequency
2800 − 1900
= = 450kHz

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